Can you really say you watched a subbed anime since 90% of the time your eyes were at the bottom two inches of the screen
Can you really say you watched a subbed anime since 90% of the time your eyes were at the bottom two inches of the...
Why do you read so slowly?
Why do you watch crap anime with like 4 words per line of dialogue
Do you have some kind of deficiency? I have no problem taking in all the information on screen at once.
Unless yall are watching anime with barely any dialogue you'll be always missing parts just to read the subtitles, not much watching now is it
So the answer is yes? I'm sorry to hear that user.
Are you retarded? I keep one eye on the action and one eye on words.
user just because you are retarded it doesn't mean we are.
trips of truth
Not really, your eyes were at the bottom two inches of the screen to read the subtitles, which isn't very watching anime
Anime is pretty static overall, slow, bland and full of QUALITY, there's literally no point in watching the entire 48 frames that takes reading the subtitles
Fuck you talking about retardation? This is about reading, since no matter how fast you can read you'll still be missing parts of the show just to read the subtitles
You should ask a doctor about this user. With any luck it will just be some kind of eyesight deficiency, which is easier to fix than the alternative (a deficiency in your brain).
I don't use subs retard
So definitely a brain problem then.
>mentally-handicapped shitposter is a dubfag
We knew.
I don't use dubs either, maybe check up on your own brain since you're making the dumbest assumptions
If you're gonna be a dumbass retard again with your reply, don't expect another reply from me
user my field of vision isn't a fucking microscope who focus on a little strip of the scene, nor I am retarded enough to need much time to read a line of dialog.
Take off your fucking medieval helm before watching anime, faggot.
>current year
>retards still think they're better because they watch it in the original language
Don't take yourselves too seriously anons, at the end of the day you're watching a Japanese cartoon made for children
Scenes with heavy dialogue have very little animation. Scenes with lots of action have very little dialogue.
>not learning the language after years of anime watching
>he can't watch a raw and understand it
>is still a retarded shitposter
It doesn't matter if you watch anime raw. Presumably you don't know every language in the world, right? So if you started watching foreign films or shows besides anime, you'd eventually need to use subtitles, right? You're indicating that you'd be incapable of taking in the information presented by the media itself as well as the information presented by the subtitles simultaneously. And that means you have some kind of deficiency, possibly a learning disability. You seem determined not to get help for it though, which is a shame.
>insecure about being illiterate so he spergs out
No (You) for the butthurt dubfag.
Not everyone has Marty Feldman eyes, user.
Get your vision checked, if you can't see the whole screen without scanning, your eyes have issues.
>Watched all seasons, and all K-On episodes like 30 times
>still don't understand shit, but I know what every episode is about, so I can watch it RAW and know every line they're saying
feels good