What's your thoughts on Samurai Flamenco, Sup Forums?
What's your thoughts on Samurai Flamenco, Sup Forums?
I liked it, but I don't know much about the ranger genre in Japan or whatever the fuck it's a parody of, so I don't think I got the full experience
What was his name again?
>Guillotine Gorilla
Furious George
I'm disappointed that we didn't get military police Gotou, but it's one of my favourite shows ever. Watching it with Sup Forums was even better than Geass.
shit was alright until they threw in a gorilla. Then I dropped it.
I think it's widely misunderstood
Krunchy Kong
AOTY 2013
>like the dynamic
>development decent
and then
>superpowers LOL
instantly dropped. what's wrong with ningens baka
I'm gay for Masayoshi
As you can see here
It's fun.
Shit was bananas
One of my favorite shows ever. The instrumental version of Just One Life has been my ringtone ever since
Chopping Chimp
I mean, even the quads confirm. People fail to realize it's trying to make us rethink the tokusatsu genre.
>People fail to realize
user realized nothing, he just saw the show going into a direction he didn't like and simply shut it down on the spot, same as this idiot
I loved it and its self-aware sense of humor and absurdity. Most consistently fun series I've seen in a long time.
>we didn't get military police Gotou
Glad to know I'm not the only one.
>it's trying to make us rethink the tokusatsu genre.
How so?
>Watching it with Sup Forums was even better than Geass
Remember spoiler user?
>Moe gets fingered
It wants you think about many things that tokusatsu shows take for granted, for instance the team-up that happens in the first few episodes.
I've only seen a few Kamen Riders and Garo and they didn't have such a thing, but I'll take your word for it.
>episode 10 is a 10/10
Incipient Simian.
I didn't get that one.
No I am saying team-ups are common, the point is that the show wants you to think about a detail: what happens if the person you team up with has different values than you do? What if his/her concept of justice is radically different?
In the end, the show never gives an answer to this question, but urges you to think about it in the framework of the bigger question the show is asking: what would it be like if you could live your tokusatsu fantasies? Are you sure they'd go the same way your favorite shows go? I am afraid to use this word, but many times Samurai Flamenco plays like a deconstruction
>watched the entire thing
>cant tell if its kino or terrible
I literally cannot form an opinion on Samflam. Ive watched some esoteric and bizarre shit in my time, but samflam just feels off. Its like it was from some alternate universe and was mysteriously dumped in ours. Its simply alien.
user, don't fear saying deconstruction for Sam Flam. It is one of a very, very small set of anime that legitimately is a deconstruction.
An anime that deserved more than what it got. Like other posters its hard to say if its mediocre or just straight up kino. Its ability to just drastically change direction on the fly without feeling off is unheard of in the level preformed here. All the characters are varied and have just enough back story to feel nice even if they only got a few episodes of screentime.
Sadly it bombed so hard that we'll never hear from it ever again. If you told me Sup Forums purchased half of the BDs sold alone, id believe you. I remember when BDs came out I think I must have seen 100+ posters sharing their purchases
>create homo characters
>sperg out when people call your characters homo
What did he mean by this?
As someone who enjoys toku I was simply enamored by it.
Every time the themes shifted violently I was 100% invested.
It's sad to hear most people were turned off because "power rangers".
no homo
There's nothing gay about one man marrying another man and doing all the things that a wife would do.
Wow I can't believe Masayoshi helped find Gotou's missing girlfriend and was his best man at their wedding. Best bro ever?
Jesus, what a wild thread that was.
>Western fujos always crying about representation and lack of homo
>show comes out where the main characters become a couple (no homo)
>fujos completely ignore it and continue to whine
I just don't get it.
They don't act like blatant homosexuals, like Yuri on ice.
A masterpiece.
I want a boyfriend like Masayoshi no homo
Sit down.
>I just don't get it.
Because it wasn't gay until last episode and the director no-homo ed it?
Not to mention the anime was also kind bad.
Sup Forums overrates it way too much for me personally but it was still an enjoyable ride regardless, GG will be one of the most remembered moments in anime because of how unsuspecting it was.
>it wasn't gay until the last episode
Did we watch the same show?
Did we? You know he had a "girlfriend"?
Either way, director said it wasn't gay, so fujoshi don't own Samumenco shit.
And let me guess, Masayoshi is retarded and autistic to know what a marriage proposal is and what love really means.
The Director can say what ever the hell he wants, but to try and pull a no-homo when the main character was willing to fuck the good back into the bad guy is plain retarded. Which is why he backed down when people started calling him on his bullshit.
This clearly depicts them at Ishihara's wedding with Kondou.
I had high hopes when I first saw this specific promotional image before the show started airing and it ended up being a wholly different beast altogether. Still, I can't say I expected any of what we got, not that I'm complaining.
Been my favorite anime since I watched it.
It's a really fun watch. I don't remember half of it since it's been a few years.
I unironically think it's a masterpiece. It will be a long time before another series has the balls to do what SamFlam did.
>I unironically think it's a masterpiece
It's a legit masterpiece. This jewel was made by people who understand storytelling and had an actual plot with actual characters.
Almost every anime that comes out today only has a premise for plot and products for characters.
One of the few anime that didn't bore me, I wasn't hooked until the gorilla thing though
>The Director can say what ever the hell he wants, but to try and pull a no-homo when the main character was willing to fuck the good back into the bad guy is plain retarded. Which is why he backed down when people started calling him on his bullshit.
Delusional fujoshit. You should be content with IBO and YoI instead of latching on straight show.
Staff said it isn't gay, give up.
Whatever you say, Kurata.
>straight show
>Masayoshi is retarded and autistic to know what a marriage proposal is and what love really means.
This was such bullshit damage control.
I hope you all are watching the second coming of SamFlam
This is coming from Japan, where a character can fuck a dude in the ass every night, marry him, and adopt kids together and still pull that "I'm not gay" bullshit.
Boring, lolsorandumb garbage for redditor memers to enjoy
>what was his name again? xDD
Real comedy gold right there
>muh hitler sperm
This has literally nothing to do with SamFlam.
I loved SamFlam and loved anons that watched it with me. I as put off at first by the twist too but I liked cast too much to drop it and I'll never regretted watching it further.