What did you guys think of the new chapter?
What did you anime-only plebs think of the new episode?
Boku no Hero Academia
I honestly though that the moderator villain is homosexual.
New chapter was pretty good, we finally see Deku do shit after a while and the plot's moving forward. Toga and Twice did their job making the arc interesting again, but hopefully they still stick around. I'm convinced Hori has forgotten about the girls at this point.
What happened to the last thread?
I'm glad we're finally into the end of term exam, I think it's a lot of fun.
>thread gets deleted
>2 threads made instantly
So this is the power... of my hero academia...
Why was the last thread deleted?
How strong is he?
Whats the biggest baddie he could take?
Would he just be a jobber?
Does he actually not have a quirk or is it a passive quirk?
(Haven't read vigilantes yet)
Mods must have thought it was a general for absolutely no reason. I didn't understand, either.
>Mirio either dies a hero or lives long enough to become the villain
I don't buy it
Hori will find a way
He's about death arms level of strong it seems?
I hope S3 gets the same team back. The music for the whole AFO/OFA explanation was great.
He'd job against anything that was an actual threat, he doesn't have a quirk
Who are you quoting?
Does anyone have that image of Deku wearing All Mights outfit? I remember seeing it on Sup Forums a few months back, I think it was some kind of promotional art...
How far would you go to save one person?
Deku seems to get pinned down by women a lot..
Would you push her off?
What would you do if Bones did an anime original split off starting next season?
Assuming Toga does kill Stain and Deku and becomes them, then what? What's her appeal to becoming someone?
What the actual fuck user
Does what?
I'd be pretty hyped
No you stupid bitch, Deku would use a napkin to clean his face.
>New chapter
We learn what Twice does, nothing else really happens. Kind of a boring chapter. At least we (might) get to see Tin Tin next time.
>New episode
They did justice with Mineta's eye being stabbed. 10/10
What are you talking about? She wants to become them becauzse she believes their lives are easier. She infatuates herself with the idea of who they are, but as soon as she is them she has that actually live their lives. That and she would only be able to live as them for around 47 days. Then her blood supply would run out (if she stayed like them for the entire day).
Only way she could stay for anyone indefinitely would be if she kept them imprisoned somewhere as her infinite blood supply.
Mineta is 5'8_____________
I'd like it to become a recurring thing that Toga continually taunts Ochako over her romantic feelings for Deku. I want Ochako and Deku to be a working couple in the manga, not just an end-of-the-series pairing, but at the same time I want Toga to give her a hard time (without cuckolding or any of that ebin shit)
Why doesn't she just stay as Kemie then?
>>New chapter
>We learn what Twice does, nothing else really happens. Kind of a boring chapter.
The chapter was more cute than anything else. But there really isn't much you can do with a chapter when it is at the most 20 pages. A chapter needs to be at least 40 pages if you want it to be able to actually contain enough stuff in it to be exciting. Otherwise it will just be one cliffhanger after another.
>not his actual height
>still a manlet
Alien comfirmed street hooker
>getting nuked at last
>still making two new threads
What are thise OPs even trying to achieve? Why can't /bnhag/ rest a little at least?
Oh trust me, the Ochako, Deku, Toga ship will never die.
This cover without my girl Momo.
Alien Queen is a hard worker and will be a great hero
Maybe she didn't find Camie's life interesting? Maybe Camie is alive and gave Toga the blood willingly? Maybe she had plans to be Camie again but now that Deku has recognized her transform ability that would no longer be an option.
Speaking of which. As an extra chapter I'd love seeing Toga interact with people at Camie's school. Show the manga from her perspective for a while and how people are tricked. It would also be fun and see how she acted during the rescue part of the license exams. Did she actually get a license? Did she save people?
>ends with Bakug and Deku setting aside their differences to beat Shigaraki-Afo
>afterwards they fight each other one on one again (the winner gets Ochako)
>they both lose one narm and their blood forms a heart together
/bnhag/ doesn't exist, only /grapeg/ does and those get rightfully nuked.
Minetta is shorter than Gran Torino.
do you live in fear?
>Did she actually get a license? Did she save people?
No, she left after the first round
Because the user you responded to is wrong.
He sees something Toga says and deduces the surface thoughts from it only.
Toga doesn't want to become someone else, it's just a temporary obsession while she's going after someone because of her quirk.
She does admire her target's strong points, especially if they're particularly driven, but her infatuation with Deku goes beyond that. It's just business mixing with pleasure, the point of her joining the VA, which was using her skills for things she wants.
You can't completely exterminate cockroaches no matter how many times you nuke them.
> exterminate cockroaches whit nukes
theres your problem son you are retarded
no because I live in america
It's a general because the majority of posts are not staying on the topic the OP started with, and quickly drifted off.
That's every thread on this website you dunce.
I am being ironic, my nigga.
How long until the threads are moved to /trash/ like the jojo ones
Im following two more animes and the new rules are bullshit because it get abused the moment some retard see something he doesnt like
I prefer general better, when you have a life is more comfortable and you can just ignore shitposters
I thought it was good, this second season its doing a great job, except Froppy filler episode
why do that wen you can achive maximum fagottry and eleate them
>I'd like it to become a recurring thing that Toga continually taunts Ochako over her romantic feelings for Deku.
Himiko never did any such thing in the first place, and why would she taunt her?
>I want Ochako and Deku to be a working couple in the manga
They will, and then it will be revealed that she is the traitor.
> I want Toga to give her a hard time (without cuckolding or any of that ebin shit)
Why? Himiko isn't some shitty plotdevice to further the relationship between Ochaco and Izuku. Himiko as one of the future moral cornerstones in Izuku's quest to become a hero. Since she is interested in him she will be a continuous thing in his life, a villain but a person that likes him. Since he analyze everything and it seems Himiko does to, he is bound to sooner or later get forced to start thinking about her and try to understand her.
Another important tidbit was actually shown in chapter 149 where Himiko revealed that she think people that behave like Bakugou are lame. In other words, when finds out more about Izuku, his own relationship towards Bakugou will come to light and come into play as well.
Getting his tongue bitten by Ochako as he aggressively shove his tongue into her mouth
I guess it should be re-worded as "is this how you two do it"?
>a shonen manga with an anime adaptation that's currently airing isn't allowed regular threads
Sup Forums is most busy on the weekends; the anime airs on Saturday and the weekly chapter is released on Monday, so it's fucking dumb to try and get rid of these threads.
>Toga becomes Ochako's rival over the series.
>Keeps taunting her over her being "too scared to confess"
>Keeps dryhumping air to mock Ochako
>Keeps spouting Ochako's fantasies with Deku
>It's later revealed that Toga has successfully guessed Ochako's secret fetish
>Because the user you responded to is wrong.
No, I am not.
>He sees something Toga says and deduces the surface thoughts from it only.
lolwut? I base it on everything we have seen and everything she has said.
>Toga doesn't want to become someone else, it's just a temporary obsession while she's going after someone because of her quirk.
The hell did you get this from? There is absolutely nothing that indicates this in the manga. Even the explanation of her quirk when she supposedly was under the influence of a quirk that forced her to tell the truth, revealed nothing of that kind.
>She does admire her target's strong points, especially if they're particularly driven,
The hell did you get this from? There is nothing like this in the manga. Every time she has been talking and told people her motivation she has always said that she wanted to have an easy life. Her whole motivation for joining the VA was because she wanted to have it easier.
>her infatuation with Deku goes beyond that.
As much as I love the Izuku x Himiko pairing, I haven't seen any real proof of that yet in the manga. The closest thing we have come is when she called him cool. Maybe her infatuation will grow, but for now we haven't seen anything like that.
>It's just business mixing with pleasure
Again, the hell are you talking about?
> the point of her joining the VA, which was using her skills for things she wants.
No it wasn't. Try to actually read the manga speedreader-kun. She joined the alliance because it allows her to live an easier life. When around them she doesn't have to worry that much about being safe and she actually have people around her that she can get help from and talk with.
>Ochako's secret fetish
and that would be?
Probably poor people's power fantasy.
Role-playing as a rich aristocrat while Deku role-plays as the plumber coming to fix her sink pipes
She likes to watch
>the anime airs on Saturday and the weekly chapter is released on Monday, so it's fucking dumb to try and get rid of these threads
You haven't been much around, right? Generals are 24/7 the same, we discuss the new episode only in the threads that are alive when it's aired and if it's good in the next thread too. Then it's the same faggotry as usual. Also chapters are released on thursday, not monday, those threads waiting for spoilers are not as bad tho.
>last one deleted for being general
>they shit two more almost instantly
I am not even mad.
Female Deku
He enjoys it.
>You haven't been much around, right?
No, I binged watched the anime for the first time this week then continued on through the manga. I'm on chapter 108 right now.
Yeah but what would Deku's fetish be?
That'd be pretty awful!
Someone breaks his fingers. After doing it for so long it became arousing for him.
All Might
So this season will end with the Deku/Bakugo v All Might fight and tease season 3 next year so there's more material to adapt, right?
I think I'd prefer a happier ending where Deku gets Ochako and Bakugou finally accepts that he's not the best
He later says that while he admits Deku is better, he looks forward to the day he see's someone better than Deku.
He later becomes Uncle KaChan
>No, she left after the first round
She wasn't eliminated in the first round and we see her waving to Deku as she was one of the people that qualified. She left right away AFTER the exams was over.
There's already plenty of material to adapt for Season 3, it's S4 and S5 that they're probably starting to worry about.
You don't understand Toga at all.
Since we are being watched by the mods, this isn't how bnha threas are commonly: in fact threads are full speed living for like 5 hours at best, full of waifuspamming, shipfagging, grapespammer, some unironically good pics worth stealing and if you are lucky you can find comfiness or an actual not-shit thread in like 1 out of ten 10 threads or even less.
We deserve this purge
But even so, i'm still here for the pics and the hope of us doing something comfy/not shit.
and if they wait a bit for season 3, they won't have to worry about at least season 4. I personally want minimal filler, even as fun as the extended intern stuff was.
why is ochako mad in that picture?
Thank you, user.
I've been here for the past few days and I've seen what these threads are like most of the time.
I'm not that into anime (I only watch /m/ stuff normally) and the only manga I actively read is JoJolion, but I'm really enjoying this series.
I've just been posting some panels as I've been reading.
But wouldn't she be rich as a pro hero and as the wife of the Symbol of Peace for Japan?
because grapefag is trying to fuck r63 deku
get a room already, fgts.
Was shipping ever ok in these threads?
Momo is cute.
What would some of Class A's quirks be if you reversed them, besides One For all
I've seen almost whole threads dominated by shipping and be left untouched, so who knows. Post at your own risk.
It became the only thing that was being posted for a while, which is usually what happens when there's nothing left to discuss. The 1 week chapter break and the filler episode didn't help.
>mirio will deal with these
>I haven't seen any real proof of that yet in the manga.
Pic related, and we haven't even seen that much. Deku is obviously special in her eyes, and my guess is she sees the same thing AM did in him.
>Again, the hell are you talking about?
Killing seems to be her business by her being so good at it.
Pleasure is going after Deku.
>She joined the alliance because it allows her to live an easier life.
The only way you'd be able to pull this sentence over and over and deduce anything from it is if you know the original meaning. "wanting an easier life" or "wanting the world to be an easier place to live in" points to her being constrained from acting the way she wants.
She wants to change society, and consequently her life. This led her to being influenced by Stain's ideals.
If someone can find the raws it'd certainly help make sense of what she was saying those couple times.
The last few chapters were really good, I think this arc has finally hit its stride. Furthermore, the 150th chapter is due next week, that should be good.
I'm always ready to take the risk.
I'm looking forward to a formal explanation of his quirk. I want to know how he brings people back after exploding them and if he was the guy who did this weird fusing thing.
Momo pls
Anyone got a clean soundclip of Froppy saying "Kero Kero"?
more please