- Please avoid making threads in “general” or “template” formats. Avoid chaining threads, copy-pasting OPs...

>- Please avoid making threads in “general” or “template” formats. Avoid chaining threads, copy-pasting OPs, backlinks, and the like.
- Avoid redirecting all discussion of a series to a single thread.

Holy shit, thank you mods. Sup Forums was my home for years but its become such trash lately I seldom am on it anymore. Generals have kileld all creativity and time based culture on this site. Remember Spinzaku or days when Gurren would air? The board would explode with Light swimming, etc.. and great lulz would be had.

Now it's all just repetative generals; forced leddit. This was the board moot posted on the most. What would he think of it now?

>this fucking thread dosen't get purged

wtf I love /nu-a/ now?

>Remember Spinzaku or days when Gurren would air? The board would explode with Light swimming
That still happens. When Re:Zero ended 40/50 threads were about it.

>tfw i'm a newfag who came after moot died and went to hell

>complains about the board
>makes meta thread
Kill yourself, faggot.

>Remember Spinzaku or days when Gurren would air?
You mean the constant generals and spamming? the old times really were differen- oh wait.

>complains about lack of creativity
>makes another another meta thread
Fuck off

>Remember Spinzaku
Not that i minded it since its still ebtter than this reddit generals.

You know what, just make /ag/ already so you can let the people who can't stop whining have what they want. Good luck trying to distinguish a "general" from a "normal" thread, by the way, especially for currently airing shows.
At least after Sup Forums is completely dead I can finally be free.

I don't see the problem with how it currently is, if they backlink old threads and talk about what happens on their discord or something then they get pruned, if it's just normal discussion about the show then it's okay. Can't be that hard to do that.

>making threads
Note that this only refers to OPs that follow the general format, i.e. a fuckton of information on the OP, links to the past threads, pastebins, "edition" and so on. Not only did that post not say anything about how so-called generals are forbidden, but it also both acknowledged the existence of generals that have not exhausted all fresh discussion, and made it clear that mods know there's a difference between commonly recurring threads and generals.
tl;dr: stop whining and lurk the fuck more. Spinzaku and everything TTGL had those receptions from the board because both shows were extremely popular, and if either show was airing right now the board would still be going apeshit about them even though most people have learned the advantages of condensing their threads. Calling things you dislike leddit is not a valid argument.

Tha place only exists in your memory, it did not exist back then, it will not return now.

And anyway, look at board, generals are suffering very little. The whole thing was made to give free reign to take down particular series at the mod's will. And as always, there are the useful idiots to enable such things.

Generals on denial are cancer.
>hurr durr keep everything in a containment thread, totally not generals
There was a time about 3 or 4 months ago some janny kept deleting more than 1 thread and even temp banned people for calling this out

Indeed, we should do just like the DBS people. They're surely examples of how Sup Forums should be!
But then again, each of their threads also became a general. We should instead make a new thread for each of our opinions, and remove the reply function as well just for safety. Can't let any thread accidentally become a general after all.

To be honest, I think folks forget how annoying it was at the time.

I mean, it's great to reminisce about and shit but I wouldn't bring it back.

Add to the spam filter facebook filenames and IMG_XXX, thanks.

It's funny how those people only remember the board-wide phenomenons like CG and TTGL while thinking that there weren't any "containment" (using their words) threads for other shows whenever their subs came out. My guess is that they didn't watch enough anime back then.

>Threads which are Sup Forums related but have no clear alternative forms (such as buyfag/drawfag) are allowed as long as they follow these guidelines.
Does that mean we can have DJT back?

How the fuck the sticky is already there=

It only took them 7 years, but better late than never.

Generals will persist as long as the mindset is still present and the way the board works isn't changed.
Popularity based pruning was a mistake, with aged based pruning there was less incentive to mash everything into a single thread.
The system is still available. It's active in /f/ and could be brought back to other boards.

If you were there back then, then in all likelihood you are now a full grown adult who still uses "lulz" unironically. Feel some fucking shame

>Remember Spinzaku or days when Gurren would air?
You mean days when the entire board would exclusively have threads dedicated to one or two anime?

The """""general""""" system was fine, and allowed threads about smaller seasonal anime to survive.

Shut up. You're sour because there hasn't been a hype anime ever since. Also, you can be pretty damned sure that if Spinzaku was thought up today you'd call it a forced meme.

>What would [moot] think of [Sup Forums] now?
Who the fuck cares? Moot sold Sup Forums out, he betrayed "muh free speech" for money.

I've always thought that bringing back that system would be a good way to tackle this matter. Give all threads about 2 days to live as that should be more than enough time to discuss the newest episode of a show even for late people (without removing the ability to bump unpopular threads off obviously), then after they get marked for deletion (old) and die force a cooldown of one day or so on their subject. I don't think that this forceful attempt to stop continued discussion would be a good thing though, as it wouldn't be difficult for shitposters to abuse it in order to get threads they dislike to live less and people would be fucked in case something really big happened during that cooldown.
In the end the best thing to do is leaving everything as it currently is without trying too hard to change how people chose to become for the sake of convenience, then telling the whiners to shut the fuck up. All generals die naturally at some point, it's just a matter of patience. Forcing things will only make everything worse.

>mfw got warned because politely said thanks


I don't think you know what a general is. Pro tip: It isn't a thread for a popular series you don't like.

I see no problem with this. Following these guidelines would actually improve the board. Every other chan with an anime board follows these kind of guidelines, and though they are much less popular, the quality of threads is generally a lot better. Good stuff.

40/50 of samefagging

The mod's are blocking isp too. How am I post to get people into Trash, Four-Eyes, and Lit Chick (Fake) if my isp is block. Volume 1 come out next month and need be supportive.

tfw warned for using Sup Forums

Mods think before you start Blocking people isp. the only thing you're doing here is hurting this manga.

>All generals die naturally at some point
Not in a useful timeframe.

>- Threads in Sup Forums should be primarily based on anime/manga discussion. Consider using either or for image sharing threads,
>and or for generals which have long since exhausted all fresh discussion.
So that means we can discuss hentai on Sup Forums again without our threads being deleted, right? /h/ was always just for image sharing and never for discussion.

You're placing blame on the wrong person.
Flame the fuck out of the retard that's abusing dynamic IP addresses and ban evading.
Go to every thread he's in, and start shit with him.
Make his existence unbearable.

I'm not blaming op.

Why does mangaupdates not keep track of this series? Thanks to your reminder, I see that I'm about 50 behind.

Sure has worked, at least 80% of threads are generals, just make /ag/ or something

Does this mean Imouto threads are dead?

Can you guys do a thread about Trash, Four-Eyes, and Lit Chick (Fake) sometime in the future most people in Sup Forums like this manga.

>tfw buyfag thread just got BTFO'ed
today is a good day

Generals don't die naturally. The very meaning of a general's existence is that they don't actually die.

The thread they exist in is killed, only to spawn minutes later. And people tolerate its existence, because they would make things much worse for everyone otherwise. Like fucking Orochimaru.

On Sup Forums, generals are much more short lived than on other boards...only to be replaced by more generals. In other words, Sup Forums has an extremely fast general turnover rate.

The problem with generals isn't about their individual qualities--it's about their qualities as a whole, what they become, and their sheer numbers.
I don't want a whole thread where a small group of people treat it as if their chatroom, much less dozens of them.
This means there is less room for threads with real, more ephemeral content. I prefer threads about upcoming shows and films, recently translated episodes and chapters, and original humor.

Anyways, suggesting to change the very foundation of Sup Forums just to get rid of generals is fucking stupid.

Generals didn't kill the board. Allowing people who make stupid posts like
>What did he mean by this
all the time to stay here killed the board.
A massive influx of normalfags watching series like Madoka or SAO or Jojo or One Punch Man killed the board.
The increasing popularity of online anime reviewers and their fans coming from other boards to Sup Forums is now further killing the board.

Basically making yet another shit thread isn't going to fix Sup Forums kill yourself if you think otherwise

TFW mods remember generals are banned.

>Anyways, suggesting to change the very foundation of Sup Forums just to get rid of generals is fucking stupid.
Time based pruning was how it used to work and how Futaba worked.
moot only switched to popularity based pruning in I believe 2008 for the worksafe boards and even later for the NSFW board.

Uncreative faggots aren't a problem unique to Sup Forums.
Normalfags will always flock here whenever something big happens.
Shitty eceleb threads are and have always been killed on sight. Furthermore, newfags are always going to be newfags. You can only reject them with fire and fury to make sure they learn how things work around here.

No faggot generals were never accepted on Sup Forums until reddit mods took over. There was literally a general threads war back when Sup Forums was fun and people hated your kind.

Just a reminder that generals became a thing because the board started hating the hottest new anime.

Sup Forums completely ignored daily threads about that manga. Try to search 'daily dose' in the desuarchive.

Learn to read you fucking moron.
Eat shit and die.

Sup Forums was so shit back then. With no catalog it was impossible to browse the board with these KyoAnus lickers (remember when posting this phrase would get you banned?) constantly spamming stupid shit.
Not that them making generals helped, they would imagedump in every general then make a new one once it hit the image cap.

If only they would do the same to drawthreads. Discord talk and still chaining threads (just not in the OP)
>These are the exception
My fucking ass.

I miss visible saging

Yeah, this is definitely it.
Catalog was the feature that saved Sup Forums.

I don't. They were basically just reddit downvotes.

Holy shit based, Now if mod BTFO Drawtard which even worse.

nah Sup Forums was more fun without the catalog. You actually had to make an interesting thread for it to get attention and live. now you just make shit.
People also congregated into the threads on the first page instead of looking for a thread (general) they care about. Sup Forums felt a lot more like a community then. You faggot were like my brothers then. Now youre just faggots.

They're still downvotes, and people still announce it.

It's just less common because nobody ever used the feature (compared to 80% usage on /jp/), because they either never use it, or they're newfags.

Drawfag is bad now? Some quality stuff has come out of there.

This so much.

Sage should be default.

I said it yesterday but generalized catalogs mean people don't browse the "board" anymore, they just go to a thread that interests them and stay there. This naturally gears topics towards fewer and fewer threads (usually 1) and isolates threads from each other. That's what marks a general I'd say, the feeling that it's a self-closed community devoid of board interaction. Long and constant threads about the same topic can exist without reaching that state, see NGE threads.

It nothing but a tons of the same shitty requests every fucking thread.

Drawthread is pretty bad, it reeks of /r/.

It's mostly requests, reposts and spoonfeeding.
And it serves as a precedent for other shitty threads if it stays.

Personally I sort the catalog by bump order and don't have any filters unless Jojonarutards are going crazy with their cancer. It's basically the same thing as having pages, only you have everything on one screen.
Things like auto refreshing, hover over image, saving your place in a thread, and so on also make Sup Forums much more fun.

we need you, snacks

Wrong, Catalog make lazy newfags can easily search their general.

Haven't been in one in years. I guess they went downhill.

If you don't see the last replies in a thread it isn't the same.

If they're going to be here regardless I'd rather them go straight to their Dragonball Super thread instead of stumbling upon my Jigoku Shoujo thread and smearing shit on the walls.

if /ag/ became a thing, would Sup Forums die?

thats just the default. Having the catalog negates the purpose of being on the front page. Or page order all together. Youd usually stick to a thread on the early pages because thats where everyone is.

Here's some fresh """"""""""drawfag"""""""""" content from one of the drawthreads this weekend.

This guy gets it. Catalog enables the general culture to thrive. I hate the isolation that this has brought on. Generals are developing their own culture within themselves. I miss everyone interacting with Sup Forums at large, instead of hiding in specific threads and not even glancing at other things.
If you want to just talk to the same 20 faggots in your DBS thread, that has the same 500 posts every fucking thread, you should actually go to another site. Not even memeing at this point. Reddit would serve you better

That's definitely true, and something I noticed on Sup Forums back when catalog wasn't around, and desktop threads littered every board.

Generals would actually have their own subcommunity, complete with their own shitty memes and in-jokes. Occasionally, it would spill over to other threads and nobody would understand what the fuck they were saying.
There used to be a script back then that allowed anons to uniquely identify each other using a third-party database.

Shit was ridiculous. Literally trying to turn Sup Forums into something it's objectively not.

How is that different from having a front page? Nobody is going to reply to that greentext Naruto thread on page 10 because of the catalog. It will die as it would've back in the day, unless of course somebody decides to bump it because they see this post.

Kill yourself

>all fatefaggots
color me surprised.

Man seeing those last 5 is how you know if a thread is lit or not.

No, they should make it instead of driving away users

>There used to be a script back then that allowed anons to uniquely identify
This was always a meme

>he fell for that 'it was just a meme' meme

You mean that script that allowed you to pick an OS icon to show what OS you were using? Like how on Sup Forums some people use that script that can show you peoples state flags and what not?

Theres no difference between page 10 and page 1 now.

Holy shit, this is terrible.

2chan's software provides options for time based threads where threads expire based on time no matter how much someone tries to bump it.

Sup Forums should have this. That way, it stop cancerous generaltards from trying to necrobump their dead thread no matter what.

A really well crafted meme, since they had a website, and a publically visible database and everything

Similar in concept, but exactly identical in operation.

>driving away users who only post in generals

>implying it wasnt a meme
I think 4chanx had it for like 3 months tops

>I miss everyone interacting with Sup Forums at large,
In order for this to occur while staying on the topic of anime, there has to be anime that unites all of Sup Forums so we're all on the same page. People pining over TTGL and CG are pining over a time when the entire board was either watching it or discussing it in some form or fashion. The last time this happened with Sup Forums was either Attack on Titan or Kill la Kill.

Not everyone wants to discuss shitty moe anime or seasonal crap. I come for just 9-10 series and don't give a shit about the rest.

But people would bump a dying thread about a topic they like, and it could live for 8 more hours with around 15 posts max leaving time for everyone to cycle again and reenter the same thread. That's how the general works (usually less extreme since Sup Forums is pretty fast nowadays).

Pre-catalog days the board masses would inhabit the frontpage, first 2-3 at most and there was little way to form your own self-contained subculture based around a general.

why tf is there a IP range/ISP/country ban suddenly?

I was banned 3 times during the general war. You know how many
>General Generals
thread I made. And this is when being banned meant you could browse the board so shit hurt. I bled for generals to be banned. About fucking time mods remembered 2011.

Fuck off

Mods should do more ISP blocking in my opinion.

More blocking in South America and Southeast Asia.

It would get rid of more cancer from Sup Forums.

Theres was airing shows that kept the hype. now its kinda like you just join a thread about what you are watching. But without the catalog, you watched shows everyone else was watching.

To keep Nagi away

You're exaggerating with SnK. It was a manga adaption. No surprises.

Anime originals are different.