post & rate
Best girls
>best body
>best anything
>Chiyo, Haruhi, Diana, Misaka
Fuck off.
taiga shit
>get 4 down
>mind numbingly boring
>have 8 more to go
>wonder why the fuck I'm doing this stupid shit
Yeah, um no. fuck your rates & your thread
This was fun but did take a long time.
I didn't realize what my taste was until I put it together.
Taiga is a scumbag an overrated shit
>best loli
>best white hair
>honorable mention
>best antagonist
>best design
>best antagonist
>best loli
Shit Taste
Index has silver hair in the LNs and light blue hair in the anime. She's also a garbage character.
>talking shit about Rika
Post your chart, fag.
n i c e
>making a bait thread
nippa a shit like her anime
is Chitanda your wifu?
Taiga isn't a loli.
/r/ing male version.
Time to go back to school
Nothing wrong with that...
Nice taste, but how is Rosehip scifi/magic?
School girls driving tanks in sci-fi-ish.
How about no.
>no Megabaa
are you fucking kidding me?