Do the Goyim Know?

Is it just me or are more and more people actually becoming woke on the JQ? Am I fucking crazy? I swear I've been noticing in comments sections on Youtube, Facebook, etc. people have started talking about (((them))) openly a LOT whereas only a few years ago I swear you would never have seen that at all.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Other urls found in this thread:

The problem is that everyone knows the "Jews control the media" and "Jews run the world" meme, but they don't know much else. More people are digging deeper, but we need to force the JQ into being common knowledge.

Most people don't associate Jews with the reason their countries are being overrun by Third Worlders. THAT is the meme we want regular people to know.

I've been wondering this a lot recently myself.

I think it's a combination of the general populace becoming redpilled on the JQ and the increasing boldness of the already-redpilled to vocalize their viewpoints in a public forum.

Either way, what a time to be alive.

They all will be talking more soon

Something strange I’ve noticed it takes a while for people to catch onto things. I liked trump when he was first running I now know he’s a Zionist shill. When I first liked him my friends hated him but literally months later they like him and I don’t because hes playing the shill game. I think some people are just more tuned into what’s going on personally


the goyim can no more understand the jew than the cow can understand the butcher

the vast majority of people on earth are born and bred to be slaves, and that includes white people

>no one has ever figured us out

>The goyim have never found out!
Almost time to add to the list, Shlomo

can anyone give me a quick redpill on the jq?
i always thought jews control higher positions because of their above average iq which seems valid

Jews are essentially trapped in a fever dream of world domination 24/7 from which they can never awaken from. They hear voices telling them to control goyim that regularly reminds them of the holocaust if they have any doubts about it, they interpret the voice as their god.
On a more factual note they are in power because they are allowed to practice their group identity and have made it harder for whites to do so since they're associated with racism if they do and lose their career. A jew will always hire another Jew into a powerful position instead of anyone else if given the choice. That's it.

are you kidding?

there is without a doubt a huge resurgence in antisemitism and conservatism

warms the heart

I've definitely noticed this. I don't think it means people will buy The JQ but people are starting to be aware of Jews jewing, like how everyone noticed any flaws of a particular race, and the fact they tried to shut it down just opens the floodgates stronger

can you give me some stats or further reading material on that?

at harvard, they're developing biological weapons to be deployed by a fly. they're stuck on the wings right now. Daniel Jafferis' brother is the one working on it. all of this is under NDA. both of them are jews. Sparc, before they were acquired by Booz Allen, developed a weapons AI for the DoD. withholding the names of the coders who did it. this is something the goyim should know

Yes and no. There's equally a greater amount of Zionist censorship in the media and internet to counter the awakening. Also most people are just too dumb to get even the most basic facts. This is what you get when kikes in Hollywood and the music industry promote degenerate rap culture, society gets brainwashed to start selecting degenerate sub 80 IQ for sexual reproduction.

Burgerland went from a strong nation of hard working intellectuals to degenerate autistic slave retards in record time.

I'm jewish and don't want to dominate anyone. I live a peaceful life without intruding on anyone and do my best to minimize my impact on the environment.

you are a massive faggot

pride is a sin, demon


the media isn't what it once was

You can't know how many of the goyim know if you silence all the goyim and send them to places you can't analyze for data about how much the goyim know.

In other words. If you censor the main social media websites, how will you ever know what most of the population is feeling and believing?

I'm not one of those guys who has a bunch of JQ statistics saved on my computer.
My factual answer is however correct and well known, I can't explain to you world history, porn and hollywood industry, modern propoganda and group identity in a single Sup Forums post.
Look up movies with Jewish directors, they always have Jewish actors, look up Jewish business, etc.
Whites are not allowed a group identity anymore because of racism, we have to be 'individuals' when there is in fact no (self) but only a soul that has lived forever and will continue to be infinite but currently you are its host. The soul conects to a greater absolute, a transcendental dimension where souls are nodes and create a greater being who understands its existence. Each race has one, each generation is a plate, each person is a node on it.
People are meant to help each other, Jews help each other, it was common sense since the 1950's in America even and everywhere else until everything collapsed.

This Pasta kills the shill.

Post this PASTA in any thread you suspect of being subverted.

Let's not forget that letting a shill incite a response from you puts dirty shekels in their pockets. Don't feed the shills.


FBI report -
Christopher Bollyn 2014 (60 min lecture)
“Israel Is Behind the 9/11 Attacks and Iraq Wars”
(keep in mind this guy used to be an alex jones nwo NWO missiles and holograms, believer. and may well be being prepped to be a spokesperson for Israel's 9/11 attack hitting the mainstream)

FOX News - The Israeli 9/11 Connection ep.1

RT News and Press TV journalist Ryan Dawson - War By Deception 2013

BBC journalist Alan Hart on Israel and 9/11

RT News - Was 9/11 an Inside Job

Israel Mossad Chief - Juval Aviv, ( mossad agent on whom the movie 'Munich' is based)
tries to cover for Israel but ends up admitting a lot

2.40 'there is no doubt that there were various Israeli teams in America... who were MONITORING terrorist networks...

3.08 'Israel had [the 9/11] information that they were giving the American government..'

Its definitely way more "mainstream" than it was 10-15 years ago when I first "woke up". Its easier to get the message, facts, and stats about jews out than it was before social media.

Would have been better if people would have wised up to this in the 90's but better late than never I guess

Also here you go
By the way I don't have any hate towards the common Jew but want to live separate from him.

The Jews are controlled by their mitochondria.
The mitochondrion is a separate and ancient parasitic organism within the cell, with its own separate DNA, pretending to be an organelle to trick the host cell into allowing it to remain. For millions of years, it's used every trick in the book to prevent the host cell from rejecting it, securing permanent residence after obtaining a monopoly over the host cell's economy (energy) and destroying the host's natural ability to manage its own energy.
In Jews, the mitochondria have also evolved a way to seize control of neurons and consequently exert their subversive influence on the consciousness and behavior of their multicellular host.
This is why a Jew acts exactly how a mitochondrion would if it took on human form, including the exact same economic subversion tactic: They ARE mitochondria, unified, piloting their hijacked host's brain, trying to achieve final victory over normal cells.
This is also why Jews believe they are God's chosen. They are essentially hearing voices/commands from their mitochondria which they falsely interpret as the voice of God. In nearly all other mammals, the mitochondria are not strong enough to unite and send messages to the host in this way. Mitochondria constantly attempt to hijack the host's psyche in the form of dreams, but sleep is always sufficient to flush their efforts away. Not so with Jews. Jews are essentially trapped in a fever dream of world domination 24/7 from which they can never awaken.
This also allows us to understand why someone only counts as a Jew if their mother was a Jew: Mitochondria are strictly matrilineal. This convention was established long ago by the Jewish mitochondria as a form of self-preservation.
Even if someone is only 1/512 Jewish, as long as their ancestry is completely matrilineal, they are 100% Jew.

Jews have become incredibly arrogant while their control over the narrative is at the weakest it was in decades.
Jewish strategy was always the same: corrupt the power elite and use it to subjugate the masses. They have absolutely zero idea what to do when that stops working.

Read the story of Agobard of Lyon - Jews were abducting Christian Franks and selling them as slaves to Muslims with the explicit support of Emperor Louis the Pious. Jewish tricks stay the same for centuries.

"Agobard goes on to stress that his campaign involved preaching “to Christians that they should not sell Christian slaves to [Jews]; that they should not allow these Jews to sell Christians to Spain nor to possess them as paid domestics.”

Agobard and his associates apparently also began to purposefully seek out and baptize Jewish slaves in order that they may come under the nominal protection of the law and be freed from Jewish slavery.[14] Agobard’s crucial error was in believing that the law would be enforced. Although aware of Jewish wealth and power, he was confronting something very new — the birth of the hostile Jewish elite. Jews had forged an alliance with Louis the Pious via a prototypical form of shtadtlanut, and their immediate response on hearing of the commencement of Agobard’s campaign (and in particular that Agobard had baptized and was protecting a slave belonging to a Jew) was to turn to their royal ally. Louis, fearing that the economic basis of his mutual arrangement with the Jews would be undermined by the renegade priest, readily obliged, and dispatched the magister Judaeorum to bring Agobard into line."

"Bachrach writes that Agobard believed Louis and other elites at court “were either pawns of Jewish interests or acting from a misunderstanding of the situation.”[17]"

This 100% white people are gradually starting to wake up.
Fucking hell, the other day I was walking and a group of white kids were spouting a bunch of Sup Forums memes, one of them yelled something about kikes to his friend and I turned around and rubbed my hands vigorously.
They all did the same and some of them even said oy vey lol.

Jews are just the enemy to humankind that forces us to be stronger


you have to give sources for that otherwise you sound like an absolute maniac

Yes, the acceleration is real. The change in acceptance of Jew naming is startling compared to just 2 years ago. It's great.

I've seen the triple brackets and comments against soros in many places too

So a 99% jew with european haplogroups isn't subversive?

It's disinfo, ignore it

We're reaching goyim knowing levels that aren't even supposed to be possible. The JQ is spreading FAST. I think faster than we realize. What started as alt-right talking points and Nazi larping is now breaking into the mainstream and there's nothing Jews can do to stop it. I predict by the 2020 election the JQ is going to be a heated political topic. It's easy to minimize this stuff when it's all memes. But once this breaks into The mainstream things are going to get very, very serious. The left is going to say "See! We told you they were fascists" . And the right's response will be "Well you forced us to be this way". Things are going to get absolutely insane in the next few years

Yep, one of my friends who is an engineer openly talks to me about kikes all the time and sends me normie Facebook memes about the JQ.

He completely opened up to me about this when I first met him a year ago- I never even once dropped any hint that I was redpilled or a Sup Forumsack, he just brought the shit up out of nowhere. I was more than happy of course to lead him deeper down the rabbit hole.

I have two other friends who deeply red pilled, and tons of normie acquaintances who are at least purple pilled and ripe for some more truth bombs.

Being a young, mid-20's White Nationalist hasnt been this comfy since the 1930's.

That's mostly a meme. They really get by on flagrant ethnic nepotism, which mostly goes unnoticed because they use their shapeshifting powers to hide among the whites.


how about this: nazi germany was an organic homeless rebellion. under severe economic and social conditions that pushed native germans into extreme poverty, the jews become more affluent and comprised the majority of the population in vienna, berlin, and other major cities.

adolf was, like many germans, homeless. there was a huge homeless epidemic much like there is today in the US. the national socialist movement was a massive homeless uprising!

hitler was from austria, vienna was a jewish city filled with elitist, affluent jews that looked down on the goy
hitler was impoverished and homeless and felt like a foreigner in his own land who experienced direct snobbery from the elite jews. hitler saw himself and his compatriots oppressed under foreign rule

hitler/germans were enslaved by a foreign elite society in his homeland

now the jews escape to the west, and instead of learning from their errors of greed and snobbery, they continue to parasite and exploit the goyim in america, australia, canada, UK..... this time they implement harsh policies to replace the demographics and remove the threat of another White uprising against the parasitical elite.


nepotism is irrelevant in a capitalist society

You mean they are the ones who take over when weakness, egalitarianism and hedonism runs rampant in the western world and then flood it with other people who have been brainwashed to hate the 'white-devil' as a punishment.
You know that isn't too far out there, maybe Jews were sent by a dying breed of aliens as a safety net for us humans as a conscious absolute being in the physical universal realm so we would continue.

Retard, you asked for the reasons behind jew success and I gave it to you. Nepotism is extremely relevant to success.

i dont think you get my point?
of course it can be relevant to success but it doesnt guarantee success
other than that its legal and not relevant in a capitalist society

The Jew to emigrate to Iceland, already complained about the prohibition of the circumcision?

People are just waiting for a few old Jews to die, after that antisemitism will become the norm.

My point is people are starting to realize when Jewish people act like shit in that characteristically Jewish way, the same way they notice it about whites or blacks or Arabs or whatever. Now, people didn't used to do that because of the Holocaust, and if you're Jewish and noticed those things you're a "self hating Jew", your version of an Uncle Tom. But any person unwilling to see or criticize the bad aspects of their group doesn't really love their group, it's the same with raising a child.
Tldr don't hate yourself because you're Jewish but don't live in a state of denial regarding what your in group members can do

>but it doesnt guarantee success
It can. The phrase "It's not what you know, but who you know" is fucking true. Plus, there is no true capitalist society. There are racial factors that go into education and employment, fuck, even entertainment. But we never hear that there are too many jews in anything. Try being an Asian competing for admission to a top tier school. Some try to list themselves as white if they don't have a super Asian name just to avoid discrimination.

Look at movies and TV, where public pressure has forced more minorities onto programs to be more represented, but no one ever once complains that jews are way overrepresented in all forms of entertainment.

Just because something is legal does not make it irrelevant to success. That's just retarded.

There you have if you want you get the link that appears in the image and you are looking for the study.
By the way, the study to which you refer to the Jewish IQ was done at the University of Carolina USA by two Jews.

I don't know why this is such a big deal here, it's like abortion.
No one gets their kid circumcised here because its disgusting and immoral to remove skin from a baby's dick. Of course it should be banned.
Not many get riled up that we abort defected bodies and brains. A soul inside a defect can never reach personal perfection in the racial absolute and therefore will undergo useless suffering until their spirit is let go as they die and hopefully gets implemented into a healthy body next time.
It's likely though, since it goes against his religion.

Their religion advocates acting with in-group preference to their benefit and at the expense of the Goy.

They are few in number. Their small numbers fit neatly into the best positions in society. Also the value of these positions makes nepotism worth it.

If there are too many of you the odds of being a beneficiary of a valuable favor is small if there are few favors to be had - you had best not invest in nepotism.

If there are a few of you and there are enough favors for everyone then the value of the club is higher as is the coherence giving it the power to take the choice positions over.

Jews are whites. But they are a cancer of the white race acting to their own benefit at the expense of the organism. If they disappeared it may be the mutation spontaneously arises again.

When Jews are persecuted the ones for whom the benefit of being a Jew is less than the cost give up being Jewish and identify as white.

This leaves the more successful highly connected ones to comprise Jewry which has increased their group-IQ over the years.

This high IQ also helps them dominate, though as a prime cause of their success, it's a red herring - the in-group preference being the main cause. IQ is not enough to account for their prevalence because they are still a relatively small percentage of the total smart people.

This preference may not be completely conscious nowadays. It may be many times that they naturally prefer people they find agreeable and that they happen to be fellow Jews.

It seems to be a conundrum. If we all decide to follow their example we'll fragment and fight each other. The number of choice positions won't increase. Other groups will defeat us.

So it's like a prisoner's dilemma where you win with cooperation, except you're playing with the Jew who always finks out.

>the guatemalen tribe incident has been added to the list

>but it doesn't guarantee success
Who's more likely to win the lottery, someone with a hundred tickets or someone with one half of a teared up ticked? Of course it doesn't guarantee that the person with 100 tickets wins the lottery but it's immensely more likely.


If the other day someone published a study where it was proven that the circumcision caused damage to the brain, (I think the front) but was censored.
Very much in agreement with everything you said, I hope that you will be able to forbid the circumcision

Even in ashkenazi jews the average adult IQ is lower than that which you find in, say, germans.

I have noticed this too and the Jew is starting to get scared

The pendulum swings......

Based generation zyklon

The Jew is always scared.

It doesn’t matter what you want. Your conscience which is controlled by demons lead you to do things that hurt humanity.

I think saying that Jews are white is wrong.
The white race has its own ethnic groups
Nordic (red or white)
Mediterraneos (Iberian, Italian, etc)

While the Jews have their own ethnic groups:

Also add the changes for the execiva inbreeding. If you say that the Jews are white all the previous ethnic groups are white (clearly an Ethiopian is not white)

My nephew with autism says nigger a lot, and it seems pretty clear that he's underaged cancer on Sup Forums given his meming. Made Christmas pretty funny.

>I think saying that Jews are white is wrong.
Jews agree.


>Is it just me or are more and more people actually becoming woke on the JQ?
It's because YOU are now aware of it, and at the same time you're probably watching the kind of videos that attracts X type of person.


I don't think so. I watch a lot of different things on YouTube and in all different types of videos, people are constantly pointing out ((their)) influence in things. A lot of the comments are from what appear to be people's actual names as well.

Ethiopian Jews aren't running around the world for the most part.

Sure whites could reassert their own subethnicities, but whites are basically anyone who could blend in somewhere in Europe 100 years ago. This includes Arabs who could be from Spain or Italy for instance - and light skinned Jews.

there's a HUGE difference between now and 10 years ago