Why isn't there kamen rider anime?
Why isn't there kamen rider anime?
it was shit.
Gaim was legitly Urobutcher's best work, even though he lost writing control for the ending which went subpar. A lot of the praise goes to the director and cast who delivered as well.
>Urobutcher's best work
That's Fate/Zero.
its called precure
We had Garo the animation. It was good
Kamen Rider is cartoonish enough as it is. What would even be the point?
Hyped for build? I sure am.
Wait Gaim was written by the Butcher? No wonder I hated it.
Nyaruko is fucking filled with them
I would love to have another Kamen Rider SD
Wasn't SamFlam a sentai?
>kamen rider thread
I see you are a man of culture aswell, too bad mod is too easliy butthurt
SamFlam was a lot of things.
As much as I love Butcher, I never thought Gaim would be topped so fast.
Why did KR stopped doing those poses?
S2 was so fucking shit jesus christ, didnt help that ex-aid was so good
i think S1 seemed so good because literal dogshit like ghost was airing alongside
What's the differrence between Sentai/toku/KR?
Any patrician would recognize that Kabuto is the best heisei rider.
Ex Aid looks dumb.
Chapter 2 when?
Toku is the umbrella term for Sentai/KR/other special effects shows.
KR is usually focused on one rider, with one or a couple "side" riders that get their transformation ability through a belt.
Sentai is group focused Toku, with each member having a color coded uniform. Tends to be more MotW and has giant robots.
Kamen Rider Black was the only good one.
you should never judge a book by its cover, ex-aid was really good
but you're probably the type of judgemental asshole who thinks modern KR is "too kiddy" or some retarded shit even though its been a glorified toy ad for a decade (no pun intended)
your loss though
Fate/Zero sucked and Gaim is low tier rider, Future Diary was his best.
Fate/stay night was heavily inspired by Kamen Rider Ryuki
you mean ryuki was inspired by madoka
>ex-aid was really good
>second quarter removed the opening theme entirely
>brought back soap opera dribble not seen since Kabuto
>weak fight scenes
>little monster variety
>too many traitors
>very dragged out pacing
However Cronus does manage to be the best villain rider in the heisei entries.
toku is the world, the rest are some kind of sub-species, probably there are more.. but generally its can be described like this
So is it Imaishi or Nakashima that always rips off Kamen Rider?
They are still doing poses, but not as flashy as heisei ones.
Cronus is literally Dio Brando and Ex-Aid Hyper Muteki Star Platinum, no wonder their first fight was the best episode of this shit series.
Early Heisei, Amazons and Garo are still the top toku so far.
Bring back the flashy pose
It was a nice palette cleanser during Ghost, but not really good by its own right.
Ex-aid was actually good? I may have to check it out. Ghost completely killed my interest in the series.
Dude, you're talking about people responsible for TTGL. These people don't live in a reality where the concept of a rip-off exists.
What did Amazon even did wrong?
do nips think these actors are cool like american 80's action film actors? They are dressed all hip and stuff but they are old-man jackie chan from the neck up
It's the same dude you unfashionable retard
arr rook same
gaim was shit
desu 10's transfomation are not as cool as 80's transformation
the shit*
How come Ex-Aid is better than most currently airing anime?
>lost writing control for the ending
? first ive heard
I don't believe you.
Cause it has a great gamemaster
You gotta believe, man.
It's almost like it's taboo to make Toku into anime. The Godzilla anime is getting a lot of resistance because of this. Toho is betting on the younger demographics who are more lenient to give it a try.
Not just the ending, so many changes messed with his plot, in the end he was told Gaim is the first KR to actually stick to the general plot-line, every other KR is written like every other TV show, they don't know how it's going to end or where it's going, but Urobuchi wrote Gaim backwards, he knew how it's ending from the start, it had to be very precise and specific.
Some big changes like Sid was supposed to die before episode 11, Micchy was going to die around episode 36, Redue was a good guy, they weren't dancers they were street gangs ect,ect.
The final episode (the one with Jam) is only supervised by Urobuchi. It's very clear that he wanted some characters to remain gone and maybe for Kouta to never return and Micchy suffering far worse, but future Movie War crossovers demand that the story ends however the executives want it to end for potential tie-ins. Actually ending Kaito was quite the feat regardless of how predictable it was.
so what about the ending was changed
Well, Micchy for sure wasn't supposed to survive. Takatora probably too.
Other than that, they fucked up Kaito's line at the end. Urobuchi was very assblasted about this.
But the ending itself of Kouta taking invess to another planet wasn't changed. I loved the idea, too bad it was shot like shit.
Kaito should have won. He completely dominated during the whole battle but then lol random stab Kouta wins gg ez no re wp
That's just par for Toku. Toei's gonna Toei after all too.
>they fucked up Kaito's line at the end. Urobuchi was very assblasted about this.
details? Its been ages since I last saw
At least post the video, the music makes it 10 times cooler.
Who is hype for Build? I'm reasonably excited, trailer looks dope.
I just remembered the biggest changed to Gaim, was that Kaito was OP as fuck and Kouta was a scrub who would lose all the time. Toei didn't allow this because it would hurt the toy sales.
That stab would have been a powerful moment if Kaito was the unbeatable enemy for Kouta like he was supposed to be.
Instead Kouta ends up looking more like a bad guy for killing Kaito.
That Kaito was always lagging behind and Kouta kept getting power-ups on silver platter didn't help either.
Best main rider design in years IMO.
It was during Kouta and Kaito's exchange before their final fight.
It was changed from a "World where the weak are allowed" to a "World where the weak aren't trampled on".
It's the power of Dan.
truly the best vegeta.
are the movies worth watching?
The Gaim movie was shit.
I can personally see the frustration with that line. Kaito was suppose to be this MUH STRENGTH edgelord who accepted that only the strong survive and followed it through and through to get to where he's at. Just because he has a chance to change the world in his image brings up the matter of how the weak should live. It's more fitting for Kaito to deeply want the weak to survive in order to get their chance to be strong, rather than absolutely the weak and strong getting along like what Kouta believes in unification. The change makes it sound like Kaito is willing to let Kouta win because he is both strong and weak, which comes off underwhelming.
Awful but I heard the novel was GOAT. Micchy transitions to a full hero and there are cameos from other Heisei riders.
This thread kinda makes me want to watch gaim.
I can watch it right if I only watched OOOs , fourze and the first season of amazins right?
Every single Gaim-related movie and crossover/tie-in episode has been dogshit that really dragged the series down than it already does to itself. The worst one is definitely the golden cup movie, since that was a huge clusterfuck of soccer-promotion, shitty characters who only transform once and barely do anything, and horrendous fights. It's so bad, it also made the final episode bad.
Yeah, they're all seperate things, but I'm going to take this opportuity anyway to recommend you check out W at your earliest convenience.
you totally can 100%orange juice
Kouta also believes that the current world is not hopeless, I think this is the major distinction between their characters.
Kaito believes that the strong lack compassion, and when they do have compassion in case of Takatora, they get taken advantage of by the weak (Micchy).
He wants an ideal world where both the strong are compassionate and the weak are allowed.
>but I'm going to take this opportuity anyway to recommend you check out W at your earliest convenience.
Why is it just that good or is there a specific reason for it?
You mean Sacred Seven? People forgot it while it aired.
I strongly recommend watching Gatchaman for the eye-popping transformations and cool weapons and Garo for the Using Dark Powers For Good theme though.
Really, Garo in general seems to be what you want.
I guess you haven't seen or heard of The Skull Man.
It's just that good mate, it has nothing to do with Gaim and you are free to watch Gaim before it but I still recommend you go back and check on it when you can.
Garo isn't an Ishinamori based Toku, best best for something close to what Rider should be is the Skull man anime.
kaito believes in the power of strength so much because hes always known he himself is weak.
Then I'll do just that, thanks mate.
Skull Man anime is probably a bit too much for people who are expecting a rider-style show out of it. It's best to enjoy it as a separate concept entirely, as I did before I got back into toku.
Where should I start with Kamen Rider? I tried the original a long time ago but it got pretty repetitive after the first few episodes. Then I tried starting with Kabuto and it was shit.
Ex-aid is a pretty nice to get into it.
Good point, but Skull Man is... yeah. Even more different.
I forgot, did Cyborg 009 transform?
>It's almost like it's taboo to make Toku into anime.
Really? But why?? I would have loved a Sentai or Kamen rider anime.
Toku hero disc market is a niche.
They are doing their best to sell toys.
There's not really much in the way of continuity, so you can really start anywhere (except Ghost. Fuck Ghost). Pick whichever one looks interesting to you. My first was Ryuki, although it's pretty removed from the formula as far as Kamen Rider goes. Madoka did draw a lot of inspiration from it, so that might make it easier for someone more used to anime to get into it. Gaim is solid, although there's a lot of nonsense about dancing fruit men you have to get through before the plot kicks in. I personally really like Drive as well, as it has a really good cast, both on the hero side and the villain side.
Also, be warned, the first 3-5 episodes of pretty much every modern rider series are usually bogged down by incredibly shitty CG monsters; push through, they usually run out of budget for that shit real fast.
Kuuga was so fucking good.
Pose related.
>there's no such thing as a toku anim-
Wizard is so cool, why did his show had to be so shit
>Any patrician would recognize that Kabuto is the best heisei rider.
THIS. It was so good it actually tricked me into thinking I liked the franchise.
>I didn't watch Thunderbolt Fantasy
Get to it right now and you'll change your wrong opinion.
I don't think they did.
Making a Toku into an anime removes all the charm of Toku. I think that's the main reason.
>literal chink puppeteer show
What are the charms of Toku? Special effect? CG can take care of that.