Be honest. Which do you find more attractive?

Be honest. Which do you find more attractive?

left if futa
otherwise right

Right is the right answer




where's daddy

plump pussy > balls on your face desu

left, but I prefer men anyway.


Neither, I'm not attracted to benis.


Would fuck both anyway.


Veight is even more annoying as a trap.

Is this even a question?

Vampy-chan is literal sex

Right's face and hair on left's body

The girl(female).



Left haircut ruins it.

I want to become her soup

If I had to be utterly honest?

Right, duh.

Child bearing hips on something that cant give birth?

Vampy. I'm not into boys.

Tied Veight to a chair and let him watch me fuck Vampy while she's teasing him.


Both is the only correct answer

Took me a second to notice the bulge but both.

Left is objectively cuter

right because I'm not a faggot

right because i'm not a closeted faggot


This. Also that slit looks soft

Left, it is better when they are embarrassed.

Trapfags are the new furries.


but not because of the dick, i like her personality

Right. Puffy vulvas are beautiful, and they give you an extra hole to put things inside. Dicks are just gay.