What was your first redpill, Sup Forums?

what was your first redpill, Sup Forums?

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How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

Danke für das Bump

Sorry, bad habbit

British bombers bombed my parents city along the croatian coastline even though no one was there. From that event I learned jews hate slavs and the queen is a jew through her cousins the rothchilds who claim to be the king of jews, and they love bombing anyone for some cow god.
Shit's been fucked ever since


wait, why? are you a serb or a croat?

In that case let me remind you, you can harass this smug little shit


Best way to troll him is to make him belive you belive with him but that his ideas are extremely l]just like CNN MSNBC lefty news stuff

i read the mighty Koran

probably the fact that muslims are subhuman. there was a time when you could openly hate them in the u.s. even teachers hated them

Pizza gate

Pizza gate was a fucking psyops because they tried to take away attention from Clinton

Lurk moar

the british ruined europe. britain is the reason the u.s. got involved in world wars in the first place. bunch of pussies start trouble and then scream for help the next day. and once its all set and done they slaughter innocent mongols for the hell of it

secret societies, like bohemian grove


I disagree. Podesta's emails are a good sign that it was real.

Lurk more.

I was interested in puzzles. Cicada 3301 had just come out and got me into darknet. From there got redpilled with 9/11 loose change as a starting point.

Bolsheviks were jews

I was born redpilled

Same for me. And that they purposefully exterminated Christians by the millions in Russia.
Since then my hatred for them knows no limits.

IQ / genetics link


Some TV segment where people were flipping out because some Dutch guys were mourning German WW2 soldiers

I was like: eh?

Working as night manager in a hotel. The cleaner was from Algeria.
We would often have meal together. But basically from 2 until 5am nothing was happening so we would sit and talk.

Fuck me, the shut that came out of his mouth. His hatred for my country, that he would happily kill his wife if she disobeyed him, how Christians are all idiots. And the look in his eyes when he told me this, a very angry man.
Before I met him I thought muslims where badly misrepresented, this man, who told me he was 'moderate', made me realise I had been an idiot to think they were a decent people.

Race realism, since genetic drift and differing selection pressures would virtually guarantee that there would be differences in intelligence and personality traits between ethnic groups.

International politics and false flags through the irak war.

My face buried in the crotch of a beautiful maiden, lapping at her clit and bringing her to ecstasy as she moaned in multiple orgasm and struggled to read me select passages from Mein Kampf in a steady voice.

Yeah pizzagate was and is real. Too much pedo evidence all over the world connects to the same sets of people and corporations.


Yeah, they are of a lower race. Probably the way we have been thousands of years ago, but we've wiped out these kinds of people from our gene pool.

Or you've got confirmation bias

That women are petty creature that live without honor or true purpose. A creature that behaves completely different from men

You've got shilliac disease

On 9/10. When Rumsfeld announced the Pentagon was missing 2.3 trillion dollars, i suggested something world changing would happen the next day or we may end up in some civil war or partial government shut down. Then 9/11 happened..... i was always interested in conspiracy theory but that made me swallow a giant red pill and I've been searching for the truth ever since then. After all of these years of hard truths and really tough to swallow pills like pizzagate and everything the Clinton foundation and Obama gets away work... even when caught and physically destroying evidence as lying under oath.
I can say for sure, it was worse than I could have ever imagined.

Working in customer service.


I've met more jews here than I have before in my entire life and every single one has been slimy and manipulative to the point of surpassing all stereotypes. I hate kikes, even if all the jewish conspiracy shit isn't true (and I'm not saying it's not) kikes are still garbage tier people, worse than niggers because nigs don't know any better.

That every race is retarded compared to whites.

Only fat fucks with lard clogged brains and room temperature IQ's think it's not
real. Anyone elsev saying it's not really is probably a kid fucker or pineal chewer, if not both.

These people are just not compatible with our society.
End of.

That PJW video about women destroying civilizations

>know blonde blue eyed girl my whole life
>we get to high school
>she sleeps with a nigger sports players (forget which sport) and then brags to everyone about it
>all her friends follow suit and get nigger bfs
learned to never trust the vaginal jew

9/11 - the whole thing just made zero sense and the story got crazier and crazier.

Here is the mission of Sup Forums– always has been – always will be — no one will change this, ever…… as long as we fight for it.

1. Get normies to take the FIRST redpill, the holohoax. There is NO other redpill before this. ZERO. You cannot escape the modern matrix without removing the basic foundations of its reality. Anyone who says otherwise is your enemy.

2. Studies in the Process of Demoralization and Cultural Marxism. This includes the entire system and how it has affected your personal life.

3. Deep studies on the origins of your existence, starting with the origins of the Universe, moving to around 30,000 BCE with the Cro-Magnon, and finalizing to the age of racial suicidal. This is where most of us split on naturalism/philosophy-science vs. religion/esoterics. But it's still important to re-establish a genetic, historical relationship to life itself and know why the fuck we are here (why you are here!). We must re-establish the meaning of the Aryan spirit!

4. Deep studies in self improvement to become, "the higher man" and, "herald the coming of the Overman". We all know the meaning of self improvement… The Overman is defined as a form of Futurism and Eugenics for whites, not controlled by Jews or the Communist dystopian BORG. It is important to plan for the future even if you're not physically apart of it because that's what life as a higher man/woman is all about.

5. Volk

>Financial nepotism

>War and Power


>Health and Nature


>Anonymous friendship that is not centralized


Anyone who takes you away from this set of goals is the enemy. PERIOD! No capitulation. No moderation. No fucking compromises. Just DAY OF THE FUCKING ROPE!

going to baseball games as a kid via public transportation. would get very uneasy and on edge with all the blacks but once you got near the stadium thered be a bunch of white/asian people and i knew i could relax

the most despised croat, a t.diaspora dalmatinac

It's true, Jews are the serpent, they're the lizards and reptiles of all the myths, its a metaphor for what they are on the inside. Remember Trumps story about the snake.

Hmm... There are several to choose from
>Assaulted, harassed, etc. all my life by them (sand niggers)
>Victim of the kebab terror attack in CPH
>Crime statistics
>IQ is the foundation of a good life - most sand niggers are mildly retarded
>Islam is a symptom of this
>Never seen or met a sand nigger, who genuinely inspired me in any context (and met countless of whites, who did).
>Arab music and culture is primitive
>Politicians seem to neglect genetics as an aspect in politics. Of course. It would be unsafe to claim the truth.
>Everyone like me and around me hate sand niggers.
>Success of a country correlates with the whiteness of it

Sounds like a larp desu

polar bear populations are increasing

>Islamic terrorist attacks in late 2015 - 16
>Anti SJWs 2015 - 16

>2016 - 17 Learned about the downfalls of Civic Nationalism, of which I was a part for a while
>Learn more about History

>become white nationalist in 2017


seems everyone has forgotten

The sad part about this is that it is a sign of intelligence. Jews are smart, and they simply use the tools they were born with

so when your house got bombed?

I had some brushes with immigrants when I was younger and never really liked them from the start, but I always assumed that them acting like shits were just individuals.

That changed when I was 14 or 15 and saw a film that became viral, showing a security guard detaining an immigrant kid, and the kid dressed and acted just like all the shitheads i was familiar with. I suppose this made me realise how widespread this behaviour is among them.

I took a third pill. The pill that allows me to see the reality within illusion itself. Get with it, kids.

In 5th grade when the girl I doted started dating the one black kid in our grade.

This. or Christianity I don't remember which came first but I was devastated either way

>but I always assumed that them acting like shits were just individuals
The Swedish propaganda is working disgustingly good

Honestly, if any progress against mass immigration is to be made, people need to spread and share more videos of them acting the way they do. Words are one thing, but statistics paired with actual visual evidence goes a long way.

What color pill is that?

I broke by neck trying to suck my own dick.

>Nov 43 to Oct 44
my dad was the one who witnessed it, british mosqito wooden bombers were strafing the country side and he was hiding out in the bunkers they built for Mussolini's forces who weren't even there

I worked with a bunch of niggers in a call center and they made my life hell for six years. I had things thrown at me, my stuff stolen, they would try to frame me to get into trouble with management. Nigs dislike whites, but they HATE whites with blonde hair and blue eyes. I started going on stormfront and stumbled onto all the Jew stuff.

i supposed they had such reason yeah, fuck anglo scum they were responsible for everything bad that happened down here. if they weren't meddling in our politics and initiated a coup no war and no atrocities would happen on these lands during ww2

the main thing for me was the though of "I bet if a white guy did that he would get called a racist"

I was a weird ads kid, like from elementary school on I was fascinated with Nazis and German wonder weapons, I always internally cheered for white athletes at sporting events. My parents somehow found out and basically said I can't do that so I kept it suppressed which was a good thing in the current environment. By all accounts I'm just an average 20-something.
>tl;dr I've been a neo Nazi since the 3rd grade

Being right wing and white in high school will turn even the mildest conservative into a nazi in minutes. Ever since graduating two years ago I have been red-pilled. The propaganda they shit out in those damn schools is a lot easier to see through than you'd think.

That homosexuality leads to fascism.



Probably just accidentally bombed the wrong town.

On Christianity: It was acid in the eyes to learn about the hijacking of the Christian dogma/doctrine by Scolfield. When researching the Scofield Bible and rise of Evangelism, it was clear that it did not match that mythos which existed before Constantinople codified Christianity as a religion.
On 9/11: Why people have "forgotten" is not too surprising when we learn just how deep the deceit goes. But, when we smell something that stinks about current day tragedies, it is a reminder that we don't trust those in whom we've placed our confidence. e.g. we should be asking for camera footage inside the school to be made public, with as much fervor as we used in getting an internal memo released. We are steadily moving towards critical mass and war footing at home

Care to expand? I'm a pill popper these days

Communism leads to state funded oppression and poverity . So u are forced to sell ur boipucci on the street and u will eventually get the aids to be able to survive for a little longer. Fascism is for chads who are enlightened and want traditional family values back in society while getting degenerate filth like u exterminated.

Family courts and public opinion are skewed toward the mother.

I guess it was studying policy, international ecconomy/finace and finding out females are much more different on average, if compared to men than commonly believed.


Gaymer gayte

USS Liberty attack.


Very interesting

They have a purpose, to birth and raise children. They are weak and reject following their purpose out of fear, some men do this too. Their weakness is part of their nature though, not a defect like in men, so it is our responsibility as strong men to guide them to the right path. They are essentially children.

gamergate I guess.

don't defend coalburners, faggot kike

In university in the late 90s, when I heard male students would be flunked out of certain (((literature))) and (((history))) courses because they were not female.

That blacks are scum


when people couldnt question that a girl might be lieing about rape
When people tried to tell me women were just as smart as men and it was sexism that kept them from being scientists

Ive fucked alot of women and its not very often i can even pay attention to what theyre saying because its so vapid and dumb. Basic facts mke them go "youre so smart!" and im not talking fucking low class welfare girls either.

Then i found out how much crime niggers commit, and realised that someone calling them names or following them around the store cant account for that level of degeneracy

Same. This is the easiest one. I used to make the poverty excuses for them, but once you see enough chimp-out videos and realize whites NEVER do that kind of shit, you have to become a race realist. I thought that's where it would end, but someone on voat (on the niggers board) directed me to some information about kikes being behind integration and forced diversity. From there, I realized everything I knew to be destroying society was from the jews.

A nigger broke into our house and raped my mother when i was 6. I hid in a cabinet.

When I had to attend the 1st and 2nd grades in a school that was at least 50-60% nigger. First time I'd ever been around so many. At least the teachers did a decent job.(early 80s in a Southern town)

My nigga let me suck your dick for this post

Father telling me "bitches aint shit" since i was kid, even too young to understand.

Also Polish, so yeah, fuck jews.

Years goes by, and I hate jews even more. Even people who didnt care hate them even more. And niggers, well, history is enough to understand why they are apes. I was taught in school, they are like humans, but stupid.

>Here is the mission of Sup Forums– always has been – always will be — no one will change this, ever…… as long as we fight for it.

Sup Forums does not have a "mission." Sometimes Sup Forums (like Sup Forums has always done) will come together briefly for something especially funny, but there is no "mission." This is super gay. Sup Forums isn't the Daily Stormer or TRS or Stormfront. We're here to have a good time.

Makes me think of that scene in Catch-22 where they were told to bomb this defenseless villa because an Axis general was supposedly having some r and r there.

I wonder what would happen if I posted this image on normiebook?
Also, checked.

If you dissagre it means you’ve fucking lost? All the hours you chase if your fucking tail for what?


it was a psyopsed fueled by false leads and heavily under confirmation bias which lead to nothing literally nothing but almost costing us the election because

Ouch. That's gonna do it.

Had a ingress teacher in the 7th grade who was incredibly racist towards the white kids, but never got in trouble because she was one of two black teachers in the school and knew all the black parents would chimp out if the board of directors got rid of her. I learned that black people can in fact be racist, white privilege is a meme, and niggers are petty all in one year.

It's even timestamped.

You misunderstood it’s a mission for whites not for a shitskin like you