David Hogg's Reddit account

Do what you can autists, at the least he's not the age he says he is!

htt s //www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7z83sa/guess_who_udavisgreen111_is_the_answer_is_in_the/?sort=new

Archive quick before it's shoah'd.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Reddit has now suspended the user who posted the thread within an hour of posting. Interesting

that fucking pencil chin will forever haunt my dreams

here is a subreddit he manages



Reminder that he's an indoctrinated moron who believes everything he's saying, but he was placed there specifically to "rise to the role" of anti gun activist.

This is a literal bugman, a cog in the machine who cannot think for himself and is being used.

I don't understand what you mean?

Someone posted it to conspiracy and I just wanted to share it because I saw no discussion and figured it would get deleted quick. If you follow the thread to the users posting in /r/video from 6 months ago he admits who he is and that's he was currently a senior. All this info and his posting are probably already getting scrubbed.

This is David Hogg's reddit account:

htt s:/ www.reddit.com/user/davisgreen111

Currently it is accessible, for the love of God I am at work, can someone please archive this?

Remember that coincidence is purely a jewish scheme. Do the opposite of what jews do. That means believe in God and Jesus. They denounce him in their unholy book, remember that always. Jesus died for us all, so that we might see and realize that he in fact EXISTS.
Everything happens for a reason but we are given the choices of free will.
God bless

Not that what i have to say hasnt already been said, but the facts are piling up against him.
>CNN actually reported themselves there was a tip to the FBI a few days before the shooting
>the FBI did not investigate the tip, which is against their protocol for these situations
>David Hogg posts from his own leddit account that his father works for the FBI and was undergoing training on “prevention of future terrorist acts”
>David Hogg conveniently makes the news on a “vacation” to California.
>David Hogg outs himself as being a High School graduate
>David Hogg cites the wrong time while doing a “live interview” where kids are hiding in the closet from an active shooter
>kids in the interview are not being quiet to avoid detection and conveniently have a calm discussion about gun control, instead of saying goodbye to loved ones through what may be their last time communicating with them.
Seriously, at this point, anyone who still makes excuses for him has got to be a paid shill. Im not even one to fall for the “paid shills are everywhere” meme but i cannot understand why anyone would have reason to believe him at this point. Let alone defend him.