Polish Jews condemn #PolishHolocaust movie

"The Union of Jewish Communities in Poland and Warsaw Jewish
Community and firmly condemns a film released by the Ruderman Family
Foundation. We will never support the use of term „Polish Holocaust”
used in this film. It is not true and very harmful. We do not support
the International Remembrance Institute Act voted by the Polish
Parliament, and penalization of presenting facts about Polish crimes
during the II WW, nevertheless we demanded that YouTube and Facebook
remove it as misleading the public opinion information.
Lesław Piszewski
Union of Jewish Communities in Poland
Anna Chipczyńska
Jewish Community of Warsaw
Michael Schudrich
Chief Rabbi of Poland"

Holy KEK, Polish Jews ordered it to be removed ant it was gone in no time


Other urls found in this thread:


Jews in Poland are aware that they will be first scapegoats, when Polish society realises the treachery of world kikery. They are trying to save their own skin.

Dear Polish friends, why are you doing this to us? Why don't you just accept and return to us what was stolen by our ancestors who've been murdered by Polish collaborators?

When will Israel claim responsibilty for massive Jewish collaboration during 1939-1941 Soviet occupation of Poland, massacres done by Jewish partisan groups on east Polish villages, and for participation in anti-patriot communist terror machine going from 1944 onwards, hm?

Are there any far-right groups they can LARP as and cause problems for the non-viloent jews? History repeats itself and I'm reminded of jews LARPing as nazi before ww2 to fuel the propaganda war

who are you ?








It's hard to say. Jewing against Jews for greater Jewry is a higher art of Jewish tricks, which remains unknown for Goyim like us. The outrage against Israel is certainly a natural course of beings within Polish society, but without doubt, some Jews will try to exploit it to show themselves as victims. If so, some might try to blend into ONR, which is the biggest nationalist movement in Poland. But there are also smaller groups, like youth's MW, or neopagan Zadruga.








tell me someone saved this shit though.... best nazi propaganda ever made, and by jews



3.5 or 6 gorillion? fucking kikes can't even match their own narrative

>Jewing against Jews for greater Jewry is a higher art of Jewish tricks
That's how the rich Ashkenazis killed all the peasant jews in Europe by funding the Nazi regime.

that is why they always make you state your case first lol. they can only counter.

Apparently they realized that the other 3 millions were actually ethnic Poles.

This is very possible. Before seizing power, NSDAP recieved high donations from (((unknown sponsors))) from America. American Jews always seen their poorer European cousins as cattle, so they wouldn't mind if holocaust really happened. They even claimed the properties of their murdered "relatives" after the war. Result of ww2 was obvious, after Nazi Germany declared war on USA and Soviet Union. It brought end to European nationalism (especially antisemitic one), brought communism to half of Europe, and gave birth to independent Jewish state.

Jews are the prototype sjw/leftist. One of the main tactics is to use human shields, preferably weak and defensless. The jew sjw leftist will act in an offensive matter, baiting its target to strike back, knowing that the shield will receive the blow.

Lol when did they command to shut it down? Just a few ours ago I was insulting a kike in the comments of that video. Another prove of how much power the jew has.

Would need to follow the money and see who in the country is receiving cash from outside, heck, even crypto would be easy to trace back by policing the BGP nodes.
If done right the cancer should start glowing like a barium meal illuminates a tumor for imaging

Polish before Jewish
This only shows that Jews killed in Poland were Polish citizens, not Jews in Poland as Israel try to say and American Jews are lying about.

jewish geopolitics incoming for poland youtube.com/watch?v=ablI1v9PXpI


poland vs turkey ww3 plan