How hard is even Japanese High School?
Would she do better in the US?
Aho Girl
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she'd get ahobux
>pay to get in debt and get a job to pay debt
>then get shot
she'd be just dumb enough to be a major success
Basically everyone is taking AP classes in a Japanese High School. If she is getting zeros I would think it's because she is retarded or simply doesn't study, ever.
She's graduate a year late at the latest, US high school is a joke.
She would get a job somewhere to fill an aho quota.
The entire point is that she is indeed stupid and doesn't care at all, but anime always portrays HS as the most difficult thing in life and only geniuses and tryhards fare well
All ahos go JAV
>Would she do better in the US?
No. She'd get raped/killed by the local pack of niggers.
I legitimately question her idiocy considering she made it all the way to HS and her rebuttal of love understanding actually made sense to a certain degree, in fact she is very creative and just quite hyperactive, I guess in Japan that makes you an idiot
That's only legal in Nevada, though.
white school, no
black school, she'd be valedictorian
public school and she would pass with flying colors. Private schools are actually comparable to european schools in terms of the difficulty in the curriculum.
>white school, no
>black school, she'd be valedictorian
This. Despite her banana fixation, she's much smarter than an actual monkey.
At least she can read.
>bad at school
>marriage is the only choice
>gets constantly physically and verbally abused by her male friend
>gratuitous fanservice
>phalic symbols
>this is all played for comedy
Oh boy this be a hit in America
How hard is even to get ahobux in the US?
Not very hard. I remember I used to assume that Sup Forums was filed with people who were intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor who just come to this site to vent out all their retardation but now I'm pretty sure most people here are just genuinely stupid. That being said, even though Japanese highschool isn't too hard, it would be for most anons given that in Asian countries, stupidity is punished rather than helped. If you can't master all of single variable calculus in your 3rd year of high school then you'll probably fail most of your tests and end up drowning in mandatory retakes. You'll probably have to go to cram school year round in addition to highschool and wouldn't be able to join any clubs, make friends, and have an an enjoyable highschool experience like all the "competent" kids. You'll probably end up as a Ronin after graduation and have to suffer even more failures until your family eventually concludes that you won't be able to get into college and you'd probably end up working for a relative with a business or find some blue collar job
Are you saying most people here would fall into the same stupid category as Yoshiko but not being asians have saved them from failing too hard at life?
I used to teach in a Japanese High School. In public schools they use multiple-choice exams exclusively, which places a high focus on memorization and ROTE learning. The joke in Aho Girl is that it is statistically impossible to get zeroes on a test.
If a student randomly answers questions without looking at the test, they can score between 10-25% or 25-35% based on the way the answers have been laid out. The only way to score 0% is to deliberately choose the wrong answers, which assumes the one taking the test knows what the right answers are.
The joke in Aho Girl, is that she transcends stupidity and bends the laws of probability. She is so dumb, that the right answers actively evade her.
Incidentally, for fun, I sat in on Japanese English tests and did them myself with the students. I was a fluent English speaker with 2 degrees (at the time) and a amateur novelist. I couldn't score above 80% because many of the English sentences used obscure grammar and old fashioned rules. Some of the words they used were words I had never seen before. There was a huge emphasis on memorising the study material. As an aside, this teaching method isn't very effective because 0% of those Japanese students can actually carry and English conversation.
I don't think most Anons are as comically stupid as Yoshiko, but the fact that most of them live in western countries has spared them from additional hardship.
>0% of those Japanese students can actually carry and English conversation.
This is pretty true. In American foreign language courses more emphasis is put on pronunciation, conversation and speaking in general.
>boy, everyone here is stupid
>everyone but me
She'd get put in one of the special flower classes where all she has to do is color in the lines and feel good about herself for doing so
What if she's just secretly a genius
>everyone but me
This guy gets it
She could be. They used to call autistic geniuses "idiot savants" after all.
>walk outside
>get hit by Muslim driving truck
>country sits back and does nothing
It's just part and parcel of living in a major city. :^)
I mean, even black people can graduate there. She'll be fine.
How did Aho even get into high school? Does Japan not hold failing students back a grade?
>Walk outside
>Get hit by a white guy driving a car
>Country sits back and blames me for getting hit
Her mom sucked a whole lot of dick.
She's just pretending to be retarded to not make A-kun feel bad
In Philadelphia the black kids didn't know how to read let alone write a coherent sentence and they still graduated.
Is this subtle satire about Japanese society?
Don't fucking stand in the road then
Just don't fucking go outside then.
the truth of the matter is
>white man runs car through white supremacist rally
>hits commies
now why would there be commies in a WS rally?
What is it about Hiroyuki designs that makes them so appealing? Is it the sameface?
There have been threads with anons trying to justify not being able to do simple algebra. It wouldn't surprise me if they couldn't get through Japanese high school.
Gotta love no child left behind
US high school is as challenging as you make it. Take 5-6 AP courses or just fly through the easy shit with the retarded kids and slackers.
>A woman being physically harmed by a man on American television
>For laughs
It wouldn't last a full episode before the network got enough complaints to take it off the air. If the genders were reversed, however, it would run for no fewer than 5 seasons win an Emmy.
Is aho aho man sher father?
A-kun should set up a deal with Aho's mom. He'll marry the dumb bitch if he gets to sleep with the mom anytime he wants.
I just realized Aho Girl was voiced by Y.Aoi.
Pick one. Nihilism is for edgy middle school kids.
i feel that
she is getting zeros on multiple choice, which means she is intentionally getting zeros. yoshiko already showed her hand when manipulating that teacher, she might be smarter than yasuna.
Found the American
No the joke is it's stastically impossible and she's so dumb she can't even get one by luck. Being smart enough to get all zeros is like Kiyotaka getting perfect 50% on all sections of his entrance exams on Classrom of the Elite. He is smart enough to know every single answer and chooses to answer exactly half of them correctly
Lurk moar
Also without having gone through a nihilist phase one can never become an ubermensch. Read more Nietzsche
Why not just make a deal with Sayaka? That they'll marry and share the burden of fixing all those ahos together.
90% of vehicle/pedestrian accidents are caused by jaywalking
bet this idiot was randomly in the middle of the road
>great endurance
>Can dance
>Good with animals
>Good Impersonator
>Can built things with sand in no time
>Great Body
>Run fast
>Can make friends quickly
>Healthy diet.
She may be stupid but people underrate her other abilities.
>she can't even get one by luck
She could. One chapter revealed that she had incredible luck. Someone suggested she should just guess on her multiple choice tests and get good grades, but Yoshiko refused on the grounds that that was immoral.
She's so stupid, she talked herself out of guessing any answers. So she just chooses the wrong answer instead of randomly choosing.
I love how triggered burgers always assume it was a Yuropoor that assblasted them.
One of her best roles imho, she really lets herself out