War with North Korea when?

War with North Korea when?

Reminder N K guards the Chinese boarder to change and the shortest route to China's capital.

not happening.

Peace and prosperity.

Bomb Vietnam 20+ years. Fail
Bomb Iraq since 1991. Fail
Bomb Syria 5 years. Fail
Bomb Afghanistan 17 years. Fail
Now the Trump/Pence/Haley cabal want to take on Norks/China

I can't quit laughing at the stupidity.

Get your eyes off that rare earth burger

The lowdown:
1) ALL official North Korean doctrine no longer mentions Marxism OR Communism
2) DPRK has racial purity as one of it's highest goals and extols those nations and people with ethnic purity
3) They are a thorn in the side of Zionists (trade with Iran who trades with Hezbollah and Assad) and the (((western establishment)))
4) Degeneracy strictly forbidden
5)Anti-globalist, Juche, the state ideology, literally translates to "self-reliance"
The Simple Statement of the Sup Forums DPRK Relations Unit

WE do not necessarily support the regime in it's entirety but extend a hand for a cultural alliance. We would like to learn more of the regime and seek to be it's ally during it's inevitable "Opening-up" to make sure (((western))) forces do not degrade it.

IF the worst of what (((they))) say about the DPRK is true then we do not condone that. Rather, we seek to help the DPRK reach national socialism.

WE stand against any infringement on the sovereignty of the DPRK and stand as a unified front for understanding and mutual exchange.
Let us be seen as the bastion of those who see the DPRK not as a threat and not as (((Communists))) and not as racists. We see them as a possible friend. Alt-right and Sup Forums stands FOR relations and partnership with the DPRK.
/DRUG/ - DPRK Relations Unit Generals
In these generals we discuss the possible evolution of the DPRK into a more just national socialist state and ways to signal our support for their racial purity and anti-degenerate stances.

Daily reminder DPRK are the good guys

Kike shills WILL NOT divide us - Jews want this war. Not US!

DPRK is an ethnonationalist nation free from international finance.

Family values and beautiful art have been deemphasized in the (((west))) - it is alive and well in DPRK

>OY vey! These Korean goys are trading with Iran and spreading racialism! And their doctrine is no longer Marxist!

White man! Would you destroy a culture that supports beauty to aid (((those))) who have destroyed the beauty in yours?

DPRK women: A model for the return of femininity to the west!

DPRK has never invaded another country. (((They))) have using their (((Western))) dogs. The result? Endless misery for the white world. ORGANIZE against Jewish tyranny!

The stand against degeneration has come to the Korean Peninsula! Will you turn your back on your fellow anti-Kike crusaders?!


EIN VOLK! Racialism is alive in DPRK! Don't let their society degenerate!

JUCHE is anti Communism!

"""When North Korea opened up for Western tourists in 1986 it excluded citizens of Israel along with those of Japan, the United States, and France. Jewish people from other countries have experienced problems entering North Korea. Israel has called for world action against North Korea's nuclear weapons programme."""

>North Korea’s ideology is not merely a nationalist-tinged communism of the old Yugoslav variety. It is a race-based worldview utterly at odds with the teachings of Marx and Lenin. And yet, the outside world continues in the illusion that North Korea is a hard-line Stalinist state.

>This can be summarized in a single sentence: The Korean people are too pure-blooded, and so too virtuous, to survive in this evil world without a great parental leader. This paranoid nationalism might sound crude and puerile, but it is only in this ideological context that the country’s distinguishing characteristics, which the outside world has long found so baffling, make perfect sense. Up close, North Korea is not Stalinist — it’s simply racist.

>The celebration of racial purity and homogeneity is everywhere in North Korea. The citizens pictured on the country’s new currency, for example, could pass for members of the same family, which in a sense they are.

> “Our nation has always considered its pure lineage to be of great importance,” a North Korean general told his South Korean counterpart during a 2006 meeting to discuss realignment of the maritime border between the two states. “Since ancient times our lands have been one of abundant natural beauty,” he said. “Not even one drop of ink must be allowed.”


>In a lengthy May 2 dispatch released only in Korean, Pyongyang's Korean Central News Agency published comments from a factory worker who said Obama has the "shape of a monkey" and made many other crude insults.

>"It would be better for him to live with other monkeys at a wild animal park in Africa ... and licking bread crumbs thrown by onlookers," worker Kang Hyok at Chollima Steel Complex was quoted as saying.

I support the proud Nationalist-Racialist people of North Korea 6 million percent.


right nao

Sieg Heil! Nationalists of the world unite!

There won't be a war. There won't be a nuclear strike. All this larping and ignorant hyperbole is what made us here in Hawaii actually fear a NK ballistic missile strike was authentic.
But there is no interest in regime suicide on the Kim's part, the goal is obtaining a nuclear deterrent. Same with Iran. These wars and efforts to fight potential nuclear threats are about regional control and balance of power. You do not want multiple adversarial proxy states with nuclear weapons. That is the reason for the wars. Cozy Russian allies with nuclear weapons are often the direct regional revivals to US proxy/allied states.

Kim Jong-un /our guy