Would it be REALLY that easy for a white middle-class teenager to aquire an assault rifle if they were banned?

Would it be REALLY that easy for a white middle-class teenager to aquire an assault rifle if they were banned?

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There are way more guns in America than people and that will not change with any ban.

What the fuck do you think.

Yeah, there are a lot of guns in the United States. Niggers don't care who they sell to.

Was it REALLY that hard for young white people to get drugs once they were banned?

most school shootings are in fact performed by individuals not attending the school or by means (firearms) that were not acquired legally by the student. however if there was another assault weapons ban, no one would be able to purchase an ar 15 unless it was through private sale. considering me and my buddy both purchased sks's when we were 18 and in high school during the last assault weapons ban, it would not be that hard.

Assault rifles are already somewhat banned, dummy. There's over 700 million guns in the US. I know people that have 10-20 AR lower components. They are everywherrreee. A child or felon can legally buy a 80% lower receiver right now take it home, dremel it out and have a working AR-15 with a few other non regulated items.

Assault rifles ARE BANNED.


Why would he try to get a gun when he could rent a truck, make explosives, make poisons, start a fire?

In all honesty the death toll from firearms are small compared to these other methods. Fires tend to do the most damage, both in terms of property and lives, and it's a lot harder to prevent or catch.

The problem with this idea of going after guns is that it requires the belief that the guns themselves are causing the violence. That's not the case, they're a tool and a lot of people think they're the best tool for things like this. We saw in Europe that when guns were too difficult to acquire without the police finding out, that terrorists switched to something far easier and even deadlier - renting massive trucks and just running people over.

Even so, Europe's had their own fair share of firearm massacres in spite of much lower proliferation of arms, and much stricter gun control measures. The simple fact is that more gun control does nothing. It doesn't have any impact on these attacks and whether or not they happen. The source of it is the individual and what causes them to decide they should do something like this, not the means they use.

If the 2nd amendment were repealed tomorrow, gun massacres wouldn't stop. But you WOULD have thrown away your civil rights, self defense rights, and given the government carte blanche to go full stalinist totalitarian dictatorship without mercy on the population at large.

Anyone with a genuine desire can find anything they wish in America.