Greatest love story ever told
Greatest love story ever told
This shit was better than Oreimo and Toradora.
I read a lot of romance manga, I watched this and didn't think it was good at all.
Except it barely has any love and has zero connection with TV. They just take a couple of characters from it.
>better than Oreimo
That's not an accomplishment
I bet they don't even kiss
That title already went to AOTS for spring17 and it wont be reclaimed for quite some time.
It was barely passable.
Nah, the movie was shit.
With this cinematic timing? Nah.
Debatable. Certainly one of the cutest I'll give you that
99% of romance manga is trash.
>endless will they/won't they
>dating the wrong person arcs
>love triangles
>moving away to America arc
>graduation and going to different colleges arc
>break up arc
There's not more than a dozen good romance manga out there.
You just explained 100% of all romance dramas. Not just manga.
I thought he ends up with her little sister.
That's not ____-__
That was a good Doujin.
It piggybacks on the TV's characterization.
The bird and the dyke friend made me stop watching the series. I should give it another go.
The love story itself was pretty mediocre but the movie was a goddamn masterpiece. The movie is so much more than a simple love story.
bird isnt in the movie aside froom a prologue short. give it a go.
>this crap
>better than oreimo
Kek. Nice joke.
the dyke friend did nothing wrong
Meh, I wanted Midori to win. But it turned out to be another boring het trash romance.
almost succeeded with your bait there
nice reddit spacing
Serves you fucking right. Get owned low intellectual.
horimiya is my favorite romance manga and even objectively speaking it's one of the best out there
To be fair a lot of romance dramas are based on manga too
>tfw the only good romance manga you know is about a guy realizing he's a faggot
TnI is better.
what is tni? I'll gladly read/watch an i their good romance user-kun
Oh I see someone is fucking MAD.
It was cute as hell but toradora is still the best.
Oreimo is pure garbage though.
I don't like that this is true.
That's hardly an accomplishment.
Kill yourself
the fact that it doesn't have a shit tsundere automatically makes it better
They both won so I don't see how anyone would be angry, outside of you that is.
You should really know the greatest romance mango of our time.
Careful with projection
Instead it has characters waiting until the very last minute to become a couple.
But that's not Midori x Tamako.
probably the reason I haven't heard of it. I read manga occasionally or when I get a really good recommendation. thanks tho, going on vacation today and gonna read it on flight
>Tamako doesn't know what to do, so she asks Midori for advice
>Midori says she doesn't know and uses the moment to try to score points with Tamako
>Tamako asks her real friends who aren't dykes what to do
>they immediately and accurately explain to Tamako what she's feeling and what she needs to do
No straight girl should ever be friends with a lesbian. Lesbians want nothing more than to pray on straight girls and sabotage their relationships with boys.
>Greatest love story ever told
> Mochizou
LOL nice joke OP. They are barely good characters...
Are you projecting something?
Ah! Right user. Something like this AHAH. Poor thing.
Midori is the best
The bottom guy, who?
Why can't I be Mochizou
I've only read/seen a couple of romance manga/anime. Tomato Market is really bad. It's unfunny, not even moe, and just dull. Truly glad this existed over another key adaptation.
Anons, do you believe love can be spoilered?
It wasn't entirely a romance, but it was good.
Most overrated normie love story.
I think you mean Toradora.
I think you need to virtue signal having seen it 20 times before you can make a statement like that.
my thoughts exactly
Yes. I recommend it, Prunus Girl is worth a read.
This is not even a romance movie. The furthest it goes is remembering names.
The should would be better if it was yuri