Extremely horny

>Extremely horny
>Been trying to lost his virginity since SJG
>literally became a teacher to fuck some pretty school girl
>Has at least over five girls wanting his dick and of some of them like Azusa or Shinomi are his age, so no problem morally
>actually attracted to most of them
>still a 24 yo virgin

Onizuka's story is the definition of blueballing

Other urls found in this thread:


he just realizes that life isnt all about getting your dick wet

Urumi should've won.

There's a reason why he is a Great Teacher.

In my heart, she won. They would make the best couple.

And this thread will go down, no one cares about our man Eikichi anymore on Sup Forums. It kind of hurts.

Onizuka is pure, that's why.

dude what? GTO is probably the most hilarious anime of all time and onizuka is actually an admirable person. is eikichi really that unpopular on Sup Forums ?

He's like Johnny Bravo. By all logic, a guy like him should have gotten laid long ago, yet the laws of the universe have dictated otherwise.

I couldn't even finish the first episode, onizuka's voice rubbed me the wrong way. The manga is great, though.

Well, I posted GTO some days ago and got fuck all. I am actually quite of sad seeing how people on Sup Forums lack the appreciation for the anime that's pretty much the funniest of all time, interesting and with a lead like the legend Onizuka.

>still a 24 yo virgin
>tfw I'm now at Onizuka's age
That hits too close to home.

Why is he so cool? Is it because he smokes?

What a faggot, unless you're asexual no one should refuse such a good girl.

it's mostly because of gintama fags these days, that gems like GTO are getting lost and put aside. it's "old" and not "edgy" enough for todays generation

>tfw one of his most touching and serious love story was with a tranny

Almost made me trannyfag, but I remembered how disgusting real trannys are


How's Paradise Lost?

I sold my collection of GTO volumes ages ago because they were falling apart, but apparently were rare enough to still sell like hotcakes. Kinda regret it now because I feel like re-reading.

what about gintama is edgy besides the the story arcs?

Naw, I like gintama too, but GTO was a true jewel. I don't understand how people can't appreciate it anymore.

I think this is because GTO ended 15 years, there's nothing much to discuss because of that. And the spin-off are just ok.

I wish GTO would get reanimated and they would cover all the arcs though.

It would be pretty awesome and looks like it would be lucrative to whoever did it too. They should.

>he anime that's pretty much the funniest of all time
you mean kochikame?

>Daimon will never be your mommu
>you'll never cum on her scar
>she'll never give me head will i'm driving her ferrari
it hurts on multiple levels

Oni-Baku vs Tetsuo: who wins?

Well you must have been unlucky, because everyone with at least respectable taste likes GTO.
Sup Forums isn't 100% pedoscum and isekai neckbeards.

>not "edgy" enough
Just remove the context

>tfw you feel "her"
that was fucking awful, for him I mean, the part at the train station, with him stating to Ryuji "I was serious about it. I was serious." was just depressing.
Sad that we dont get arcs about Eikichi anymore.

>daimon will never be animated
Ending GTO anime halfway through the story was a fucking mistake.

>Is it because he smokes?

Junior high school girls are too young for him, he probably won't hesitate once they become high school girls or after they graduate.


>most hilarious anime of all time
Hahahahaha no. I appreciate GTO because it gives actual valuable lesson through its story, but it's certainly not the most hilarious. It has its hilarious moment though.

I really like the story of an actual experienced in life adult guiding puberty kids in searching the meaning of their lives like GTO. Closest of the new anime I know is probably Assassination classroom, but the cartoonish design of Koro-sensei probably a hit or miss.

More like starting an adaptation when the story is still ongoing was a fucking mistake.

They never even got to Okinawa, did they?

I only read the Manga, how's the anime?

>the anime didn't even cover Miyabi's redemption


Still fun, but worse.

The adaptation is different but a few different things, Kunio's mother wedding episode, was anime original, in the manga, Kunio just invades a marriage with a baseball bat, the manga does some different things from animation, but the two are equally good

>24 years old
There was a time when I wanted to be like him when I get older.
Now I'm nearing my thirties.

It's a shame, despite the angel stuff being bullshit, second part of the manga had so much top tier moments

Hes too much of a based god to do anything.

This hits too close home

My fucking sides.

>Hahahahaha no

Do you have to read the previous series before GTO? I really want to get into GTO but the prequels put me to sleep.

>Onizuka armwrestling 100 dudes and Mayu slowly losing his smug grin will never get animated in your life time.

Fuck, this moment was so fucking good, it was the return of the Eikichi from the onibaku.

It's not necessary.

the first volumes of SJG are mostly random shit with outdated artstyle, but it gets really better after and Eikichi stop being the comic relief character.



>no one cares about our man Eikichi anymore on Sup Forums.
How can someone care about the character when the writer keeps him in a fucking cycle of getting cucked and blue balled?

The "oh no this girl might whore herself out" arc has been over 20 times in his last 4 series.

Its not the characters fault that he gets shit on by the writter to keep a joke thats been running for 20+ years, oh wait it is.

>Tatsuya Egawa has claimed that GTO plagiarized his debut manga, Be Free!.

I was ready to call Egawa a shit-stirrer but i just realised i've never even seen the raws of Be Free! floating around.

I wish I could go back in time and watch it for the first time again.

From a quick look, the premises sound similar, and Golden Boy's Kintaro and Onizuka are pretty much cut from the same cloth, so he might be onto something.

Either way, I don't really care. Manga series steal concepts from past ones all the time, plus I really like this kind of character, so the more the better.

Onizuka was my sexual awakening

The only series I can see as a sequel to GTO, is Yankano mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=76874 , purely because the lead girl's surname is Onizuka and her parents are teachers...plus her age and the publication date lines up with almost perfectly with the publication date of GTO so take it as you will but I say she's his daughter with Azusa. FUJISAWA Tohru can go to hell.

Where should i start reading the manga? I finished the anime today.

From the first chapter, where else?

The spinoffs keep rehashing the same premise over and over again.

Onizuka in trouble.
Finds place to stay.
Meets X, helps X, gets cucked.

When youve done the same story over and over again it gets repetitive and stupid and it hurts watching a character with so much potential get screwed over by the writer just for the same boring running joke thats been going on for 20+ years.


Around chapter 105 I think.
This. Shonan 14 days was also such a waste, I wanted to see some shenanigans with his old bosozoku friends

Eikichi is such a good character, if Tohru wants to milk him so much, just give him a proper arc. I think after all this time he deserves to lost his virginity, also a chapter of him losing his virginity has so much potential in term of comedy.

It gets super edgy later on.
Girl gets gang raped because his BF was a moron.
Teenage prostitution and porn films.
Child sex offenders.
Shonan Gummi started so fun but it went into really dark places.

From what I have heard, Egawa is egotistical enough to where he would believe that anything with a similar premise is purposefully ripping him off.

>name fagging

I'm pissed that him and the teacher didn't officially get together.

I forgot how the manga ended

I only remember the rape chick and only because Sup Forums meme'd her hard back then

Not at all. Most English readers, myself included, started with GTO. The Shonan Junai Gumi characters are mostly background characters, and they won't make you feel like you're missing anything -- you'll get a sense that they've had a history together, but that's it.

it's not like he has a moral strong enough to avoid prostitutes

I have a question tho, how old are Urumi, Murai etc?

GTO should've ended on Teshigawara's arc, perfect closure

Onizuka is pure. Leave him be.

Is AssClass just a shitty Danganronpa version of GTO?

>Gems like GTO are getting lost and put aside. it's "old" and not "edgy" enough for todays generation

See stands fine on its own. Without your shitty strawman.

Gintama is shit, though, so who cares?

He avoids prostitutes because in the first arc of Gummi, he met a chick that wanted to bang him but had every STD known to man, then she magically got cured of STDs and gave up on him after she rejected her one more time.

>Not edgy enough.
Dude, GTO had some pretty hard Edge, the final plot twist with the first Teacher that got kicked out was pure edge.

in case anyone needs the link to the proper scans and not color bubbles
though it's been years so it's probably up other places too

Miyabi was the worst and never apologized for anything, the fact that they depicted the teacher as sleazy too was bullshit

He gives me hope that I can be cool as a 24 year old virgin.
I know in my heart I was always cool.
But seriously the other teacher won right? At least that's how it is in the anime? Is it different in the manga

I dont falsely blame another series when GTO's has its own faults that bring it difficulty in keeping the attention of today's audiences. Not some boogeyman of another series keeping it down.

Im not him, just restating the guy's argument.Which if it wasn't obvious I think is based on fallacy and blind nostalgia. I dont agree with it. I think GTO handled the serious stuff well.

Dumb frogposter

So did he fuck/will he ever fuck fuyutsuki senshei? I mean come on

>did he fuck
>will he ever fuck

He's been on here long enough to earn that trip. Though don't let up on his obvious faggotry.

the closest you'll get is probably this anons

Didn't say any of that, only said Gintama is shit so it's not worth getting your panties in a wad over. Go back to masturbating to your Japanese Family Guy.

Onizuka is pretty much as much of a kid as his students.

Still a cool guy with a lot of experiences, but not an adult.

fuck off idiots, he belongs to the blonde goddess

She did

beating the dead horse type , the mind control arc was crap

friendly GTO /SJG bump

>revived by his desire to save the antagonist
Eikichi is too pure for this world

>starts liking the manga
> its only 5 chapters


urumi best girl

We use big boy words here.

What would you have do in his shoes?

I've always had GTO in my backlog, knowing that Onizuka and I have our virginity in common makes me want to read it now.

cum and dump

>you are the sweetest older guy I've ever met
Y-you too

It was "lol so randum" kind of humor, and other series have made the same as GTO just better since it came out.

>It was "lol so randum" kind of humor
nice meme retard

cute wallpaper