Following the new guidelines!
Buyfag Thread
Read the guide
Anchovy, anchovies everywhere. Glorious.
What are your guys' experiences with Di Molto Bene?
Is J-List alright for buying hentai doujins?
What the fuck happened?
This feels fucking ridiculous for 2 1/8ths. Is Ami's shipping even more expensive than I remember or was it always like this?
How the fuck do Nendos get delayed?
>payment request
It's real simple, buyfag OPs need to stop using a canned link/resource guide. It's too circlejerk-y and that's it really.
These threads are normally very chill and constructive, but hey, this IS a general, and it should be more than clear that mods are tightening the bolts trying to fine-tune anything they can to make the board less insular and separated into enclaves.
>following the new guidelines
>Just posts the "canned link/resource guide" as a reply
No, this is still the same shit. /toy/ is more appropriate for figurefag threads anyway.
These rules are so arbitrary. All it's going to do is make people follow the letter of the law rather than the spirit. Like its fine if you post a link to the guide in a reply? Fucking stupid and arbitrary.
Those two will make great pair.
Adjusting for demand I'd guess, so that they don't have to go do a re-issue in a year which presumably delays production schedules.
Either that or a.) somehow something was important enough to delay resources used for Megumins (unlikely) or b.) they reached technical/manufacturing limitation of capacity for some part or c.) a fuckup in logistics / some big batch failed QC
>No, this is still the same shit. /toy/ is more appropriate for figurefag threads anyway.
>/toy/ - Toys
>Absolutely no Japanese figurines. Action figures are permitted.
Go bother the staff to change the rules if you want these threads to move to /toy/.
Thanks Obama.
I expected it honestly
I already spent a thousand bucks this month buyfagging anyway
It was always gonna happen, but I didn't expect it to be two months. It's usually one month increments.
if this is the gathering version you will need to support the left arm thing otherwise the entire figure will lean pretty bad really fast.
I think it will eventually lean even without the arm attached
I haven't used Amiami in a while so I can't remember. Between placing a pre-order and actually paying for it, can I change the shipping address?
>Delayed again
How many months is she late? On the over hand, with Mikan and the recolor version of Illya+Kuro coming, September gonna be one hell of a month.
Delayed until October.
>being made by Griffon
Why did it have to turn out like this?
Life isn't fair user.
I thought they only made terrible Jojo figures
True that, guess I'll wait and see if it turns out decent and buy it on the aftermarket if they actually a good job for once.
I have the amakuni one on PO so I'll be alright
These two can't come soon enough
Fuck off
read the sticky
This is funny to me because this is the exact same thing people did last time kinomod tried his "No generals!!!!!" rule.
wtf everybody hates buyfags, what happened?
Buncha newfags been here for a month and now they think they own the place.
DBS fags mostly.
Far more cancerous generals get moved, or come under threats to be moved, and instead of coming to terms with it or arguing as to why their threads should stay they point to buyfag threads.
They used to point to DJT until that was moved.
Or rather they would point to DJT and Buyfag.
Either way we're still fine.
These tend to stay more on topic and Sup Forums in nature than some others like JJBA generals.
Damn, maybe I should get her Next form while I wait.
Got payment request for Yotsugi, forced EMS on Amiami.
Like it or not, buyfag threads have long since had special permission to be on Sup Forums. No sense in bitching about it.
Fuck off retard, buyfags have been here longer than you.
This and the GSC Kiss-shot are the only good Monogatari figures. Monogatari deserves more figures.
Someone mentioned Dragon Ball generals specifically last thread and triggered one of these newfags, so it's probably one of the reasons.
That's just plain old scapegoating. It's much easier for them to just point at threads like these in hopes that they're moved, which would make them feel better about themselves but change nothing, or try to make it an example of why their threads should be allowed, even if they're not the same and are regulated differently.I doubt either of those things will happen, so we should be fine, apart from the increased shitposting, which was already bad.
>left has both sides megumin but the right has the best megumin pose
why does it have to be this way, it's making it hard for me to impulse [/spoiler]heart buy one
>fucked my spoiler up
just kill me now
Maybe there's a fault with her nendo and it keeps spontaneously combusting or something?
The pose on the right is great. Shame about Yunyun.
yeah I don't know why they thought it would be a good idea to put them both on the same one. if the second side was blank I'd probably buy the right one
on toranoana why cant i see the "comics" when i search the author normally
and i cant click the author to find all their "comics"
are they usually OC or just compilations of their doujin works?
Did I do okay?
First time I ever assembled anything from Ikea that had glass. Did it alone, so I was freaking out when I got to the part where you have to connect the panes together and stand them up...
it would look better without all those wii games
The PS4 games are on the other side of the Kallax.
BACK FOR PREORDER!! get it before you regret it.
Nintendo shit can ruin anything.
Calm down there kid...
Is that the OpRainfall Boxset? Superior taste!
forgot about this monstrosity
eh...too thikk
Stop tempting me with that OP
I've felt it was insane too, shipping keeps coming up to around 40% of the total cost and it doesn't feel right.
Pondering whether I should use EMS or SAL parcel to germany, SAL is 1310 JPY cheaper.
Isn't a cute face like that a sufficient reason to buy?
That depends on which 1/8s and what shit hole you are from
That's high. My June order was two 1/8, one 1/7, one 1/6, and two nendos, and came to 8500. But they don't have to paddle down the Amazon in a dugout canoe to deliver mine, so ymmv
Why not both?
>Di Molto Bene
I've looked up a few videos of their other items and the general consensus seems negative. I'd avoid it.
because $200 for something I'll probably regret is more harmful than $100
Don't get that one.
don't put shit on your detolf
get raisers for your figures
distribute them better/display nendos somewhere else
install some LEDs
put your Detolf on a 1x1 Kallax so you can use the bottom segment
Still got a bunch of stuff to sell. My buyfag flame is almost worn out, but they're really nice figs if you ask me. For some fellow buyfags i can make them quite cheap.
I'm in EU but i can ship them worldwide easily. I can make even more discount if you buy at least two of them.
For prices and stuff, or if you're interested in any of them mail me on MFC: Musso92
get the one with Yunyun and never have that side up for advanced bullying
But I don't wanna marry her.
she came, god damn that tummy is nice.
that's probably what I'd do if I got that one
Tfw stuck at work and USPS tracking is broke
She's out of customs, just hoping she caught the first plane out of Chicago. I give this afternoon a 60% chance
Is it worth the 200$ to buy the new ryuko bunny just because I want to hot glue it?
Not really. There's plenty of other hot glue figures out there.
Anyone here use a Nikon D3400? Got any example shots with the stock lens(es)?
Pretty nice for a prize figure.
Eh, not lewd enough.
Just google "myfigurecollection d3400" and look into the pictures of people who have it listed on their profiles. The kit lenses on my D5500 are a bit different, otherwise I'd post some.
And a ching chong nip nong to you, too.
That thing is ugly as fuck.
Looks bretty fuggin' good. I was eyeing the beginner's combo pack with tripod and everything, seems like a good deal.
Didn't realize koto made prize figs.
Cameras matter less than people think they do. Yeah, DSLRs are great and fun to use, but they don't mean much if you don't know how to light and frame your pictures. You can make do with a phone nowadays, but if you think that's limiting you, then go for it.
EMS anywhere I'm pretty sure. If I remember right it wasn't any less getting it from GSC though.
I'm a burger, and it's the DX Yotsugi and the 2013 tan Racing Miku. Either their boxes are big or I'm being punished for my shit taste I guess.
Would Amiami accept my request to combine something shipping this month with next months order
DX Yotsugi is 34.3 x 25.9 x 22.4 cm and 1509g
So yeah.
Have you asked them?
Okay, I'll translate it for you.
I had the impression that the Japanese proficiency in buyfag threads was decent.
I was helping out at a booth at Comiket today, and a Western foreigner appeared that couldn't speak Japanese. He tried his best using the translation of his smart phone
"I really want this book. I highly respect you."
"In my country loli is illegal, so I can't take it home. I'm really sad."
"I can't buy the book, but I want you to do your best" what he told me trying his best. Brother!
It isn't my book, though!
Oh trust me, this camera is going to be well-used. Full control is great.
They'd take until the next day to respond, I though I'd ask here real quick.
>I was helping out at a booth at Comiket today, and a Western foreigner appeared that couldn't speak Japanese. He tried his best using the translation of his smart phone
>someone stole my package full of loli smut from my mailbox
Now what
I also think this mysterious deliquient is behind my bookdepository manga not being delivered
Still not sure how I feel about her having honey for hair.