Are you guys prepared for the Eclipse? What are you sacrificing?

Are you guys prepared for the Eclipse? What are you sacrificing?

My virginity hopefully

My life but that is already wasted.

More precious then my friends or family, my sacrifice is my League of Legends account!


Your autism would be good too, probably

The thing that I love the most

The most precious thing I have

You all

Also maybe my Bibliotik account.

Kill yourself tripfag.

>he plays mobas

I'm afraid that I'm going to look at the sun and go blind. I might not leave the house tomorrow.

I'll clone you some of my eyes.

How long can you stare without losing or seriously damaging your vision?

I sacrifice my virginity. Slan will be around to relieve me of it and give me sicc demon powers.

>america-only events
Enjoy your sour grapes fags.


This is what I'm doing, too. I need my eyesight to watch anime and play video games, I can't risk damaging or losing it.

Who /goingblind/ here? I'm already negative 15 in both eyes, might as well go all the way.

At least meet the number i have spent on the game, geez. That will be at least 480k Yen!

The only thing i have spent more money on is Naruto and One Piece merchandise!

Whats left of my sanity for a figure of my waifu.

>wish goes through
>some shitty company like Pulchra or Griffon makes her
>too insane to even notice the problem


Staring at the sun can burn holes into your eyes. If you want to put some sungrasses on and look for a few seconds and call it a day.

>put some sungrasses on
Pretty sure staring at an eclipse with regular sunglasses will fuck up your eyes.

It wasn't rape.

I put my grasses on but everything still went wrong, what do?

It will if you stare for a long time, but for a few seconds you should be fine.

This wasn't either.

Nor was this.

will I get to watch a QT brown waifu get fucked tomorrow morning?

This entire board

All of the anons here on Sup Forums who prefers tsunderes over meganes,and lolis over cakes

You can stare at a total eclipse with your bare eyes just fine. But ONLY during the short period it is a full eclipse. Trying to look before or afterwards has the chance to damage your eyes.

You can only sacrifice things that are valuable to you

Disgusting old hag fag.

>dude let's give the Eclipse to a hentai studio lmao
What did they mean by this?

>be NEET 30 miles outside path of totality
>have no car, my ride thinks we're "close enough"

>feel like I cant see shit

How the hell some of you guys are double digits

Sure, but most people aren't in the path of the full eclipse, so it's a moot point for all but a lucky few.

Only a hentai studio could accurately adapt Berserk.

If only more hentai were animated that well

why is he wearing lipstick? and does his suit have a hole for when he gets an erection?

>leaving your room
Why? Tomorrow will be just like any other day for me.

Disgusting fat lard neckbeard

Only if 55kg is fat

that's wholesome as fuck user

I'm considering sacrificing all the people closest to me in a fit of blind rage. Even though all of them have been with me through the most trying times of my life and have sworn their undying loyalty to me, I don't care I want my fucking castle

Normalfags begone.

Go away crossboarder.

Does Griffith love or hate Guts?

I feel like he loves Guts a little too much. Notice how he never looks at Casca during the eclipse, only Guts

>yfw some autist does a berserk inspired mass murder-suicide during the eclipse that gets "violent Japanese cartoons" put on the mainstream media's headlights

People have been making human sacrifices for the eclipse for many thousands of years.

I don't even know what I really want. Griffith had a clear idea of what his goals were, I don't. so I don't know what I'd sacrifice either.

I can see the moral outrage already

>not living in Nebraska

>tfw lucky few
Greets from Charleston, SC Sup Forums~

Anyone have the "some of you guys are alright" edit?

Two days ago ive actually received one of the worst news ever regarding work. So i know what i would sacrifice for, but i dont know what i would sacrifice

>moot point

Who cares about a dumb eclipse

I'm not even american but come on pal, only two a year in all the world and there's a tiny possibility of it passing somewhere with people that can watch totality. The total ones are rare and have a few centuries gaps for certain areas. It is one of the purest "one in a life chance" things ever.

My semen.

All of /h/. Those fags burn in hell.

mfw driving 100 miles to the center of totality and gonna film it on 5 cameras
mfw 40 million people sqeezing into that thin little line
traffic tomorrow is going to be worse than anything guts went through

I'll sacrifice my old waifu pillow for a chance to fuck Griffith in the ass.

What do I have to sacrifice to bring my waifu to life? Her birthday is tomorrow as well

Greenville here. Preparing to sacrifice all of my coworkers

Nothing. Pic related.

What do i need to sacrifice in order to become a loli vampire?

fuck off corningger



I can't believe there are religion nutjobs who actually think something is going to happen tomorrow.

Kill yourself.

>Not appreciating the power and joy of memes
You first. You might make your family happy for the first time.

I've been waiting my entire life for this moment.

This is the foretold moment, today I will sacrifice my love for Berserk and switch to Goblin Berserk. Maybe if enough of us sacrifice Berserk, Goblin Berserk will become mainstream.




thats mean



this thread is gay
post qt's

My original plan was to sacrifice a virgin women, an unborn child, a pregnant women, and every type of animal that is considered holy by different religions. But I soon realized I couldn't hurt a living being no matter what and made some changes to my plans. Right now, I'm preparing to sacrifice all of that, but I'll also sacrifice my humanity along with them.

People are spreading retarded facts here.

There is no safe time to look at the solar eclipse with your naked eye.

You dumbfucks are treating the solar eclipse light as if it was moonlight.

Big fucking difference. Solar Eclipse Light is still fucking Sunlight and will harm your naked eyes even with the moon temporarily blocking it.

Don't give me that bullshit about looking at it for a few seconds and you will still be fine.

Even normal camera equipment with stronger lens than a human eye can get fucked hard by sunlight so what makes you think your naked eye won't get harmed?

The solar eclipse is dangerous because it interferes with the natural reflexive action of you immediately closing your eyes should you accidentally get a full glare of the sun everyday.

An equivalent experience is going to the beach and its cool and windy and under normal conditions, you should feel your skin getting hot and burning anywhere else but the beach but beach conditions make you forget that you are getting sunburned until it is too late.

Same shit happens with solar eclipse. Abnormal conditions don't make your body react to an unusual event involving the Sun so your naked eye will start getting damaged until you realize too late and yes, even the eye can get sunburns.

tl; dr Don't look at the solar eclipse with your naked eye. In fact, I suggest not looking at it at all and just watching it online.

>have looked at the sun with my naked eye all the time
>20/15 vision
Fucking retards sperging out. Just blink often and look away for a bit every few seconds.

>they won't put their eclipse grasses on
guts would be so dissapointed

You have to care about them user, otherwise the Godhand wont give a shit

>Solar Eclipse Light is still fucking Sunlight and will harm your naked eyes even with the moon temporarily blocking it.
At least according to literally everything I've read so far, no, no it won't. It would fuck your eyes if you looked at a partial eclipse, but for the few moments of Totality, when moon almost completely blocks the sun, it's perfectly safe to look at it. It'll be like looking at a sunset. The sunlight will be too weak to cause to damage you.

Sup Forums posters all such losers you'd be lucky to reach Snail-kun tier

One phrase is all it took to make me do it.

Are you legally blind?

Is this the best solar eclipse in anime?

>but for the few moments of Totality, when moon almost completely blocks the sun, it's perfectly safe to look at it.

Not enough studies done on total solar eclipse to make such a claim because it is pretty rare.

It's just according to theory.

The eclipse. It's evil. It contains all the evil of the world. It'll make people do evil things. I have to stop it. I have to sacrifice the eclipse itself before something unfortunate happens, or at the very least, sacrifice the evil that comes with this eclipse.

Would a partial eclipse make it look like it's nighttime or is there still a lot of sunlight?

But I don't want to be sacrificed

Piccolo pls.

the 9 hours of my time it'll take to drive to and from the path of totality

It's rare to see a total solar eclipse from land. The event itself isn't that rare. I think it happens once every 2-3 years. Most of the time, it's only visible from an extremely small location, and that location often ends up being in middle of the ocean somewhere. Point is, there are people who have done this. It's not "just a theory". If it had any risk, the government would be warning people about it, not telling them to go watch it.

>You dumbfucks are treating the solar eclipse light as if it was moonlight.
During totality (assuming you are in the path of totality) its literally just as bright as the moon and is safe to look at with no protection.
Otherwise yes you are correct.