The great debate

The great debate

Nasu states that it would be a draw.

Nasu is a hack. Best boy would rip S W O R D S up before he had a chance to do anything.

Shiki doesn't have a chuuni sense of justice.

Shiki cant kill servants while Shirou can solo em

what about satsujinki


I think shirou is more interesting in his contrast with stabguy than as an actual character

>his contrast with stabguy

After all the saber faces, is there going to be a collection of Shiro faces as well?

What the fuck does draw even mean?
They kill each other at the same time?

Under very specific instances that basically have them weakened either physically or mentally. Hell, he had an abundance of trouble with an out of shape Kotomine. Let's not ignore context now.

Just stuff like how shiki lives in a western mansion while shirou a japanese one, shiki's bullshit cheat skill is to destroy things while shirous is to recreate or enhance things, shiki responds to almost dying as a child by trying to live each moment to the fullest without worrying while shirous response is to worry constantly about helping others.

I'm a sucker for this specific kind of ying/yang stuff

roa is a being that's immortal by constantly going back to akasha and reincarnating, the same place where servants come from, and shiki can kill him.

shiki can 100% kill servants, the question is if he can fight them or not, but since a half dead shiki with no practice can still jump off walls and do other crazy shit because he has incest assassin genes he could probably do about as well as shrou if not better

I believe Nasu said that Shiki would win except when Shirou goes all out, because they would then both die of overexertion

Also Shirou could be described as a sociopath, while Shiki a psychopath

Roa was killed in five minutes by Dantes when he was alive, let's not use him as a basis for anything

I'm not talking about killing roa in the powerlevel sense, I'm talking about permanantly destroying a vauge spitual akatshic being that can reincarnate into appropriate vessels so he can't come back, which is exactly what shiki does in 4 out of 5 routes.

If you're going to powelevel wank you need to do shikiller vs prisma shirou, not a pair of teenagers stumbling around till someone wins with their trump card

DAA don't exist in FGO, the two Roas are hardly comparable.

More importantly, he's able to comprehend Arc, who by all rights in the Tsukihime universe should be a much higher class of phantasm than a heroic spirit.

Shiki can kill servants but he cant fight em according to word of god. Shirou on other hand blows them the fuck out in HF

Nope, they are Saberfaces too (based on male Arthur, the prototype).

DAA don't exist in worlds of Fate period except Strange Fake because Narita fucked up badly.

>Autistic swords man
>OC donut steel character from carnival phantasm

>Shirou on other hand blows them the fuck out in HF
HF shirou is basically a servant himself and still barely wins. If we're going to start talking about stacking conditions shiki can fight servants because he can just get arcueid or ciel to keep them busy while he stabs them in the ass

Using Arc or Ciel in a fight invalidates he can fight them.

I doubt you can pin that on Narita when the workings of FSF was started years ago. If Nasu had already decided on the whole DAA-Fate divide back then, it's pretty clear he didn't bother to tell Narita about it.

HF Shirou is still a Shirou, If Id be cruel against Shiki I would bring up Archer. And no, he cant fight servants according to the word of the author

>DAA don't exist in worlds of Fate period
This was the moment type moon was dead to me desu. It was one thing to just neglect the non servant parts of the setting but to throw them into a ghetto entirely was just bullshit

Fate/Labyrinth was like 1-2 years ago or something when that retcon happened in there. Nasu probably never gave Narita the memo.

SF only had a DA, no DAAs have appeared or been mentioned.

I just love people who don't know the meanings of words.

FSF started as an April Fools joke back in 2008 and the original version was published the year after. I suspect Nasu decided on the development more recently.

Zeltrich and Alcatraz both appeared

Has anything been done with either of these loser in the last five years?

Shiki is in embargo hell because of Nasu, Shirou is becoming a pseudo servant in FGO next month or eventually

Why don't they just take the shiki from TALK and make him a psuedo-servant?

Shiro may win against Tohno Shiki but not Nanaya Shiki.

Alright, but what about HER vs Shirou

tohno and nanaya have the same abilities outside of melty blood

One has a bit more willingness to murder.

They won't fight.