Why should I give a fuck about these dead kike kids?

Seeing these frothing at the mouth kike kids screaming for a total ban on all guns and shouting YOU WORK FOR US at Republican politicians makes me absolutely raging mad. No wonder Cruz’s environment drove him homicidal.

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>screaming for a total ban on all guns
they're not asking for a ban of all guns

You should not. They were gunless and only serve to demonstrate how truly pathetic depending upon the 'authorities' for personal protection truly is.

A lot of the kikelets at the state assembly meeting were. And they just had (((Ben Stein))) on Cavuto calling for Trump to ban the AR-15.

Guess how many taxes those kids have ever paid?

Useful idiots

to be fair some of them did witness their classmates get shot. also just as its a right to own guns it's their right to protest (not saying that it does not annoy me), but its a give and take.

was he, dare i say, /ourmutt/?

Yet. Sometimes big things have small beginnings, just ask your wife

do they have the death penalty in florida? if so cruz is gonna snooze