This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Based Japan.
This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Based Japan.
Other urls found in this thread:
Where were you last year? This is old news
I missed it apparently. I mean, I heard about it, but I don't think I read the response until today
First time I've seen it. It just restored a little bit of my hope for humanity's future.
Japan vs the West: A David vs Goliath story
More like Goliath vs Goliath
Missed this, and
>While you're trying to fix the rights of fictional characters, you're leaving the human rights of real women in the real world left to rot
holy fuck nips have more sense than the west
nice manga/anime discussion
UN have been trying to reinforce this shit for years, stop being so new.
Fuck off dumb Sup Forumsnigger.
OP here. Fuck off
American-born Chink here. It's actually really weird how many older Chinese folks can instantly spot a Jew. It's almost uncanny.
Chinese even have a word for Jew influenced leftism that has been trying to worm its way into Chinese society. Baizou, or "White Left".
>these are creative fields that women themselves cultivated and worked hard by their own hand to create careers for themselves.
Where were you when Bakaudon Shiruka saved anime? Her manga was in that terrible BBC documentary too, a one woman militia saving hyperviolent loli manga from the west.
>the one making threats assumes bakaudon is a man
She is actually really nice person to talk to
>nips don't follow SJW bullshit
>proceeds to make SJW t/u/mblr dyke pandering anime like;
>Love Live
>Flip Flappers
>Princess Principal
>New Game
>Girls und Panzer
Really makes me ponder for a moment.
I know this is bait in a bait thread, but you are retarded if you believe that even half of these push SJW agenda.
How sad must you be to associate /u/ pandering with all lesbian pandering
>depicts dykes in anime
>which in turn encourages people to make more dykes in anime
>not any form of /u/ agenda
>muh mental gymnastics
Kill yourself.
No SJW would allow something like pic related airing.
Fuck you /u/ is the purest form of love faggot
That's just you hating /u/, not SJW pandering
Fuck you, your /u/ shit cannot defeat good dicking.
That's /ss/ you fucking mongrel.
Cute, non-threatening girls being absolutely perfect (well, far more perfect than any human can achieve) with sexual tension that is never really developed. This is an otaku fantasy.
An SJW fantasy would be an interracial, homosexual couple whom aren't very pretty with explicit sex. They would have major flaws and generally be assholes, but the direction would try and make you sympathize with them. Also, lots of "we do it better than that all-male all-white cast".
So Netsuzou Trap?
>hyperviolent loli
Authors to avoid list expanded.
Well, did I get wrong that "hyperviolent loli manga" means that lolis suffer? Or are lolis there the ones who are violent?
really causes one to ponder
Now why would you use tumblr of all places as an argument?
How much shit taste do you have to have to not want to see a loli delinquent beaten up and raped by police officers?
What point are you trying to make? You can search LoGH and Fist of the North Star and get results too.
Lolis can't be that bad, they are innocent and pure angels.
Really causes one to ponder.
user are you insane? Tumblr is most likely second to pixiv in terms of how many japanese guro mangaka use it simply because they don't ban that kind of thing like twitter does, it's the very kind of website the UN wanted Japan to crack down on based on the letter they sent.
Jap doesn't give a fuck about SJW agenda. They depict /u/ because the fags there think girls on girls is cute/hot, and it keeps the girls away from men so otaku can always see them as "pure. It's simple as fuck.
>implying Japan is doing this shit for SJW points
When they make brown girls they're doing it because they want to stick their dick in them not promote refugee racemixing or some shit Sup Forums
I can get incest porn on tumblr, is tumblr in favor of incest too?
Enjoy it while it lasts. It's all over come the Olympics. Can't have loli rape porn on display for their honored gesutos.
Girls can't NTR girls from boys?