How are more guns the solution?

How are more guns the solution?

Citation needed.

How many rounds were fired?
What kind of bullets?
What caliber of bullets?
Can we see pictures of the bullet casings and pictures of the ballistic damage?
Who was the dead black girl?
What parts of the school specifically was the shooter in?
What was in the bodybag being taken out of the school?
Why was there the instant call to demolish the school?
Are any autopsy reports going to be released?
Why did the ALLEGED shooters brother get sent to a psychiatric facility just days ago?
How did the laptop get shot and still have a functioning backlight?
Where is the footage from school cameras?
Why did he stop shooting?
There was no one there to stop him.
What made him stop shooting and "blend in" to walk out with the rest of the students?
Why did all the students start evacuating at that point in time? How did they know it was safe?
Where did he go between the time he stopped firing and the time the students started evacuating?

Still no motive

>Durr hurr

at harvard, they're developing biological weapons to be deployed by a fly. they're stuck on the wings right now. Daniel Jafferis' brother is the one working on it. all of this is under NDA. both of them are jews. Sparc, before they were acquired by Booz Allen, developed a weapons AI for the DoD. withholding the names of the coders who did it.

posting this in all shill threads

The people are the concert could hardly identify the room of the hotel they were being fired at from, storm the building and kill the shooter. Hayes knows this, and knows that a shooting in a school would be quite different. We can thus deduce that he is not arguing in good faith, and that we thus have the right to display his head on a pike.

what was his motive, chris?

They don't allow guns on the strip

>being shot at from a tower
>being shot at in close quarters
This guy is a fucking retard

No, just malicious.

This is a discussion about school shootings. Vegas was a unique situation in that people didnt even know where the shots were coming from. Everything about the vegas shooting was a unique eccentric situation that still to this day makes no sense. Training just one faculty member at the school to anonymously be someone who has a firearm and displaying on the school that a gun is there to shoot back at you is a layer of deterrent. Gun free zones are the problem as it advertises defenselesness.

Guns aren't the solution or the problem. Mass communication is the problem. If everyone only interacted with the people in their neighborhood, would there be any mass violence? I doubt it.

This, he isn't retarded, he knows exactly what he is doing.


You have a gun and need money. You decide to rob store during business hours.. Which store should you avoid robbing for your own safety?
A. A gun store
B. A vegan bakery
C. A shoe store
D. A gas station

>There were tons of people with firearms at the concert in Vegas

Oh yeah? Source?

Vegan bakery. Most likely unarmed.

Yes because all schools are taught open air with tall buildings overlooking the camp ground school setting.

Nice reading comprehension you fucking potato

This, he’s worse than retarded.

Gay. And fake and gay

Those he include the officers who scared the shooter into killing himself?

We aren't trying to find a solution. Because there isn't a problem.

Porgs will lap it up, they love quippy little strawmen.

E. All of the above in a constitutional conceal carry state.

the pro gun argument is that no guns = piles of dead people, whereas guns = 2 deaths (initial victim and the attacker)

it's based on the premise that every gun owner is Clint Eastwood meets John Wayne badass which, obviously, isn't true

The Columbine shooters were shot at my a campus cop and it didn't do anything. Virginia Tech had campus police as well.

The "gun free zone" doesn't make any sense because Australia, Canada, and the UK are gun free and don't have even 10% as many mass shootings.

Extra credit.

>tons of people had guns at the Las Vegas shooting!
>shooter is 20+ stories up and across the street
>ya I'll just take him out with my fucking hand gun no problem bro then I'm gonna shoot the light off of that radio tower while I'm at it

They couldn't fire back because he was sniping.

Inside a school is entirely different.

The solution is throwing a fuckton of people in insane asylums. Starting with this milquetoast psycho.

>the pro gun argument is that no guns = piles of dead people, whereas guns = 2 deaths (initial victim and the attacker)

No, the argument is guns = 0 deaths because the perpetrator knows his odds and they aren't in his favour, so he picks one of the many gun free zones that were made specifically for people like him to shoot and kill people unable to stop him.

Who the fuck is Chris Hays, and why in the Hell would I care what she has to say about it?

Protection from government tyranny

Thanks for making me think Hayes

>the argument is guns = 0 deaths because the perpetrator knows his odds and they aren't in his favour, so he picks one of the many gun free zones

guess I got told. If only they had a gun or two at Fort Hood, all those lives could have been saved since lots of guns = 0 deaths

I'm not an expert, but I'd say that most guns in a gun store are not loaded. Sure there may be a gun behind the counter, but depending on the owners of the other shops, there could be one there too.

You don't just walk around with loaded weapons on a military installation. They're in a fucking armory. MP's are the only ones armed and they're as good as cops when it comes to shit like that. Never enough around when you need them.

You are magnificient retard, aren't you.

>allowing guns in where alcohol is served
>doesn't understand you can't bring guns in when booze is present just like at ANY FUCKING BAR IN THE USA

Is this nigger that retarded?

Because fuck you that’s why.

>How did the laptop get shot and still have a functioning backlight?

memes aside can this actually be explained? If I shoot a laptop screen will it be broken instantly?

Facts don't matter when you've just concocted a pithy leftist quip.

There were tons of people with firearms in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, just FYI.


>tons of people
So 2-3 americans?

Gun nuts BTFO

interesting. thanks

>lets take away the guns from the people legally holding them because that would have stopped the guy who did guns to commit a crime

Yep. And they were all, every single one of them, responsible and smart enough not to start blindly shooting small arms fire through hotel window.
A cuckold of this level deserve to be shamed into anheroing.
Can we make this a thing?
I miss the days when we made people anhero on a weekly basis.

Doesn't take a genius to discern that a handgun is useless when taking fire from 30+ floors up. Even if you knew exactly where it was coming from, it is not appropriate to return fire to a high rise building.

Is this really how leftists "argue", out in the open, with such idiotic strawmen you can't tell if it's a satire?

Great point. So many gun grabbers think these kinds of situations would turn instantly into Mexican standoffs but it's clearly not the case.

>I miss the days when we made people anhero on a weekly basis.

They turned public shaming into "I'm being harassed donate to my patreon"

You can just picture the smug, self-satisfied look on his face as he typed that, even knowing how disingenuous the argument is. That smugness of knowing how many rubes will eat it up.

>a crowd of people is supposed to just shoot back at a hotel

uuuhhh you can't have guns on an army base anymore, because liberals want people to die.

>this one scenario where your gun one help invalidates all others where it would


Happened during the Whitman shooting also, people shot back from the ground. But the laws were more lax back then, you could carry guns on university campuses.

"Women shouldn't be able to defend themselves against rapists because you can't hit a, elevated, concealed target 400 feet away."
--Chris Hayes

this is (or was) a fucking banner for ages. If this is new to you you're a fucking newfag and need to leave.

D. One wrong shot and the whole block goes boom.

That's like saying "there were plenty of people with guns in Nagasaki, just sayin"

I've seen it before fag it's not like I have photographic memory of every gif I've ever seen

Yup, the guy is not even attempting to be reasonable.