What do you want from the upcoming new season of Senran Kagura?
What do you want from the upcoming new season of Senran Kagura?
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Poochy bellies.
NO nipples
and Leo
Please no Yumi
Please be Yumi
Who are the popular Senrans nowadays? The polls are always changing. 1st being Yumi I know, but after.
Ass and titties.
Some bonding between imu and murasaki.
A little more focus on ass
Wait is there really a new season confirmed?
Haruka befriending the neighbourhood children.
Yes. There is a lot of Senran coming in the next couple years.
Haruka befriending other senrans?
I want to fuck Haruka's curls.
Best girl to get more screen time
my nigga
What are you, a blueball loving cuck?
>NO nipples
End yourself rightly
Just a prank bro
A cool new toy for Haruka.
Some token lolis
Lots of Yumi.
I fucking hate ecchishit.
Butt slapping.
I hate you.
>new season of Senran Kagura
Was announced a few weeks ago.
It got announced on a very special stream during a very special date.
The things I'd do to her tits. Murasaki's too
Supah Ninja!
More tits.
>Worst girl and slut to get less screen time
Quite the opposite, she's the purest.
>Worst girl
But he didn't post Yumi.
Not sure what you're going on about.
This. I really hope that Mirai gets very little screen time.
This, the entire reason I refuse to watch any of the anime series is because they don't add nipples, or even include them in the BD specials. Cocktease is shit.
That last OVA was a major step in the right direction.
What would be better - a show with bad fanservice but nipples, or a show with good fanservice but no nipples?
Leo is so wonderful. I'm glad she's one of the most popular New Waves.
A show with decent fanservice and areola
Not happening.
Can't wait for best girls, Asuka, Ryoubi, and Yozakura to appear more.
Shut up, Mirai is great
I want the old artist back.
The OVA looked atrocious.
No, she isn't.
> make the hottest senran so far
> give her a manly voice
In it for more of her.
>man name
>manly voice
I don't know anything about Senrans but I like the fluffy one with white short hair.
You have good taste.
He's a very nice boy, you chose well.
I would like the characters to look closer to Nan's designs.
>make a woman
>call it a transvestite with a male voice
>being this low test that he cant handle Saiga Mitsuki girls.
More Yuu Kobayashi
A better representation of Haruka's amazing hair.
Is the original anime at all worth watching if I'm in it for Haruka and Ikaruga alone? I enjoyed the specials but never actually watched the show.
1st post, best post.
beaver shots
The new art style looks good.
I'll always want this Senran or not.
I love how hard Haruka doms Mirai. She doms the absolute crap out of her. Hibari too.
I want to mend her broken heart and help her find love again.
I just want at least 1 Ryoubi dedicated episode.
Use the in-game chibi censors to cover up the nipples instead of other situational stuff.
More Ikaruga should be great.
More of this.
No, thanks.
More Yagyu
Less Yumi
That's what you get for thinking a who wave is the hottest senran.
PBS hair Miyabi is amazing. I hope they keep her hair like that in SK7, or make it optional.
I want Rin!
Yes, you get a decent amount of both of them. Also the specials were stupid, they were only trope filled fan service. The actual show has a plot other then just tits, granted a fairly shallow plot.
senran kagura needs more lolis or at least more mirai
No. Fuck Mirai.
The good ninjas need a loli too
Haruka, lots and lots of Haruka.
Sometimes she's even obese.
UP COMING SEASON!? You better not be trolling me.
It's no troll son
Sorry, but Haruka is very fit, thank you.