Was Prison School the apex of fanservice in anime?
Was Prison School the apex of fanservice in anime?
That's a nice peach.
of course it was
which other anime touched the gamergate question
No way fag.
I'd eat the fudge from that peach
Looks more like a pear.
I'd eat anything from that peach.
the live action adaptation was great too
my dick was out, but I was laughing too hard most of the time to fap
>I was laughing too hard most of the time to fap
It's that small?
no, that was qwaser. prison school doesn't come even close newfag
I want to fug the shinai fugly!
shaft with the monogatari series shits on all fanservice anime in every way possible. that said PS was fucking amazing and I enjoyed it immensely.
slut-chan is the cutest
looks like the balls of a giant penis with a dress
There's no point in fanservice if every character is ugly as fuck.
it's ecchikino
in Prison school it isn't really fanservice, partial nudity is used as character development and plot devices.
For example the instnce of Kiyoshi seeing Hana's cunt isn't played for the hilarity of the moment like most series would do, but actually scarres her and is a major factor in her crusade of revenge against kiyoshi.
The pinnacle of fan service was FMA Brotherhood. They made an entire anime where every other moment is completely fan service.
>Was Prison School the apex of fanservice in anime?
Certainly is in the top ten, but I prefer others like Ikkitousen or Maken-Ki.
I loved Prison School. 10/10 material. It was keikaku, fanservice and directing all in one.
Kinda don't want to read the manga and just wait for season 2 if I'm being honest.
>apex of fanservice in anime
Nah just manga.
Dear Kiyoshi
Off yourself
Where's the butthole?
It's censored.
Hana is cute. CUTE!!!
Hanashit is /trash/
>these girls are some of the biggest cunts in all of manga
>still get waifued to death
They didn't even draw her ass. It's just a mound of flesh with little shading. What kind of retard would call this the apex of fanservice?
The actual apex would be something like Queen's Blade or Valkyrie Drive
lurk more.
it's better this way desu
Nah, Prison school fanservice was shit compared to Seikon no Qwaser, Makien-Ki, Ladies vs. Butlers and all those other anime who nonchalantly show loli nipples and uncensored pussies(non-hentai ones)
The first time I saw this picture, I thought she was making home-made brownies in the forest.
>tfw can't enjoy this show because I feel too bad for the boys getting beat up all the time
Am I autistic?
>all those other anime who nonchalantly show loli nipples and uncensored pussies(non-hentai ones)
>uncensored pussies(non-hentai ones)
I need to find these
Yes. They enjoy getting beaten up.
Only sometimes, and only by Meiko
Everyone does. It's part of that ol ying yang shiz.
Everything tastes good when you're hungry.
andre is the only true maso
the others just enjoyed getting to see vp's panties
That's not proof
Google search it. But of course not opening the vagina and shits. Just pubes or a slit showing.
It is though
It's not proof that enjoy getting beat up. And not everything tastes good if you're hungry. Molded Spaghetti would suck even if starving.
For Meiko I like that she was this insecure big tit Middle School girl who met the Underground President and was corrupted into this man-hating persona.
That and how much she practically craved the attention from the boys and the Prez.
>they enjoy
>typical insecure bullied girl only she has big breasts
>we're supposed to feel bad for her because muh childhood
Fucking hell hiramoto
You fuckers have such low standards. That barely even looks recognisable as an ass. It looks like a goddamn scrotum. Have some self respect and fap to better drawn shit.
Like the manga?
But it's actually good. It's fanservice that ties in with the plot
I wish she peed on my face
>He went from "Me and the Devil blues" to this
Why? He was at the peak of his career?
I want sweaty sex with her.
i want the girl with the dragon tattoo girl
Holy shit, i seriously thought that was some nice ass.