Koshi koshi koshi
Koshi koshi koshi
Yoshi > Koshi
Demo! Demo! Demo!
Even though this series was entirely not as advertised it was still an enjoyable slice of life.
I was just glad to see her happy
The first 10 minutes hit me hard
Demo is best.
About the only thing I remember from this POS.
That show was trash.
Koshi > Yoshi > Demo
Eat shit if you disagree
>A tripfag that's completely wrong.
Back to whatever forum you came from.
Where's the flat chest sliding scene?
Kill yourself tripfag.
The first episode was unironically 10/10
>they expect us to sympathize with the mother
>after she traumatized her daughter for years
Is that normal behavior in Japan or what
It's true. The issue was that the rest of it was generic romcom bullshit.
They expected us to sympathise with Seita's aunt in thinking that he was a disrespectful shit despite the fact that she was a massive cunt.
One of the worst bait&switch I have seen to date. Imagine what could have been.
Yoshi > *
Best first few minutes of anime ever.
The rest of the episodes are trash.
>kotoura thread
wasn't expecting this
Just watched this other day and an surprised it took me until now to find it asks give it a watch. I thought it was precious. I need another precious show.
Episodes 1+2 >>>>>>
Such a shame it got let down by the great opening.
Smooth ride.
Kotoura deserved the mating press.
Psycho Kino was fucking nonsense
Yoshi > Koshi > shit >>> Demo