When will they hook up?
Yu-gi-oh vrains
Other urls found in this thread:
why the last thread got deleted?
who's your favourite character?
who's your favourite monster?
>Dark Magician
was it too early for a Vrains thread?
Bumping because I want to know if this have hope and because I am starting to love Cyberse monsters
Is this show still boring?
Anybody want anything translated?
Dumping some stuff now
I want to use Magibullets but is it okay to use this guy?
>implying Juudai or Yusei would care
>favorite character
>favorite monster
pic related
I wonder how Yuya and Yuma would react
Blue Eyes
Japan's Accel Synchro meme is fucking top-notch.
Why is VRAINS so damn bland? or is that what they were going for.
It's bland because nothing interesting has happened. Already at episode thirteen there was a recap episode because it was painfully obvious no one was paying attention to the show and didn't know what was going on. Hopefully after this director change the series will take a more interesting turn of events.
And have more Aoi.
Should have waited until the long summary and cast list for episode 16 came out
Maybe something of worth talking about would have been on it
Needs more autists interactions
I went to see japs reactions to the last episode of Vrains using google translate
pic related, not too much different from us
They also started to call 'Storm Acess'' as "Storm Gacha"
just two is good enough
>When will the revolver die
I like how they talk about Ema and Aoi the most, even they know Yusaku is a shitty lead and Revolver is pathetic, Too bad for them about whose writing this series and the dude legit hates females and I doubt they'll force Aoi on him anymore or Ema. . Thankfully, since Go is an ugly fucker, we won't see much of him again either.
>It stands for Virtual Reality(VR) + Brain
I'm so fucking slow.
>I want you to align with bitron and digitron
I'll start to use that as an insult from now on
fucking brutal
best/most iconic duels of each era:
Atem vs Kaiba(AAAAAH! EXODIA!)
Atem vs Panik
Atem vs Kaiba(I'll kill myself!)
Atem/Yugi vs Pegasus
Yugi vs Quiet One
Jo vs Rishid
Atem vs Malik
Yugi vs Bakura
Yugi vs Atem
Judai vs Chronos
Judai vs Kaiser(1hko)
Judai vs Manjoume rematch
Judai vs Amnael
Judai vs Kaiser 2
Judai vs Edo
Judai vs Edo rematch
Sho vs Tyranno
Manjoume vs Saiou
Judai vs Saiou
Judai vs Brron
O'Brien vs Haou
Edo vs Amon
Judai vs Yubel
O'brien vs Trueman
Yusei vs Tetsu
Yusei vs Jack
Yusei vs Aki
Yusei vs Jack rematch
Yusei, Jack, Crow vs Rex Goodwin
Yusei vs Kiryu
Jack vs Carly
Rua and Ruka vs Devack
Yusei vs Placido
Team 5D's vs Team Ragnarok
Team 5D's(-yusei) vs Aporia
Yusei vs Z-ONE
Don't post anything from Arc-V besides Shun vs Sora 1. That's the only good duel in the series, everything else is filled with bad writing, shallow motivations,shitty animation and terrible duel chrography.
was Arc-V the one with most team duels?
I skipped it, but every random video I watch it's an different team duel
I forgot the final Yusei vs Jack duel.
Yuma vs Kaito
Yuma vs III
IV vs Shark
Kaito vs Tron
Yuma vs Tron
Yuma vs Gilag
Yuma vs Vector
Nasch vs IV
Yuma and Nasch vs Don Thousand
Yuma vs Nasch
Yuma vs Astral
Yuto vs Sawatari
Reiji vs Yuya
Shun vs Sora
Reiji vs Barrett
Yuya vs Kachidoki
Yuto vs Yugo
Yuya vs Jack
Yuya vs Sergey
Jack vs Sergey
Yuya vs Jack rematch
FUCK and I forgot Kaito vs Mizael.
>was arc-v the one with the most team duels
yes, by far. Arc-v has I think more team duels than the rest of the series combined.
Did you not listen to what the fuck I was saying, and it's fucking laughable for any Yuya duel to be good or Yuto vs Sawatari, also, Yuma vs Gilag? the useless jobber with the stupid wings? You have no taste whatsoever and Yuma and Nasch vs Don Thousand was so riddled with bullshit you can hardly call it a duel but a stand battle.
Not true. There's also Sawatari/Yuya II, Gongenzaka/Yaiba, Yuzu/Masumi II, Yuya/Reiji II, Yugo/Sawatari, Jack/Sergey, Yugo/Serena (which was fucking hilarious character-wise), Yuya/Shinji, Shun/Dennis, Yuya/Sora II, Yugo/Rin, Yuya/Jack II, Yusho/Yuri, Yuya/Yuri, Yuya/Dennis, and as a simple spectacle Yuya & Yuto/Ruri & Serena was fun as well.
the new director fixed it
I've never felt a desire to kill as strongly as I have today reading your post, do you have no standards at all.?
Oh, you sure showed me with your normalfag meme anime response,user, I should back up now before you post a Naruto image,right?
>All that rage over AV
we and japs can never agree which ygo is the best, but we sure can agree which one is the worst
go for it user.
Broken promises, the complete insult done by Ono and the writers, the sheer disrespect to the animators and voice actors and viewers will always make AV memorable when we want to rage, However I will not hold the characters themselves accountable, I will always remember them for what they could have been rather than what they ended up as. Maybe one day, in a crossover canon to the series, somebody with a brain will come in and fix this garbage.
Actually it stands for
>Virtual Reality
>Artificial Intelligence
>Network System
>VR-AI-NS -> Vrains = "Brains"
>Broken promises, the complete insult done by Ono and the writers, the sheer disrespect to the animators and voice actors and viewers
I'm curious, can you explain them?
>The villains are chess pieces because Link system is all about position and placement just like chess
we will probably see a chess based deck in the future
>in the future
And before you bring up that it's an old and forgotten archetype, this card just came out a couple weeks ago.
well that fucking sucks then
I mean, it's not like they've never repeated archetype themes (ex: Timelords/Zefra, Arcana Force/Prophecy).
Dark Magician Girl
New Link magician girl when
>Promise to dive into Yuya and Yuzu's relationship
No flashback of them
>Promise more about the other dimensions
Only the shitty has episodes devoted to how it works, why it's like that, and how the protagonists can make it better, then they just piss it all away for the easy solution and repeat that process for the citizens surviving in heartland and all of Academia, there was absolutely no attempt to rationalize how Leo got these people to commit the horrific acts they've done and want to do, none at all, even with the plot point of memory manipulation and flat out brainwashing, all of academia was hurting people of their own willfully ignorant wills, even people like Roget,Doktor,Barret,Tylers and Edo never once questioned what they were doing was wrong, nor why it was so urgent, even assholes like Sanders seemed to just do it not because Leo promised him anything but because he could be a complete scumbag for no reason.
The writers clearly stopped caring about the characters interactions, their motivations, desires and personalities halfway into synchro as there was no character development anymore for turncoats like Sora, bitter and jaded like Shun or completely confused and selfishly motivated like Yuya, nothing came of Reji's taunts that Yuya only cared about Yuzu.
Not telling the animators what they're suppose to be drawing until the very last moments resulted in gargoyle Zarc and the field known as Crossover, finally, all the VAs especially the one who came back to voice older characters not getting to do anything of note despite reprising a role and the viewers themselves when they thanked the ones sticking through synchro with the promise things would get better, it never got better and the ending was a gigantic fuck you to everyone who watched the show from beginning to end especially with an ending teasing a happy ending for everyone and especially when we know that wasn't the best they could do, it was done hatefully.
I don't think I could handle another cute Magician girl
never, move on
I am late?
Congratulations, you've proven that Yu-Gi-Oh takes inspiration from other media. Not that it wasn't obvious or anything.
I barely see what they could come up with in the future. They'll have to pull out some obscure shit sooner or later.
But user, we already got one. There's even a bonus loli.
I wasn't saying they didn't.
I was simply adding to the whole 'they have multiple archetypes with very similar themes' thing.
The latest new archetype is a cross between a German opera and the Wild West. They've already hit obscure shit.
Volcanic Shell
>duel terminal
>tcg exclusives
several to work with
Nope, Kid supply all Zamiel ausency, but play at 1 is fine.
Hope they come up with a cyberpunk archetype for Vrains
>what is cyberse?
i want to decide on either watching vrains or not based on the answer to this question:
are there doxxing in it?
Is it just me or is the latest episode actually a step in a much better direction. New, much smoother link summon animation, better duel writing (better explanations, better paced), continued AI/cleaning robot action. Still no Aoi, but I still enjoyed it as a whole, both dueling and non-dueling bits, which I don't think I can say for most episodes so far.
i wish they stopped with the new archetypes and focus on more support for the old archetypes
why make new archetypes if 90% of the archetypes never made an appearance in the anime?just show those
Son, do you even google?
Yusaku's deck is nothing like cyberpunk, the most close we got was 5D Domino City
Also, can someone with enough skills put Playmaker/Yusaku on this dude place?
I mean in terms of inspirations they've used: Norse mythology, Roswell aliens, the Sephirot/Qliphot, Tarot cards, Gradius, Dante's Inferno, chemistry, generic historical artifacts (Chronomaly), Hinduism/Buddhism, historical figures, Nazca Lines, Lovecraft, comic book heroes, various mecha anime, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Halloween, Roman gladiators, wrestling, Egyptian mythology/tomb-keepers, heraldry, Aleister Crowley, kaiju films, karakuri dolls, Star Wars, the Wizard of Oz, Der Freischütz, the Wild West, famous musicians, household devices, the Knights of the Round Table, extinct animals from the Paleozoic era, methods of divination, Ouija boards, Japanese games/toys, James Bond, constellations/galaxies, Benkei, the planets, idols, Castlevania, Spawn, Nine Offspring of the Dragon, yokai, and the zoodiac.
Nah fuck that, if you do that then you just get the same boring strategies over and over, or you just get ridiculous bloat (which HEROS, Blackwings, and Performapals are examples of why this is a bad thing) with 99% of the cards being trash. I'd rather have more good and creative archetypes even if it means they don't even appear in the anime.
let me add on
>egyption gods(hieratics)
>multiple tokusatsu
>stage magic
>numerous guns
>ancient armors
>night of the Living Dead
>jurassic park
>italian and french desserts
>feudal japan
>chinese dragons
What if they made a gun based archetype? Like barrel dragon but an archetype
Also, if Egyptians weren't good enough, they've also got techno-Egyptians.
I mean like realistic guns
Just want to see an archetype with cool and cute looking androids. Could be based around the Xeno games.
What if they made an archetype based on dragons?
for what purpose?
getting censored into toys in NA?
>children's card game
>realistic guns
For what purpose?
what a ludicrous idea.
get out of here.
got you fampai
Cyber Angels?
What if they made a jojo reference archetype?
fallen blue angel when
Fashion related archetype?
What if they made an archetype based on Wyverns?
When onii-san gets kill
What if they made a card game based on Ancient Egypt?
I'm surprised we haven't had one yet between all the retarded anime filler archetypes.