Perfection again soon.
Isekai Shokudou
Well, she finally became part of the restaurant, so naturally we will see her again.
I want Azathoth-chan to come back.
I need more half-elf.
Will the half-succubus finally find a place to stay at this episode?
She's already fucking the owner for job security.
The artist that drew OP's pic literally just posted her now.
How about I poke you with my sword down there?
He knows how to draw them.
I want to believe.
From her design I thought she'd be really bland and boring, but her autism is pretty cute. I'm looking forward for more of her.
I want to grab Aletta by the horns
I want to feed her my meat until she breaks.
Aletta is no longer pure
Part of a Yuri Love Triangle!
Who is better, Minced Beef Cutlet Sarah
Or her sister who will be appearing during the Assorted Cookies chapter today, Shia?
5 mins
get in here niggas
The plot is boring.
The characters are one-dimensional.
The food is over-marketed trite.
The show is trash.
This is not comfy. It's dull.
Never stop posting, lad.
Fat cow got fired
mermaid for sashimi
give me money.
fin turned into feet
>stealing cookies
fucking nigger demon
Nah, he leaves them out for employees
The human workers for the weekdays eat all of them almost right away. She actually knows how to hold back.
Also, where are you watching this?
treasure hunter's little sister
1 gold coin for nippon cookies pls
kebabs next week
This episode feels low budget, so many reused shots and animation
and dworfs
Fucking finally.
>breaking the yolk
So looks like they're doing a drink double-header next week. The dorfs and alcohol chapter and the fantasy kebab stalker prince and coffee chapter.
Yeah. The Aletta part especially looked really low-budget.
And so begins Aletta's new career as a black-market cookie smuggler.
No they arent, well not really.
The first one with the dwarfs is "Seafood Fry." Basically a fried seafood platter. I think its some white fish, scallops and squid rings.
And, as expected of dwarfs, they drink a lot of alcohol with it.
Second one is "Cream Soda"
I always see people saying fried food goes well with alchohol, but I don't drink so I don't know. Is this true in anyone else's experience
Is there a world map for this yet in the LN or if the author poster one when it was still a WN?
Rather than fried food, it's mostly salty food that goes well with beer. There's plenty of non-fried salty snack that goes well with beer: like beans or yakitori.
Shit. That's another dish of the week that I can't cook.
I know fuck all about making tofu and I can barely bake anything good.
Don't do me like this show.
Hmm, you're right. That's a weird change. The cream soda chapter was a followup to the coffee one.
>and I can barely bake anything good.
If you mean the cookies those are piss easy to bake unless you're a teenage anime girl on Valentine's day.
I know somebody who's an excellent cook but he does all measurements by feel. You can't do that shit with baking --- precision is everything when it comes to that.
Cookies are simple enough, you can do it user.
They're both very simple, just look up recipe and follow them to the letter.
How old is Aletta again?
Perfect age to wife.
Perfect age to impregnate.
>I can barely bake anything good
Home baking is overrated, it is too fucking much of an effort. I used to make cinnamon rolls occasionally and I even perfected it to my taste by the fifth or sixth try but I then realized why the fuck would I do all of these steps when I can just buy them? You can even get dozens of varieties. The only advantage would be healthshit like using whole wheat flour or less butter, but meh, taste is more important.
50 in the WN.
I refuse to believe.
Seems like HS and Ohys are late for this show too. I wonder what's happening today..
Breeding age
This cutie can't be 50. It's just not possible.
Half elf and black dragon a best. But hafu definitely wins. Something about the green colors and all.
>literally invents a magical fridge just for the sake of pudding
How much more best can a girl get?
>Cute girl is a double layered christmas cake
If she's so best then why doesn't she have a husband already.
Because she's too busy inventing fridges and eating pudding.
Clearly has her priorities straight
>Adventurer's imouto
>still not young enough
Show needs more demon bully.
I want to impregnate that goat and throw her out of the house
Magic nipple clinging hair. Classic mermaids.
And what the fuck, does anyone else hear this strange popping noise at around 3 mins in after the guy stops talking?
Where are my saggy goat tits???
>Snake, glad to see you haven't gotten rusty even in your old age
They have a bit of a map this episode
>Isekai Shokudou - 08 [720p]
>mermaid split her tail
Fuck that. Lad should have just carried her all the way.
This soundtrack is way too comfy.
Your workplace doesnt have a pantry?