Are your hype for Goblin Slayer's new book? It comes out tomorrow.
Goblin Slayer
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I can't wait, I'm going to B&N tomorrow morning.
Hell fucking yeah
Not really. I was excited at the beginning, but like happens with most monthly manga I lose interest with time because they go so slow that is boring
We're talking about the light novel though which is literal years ahead of the manga.
>Days since last rape: _____
Will she finally get GOBBED?
english light novel, to be more exact. The next japanese volume will be released in September.
The next manga chapter should be also released soon.
drama CD
normal cover with best elf
>I was only a 9 years old goblin
>I loved Goblin Slayer so much, I had all the armors and swords
>I pray to Goblin Slayer every night before bed, thanking him for the life he's yet to take
>"Goblin Slayer is love" I say; “Goblin Slayer is life”
>My dad hears me and calls me a faggot because i don't fuck our human slaves to save my virginity for Goblin Slayer
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for Goblin Slayer
>I called him a cunt
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I’m crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it’s really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It’s Goblin Slayer
>I am so happy
>He whispers into my ear “The only good goblins are the ones that never come out of their stinking holes”
>He grabs me with his powerful silver adventurer hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I’m ready
>I spread my ass-cheeks for Goblin Slayer
>He penetrates my butt-hole
>It hurts so much but I do it for Goblin Slayer
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please Goblin Slayer
>He roars in a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his rage
>My dad walks in
>Goblin Slayers looks him straight in the eyes and says “That's twenty-two”
>Goblin Slayer burns my home and leaves through my window
>Goblin Slayer is love. Goblin Slayer is life.
I want the cow girl to to milk me.
What time will it be available?
Elf is best girl. Would protect her at all cost.
excuse me,but what is a drama CD?I heard about it for years,but never bother to look it up.
Like a recorded radio play.
What the hell did you think it was?
You are a good user.
I want to lick priestess.
Elf seems to be getting new clothes.
Rape. It will come.
>Boobs on elf
I stopped after chapter 13, where do i continue in the novel?
When is volume 3 going to get translated?
CG is the best.
>It comes out tomorrow.
I really like Priestess
a live action i kept looking for a live adaption of D-frag video like 5 years, ago and realize I must be way off
When is year one coming out again? A lot of GS content coming out in these next couple of months.
Manga has just barely finished the first volume.
Just pick up the first two volumes if you're interested. You can read both in a single sitting.
Chapter 13 is near the end of Volume 1. Chapter 14 and maybe 15 should finish out Volume 1.
The manga is that far behind? Holy shit. 15 chapters is 15 months and it took that long for just one volume? With volume 3 coming out tomorrow in english, the novels will be so far ahead its crazy. Man I'm just going to read the novel, I hate the wait.
The manga added more scenes to the main battle for whatever reason which lead to showing only half of the fight between GS and Goblin King.
The manga is only good for the pretty art at this point. If you actually want to see what happens, you can't beat the LN.
Is still nit over, we are missing the party and face reveal.
To be fair, I can't see the manga author handling volume 2 the same way as volume 1. Volume 1 was like a bunch of separate events cobbled together so there's little room to get rid of "unnecessary" things. Volume 2 is literally just one continuous story and there's a lot of fluff and character moments and little things in between the "important" things which I can see being condensed significantly.
Give up, fanart is your only option. But is some good fanart.
It'll probably be less chapters than volume 1 but it'll probably still take a year tbqh.
Harder, she has become GS' true doomguy button.
I need cow doujins.
Oh easily. I just don't think it'll be 14-15 chapters this time, maybe like 10. The manga author stretched out this last arc a lot longer than I thought he would though. I expected this to be over in like 2-3 chapters and it's been 4 coming on 5 so it's probably going to be just as long. The last fight in volume 2 alone will probably be like 3 chapters.
Actually I take it all back, its going to be a slow shitshow.
Post cute GS.
Why not rape?
Because rape is trash. I'm here to see GS kill every mutha effin gobo.
You mean SLAYERED?
Something like this?
D-delete this!
only if there's more raep
I'm still reading the first one.
>Hand on Goblin slayers cheek
She wants it.
Elf is cute! CUTE!
Hopefully someone drops a link quick
Does Barnes and Noble stock them the same day?
>common rpg party
>meanwhile GS has terminator eye and can't stop thinking about all the gobs he's going to butcher
The gobs actually tear though the chainmail.
>goblin slayer not the focus of the cover
He never is, maybe he will be in thenvolume where he [/spoiler]dies
New to light novels? The main guy is always in the back of the cover.
That's how its always been with LN covers. Girls are front and center usually (and you can't blame them) but in this series GS has been present in the background since vol.1.
>common rpg party
>super newbie
Someone has that pic with a collage of the goblins from that webcomic "goblins" suffering and GS in the front enjoying it?
High Elf is an attention hog, even on the cover.
>MFW we will finally read GS' doomguy rampage tomorrow
I want to read how that "choking the champion with a broken corpse spine" shit goes.
That's in vol.2. You can read that now.
Post link then
Usually, some already have them.
>tfw so deprived of rape that they provide the rape themselves
When does he fuck the farmgirl?
>Her and guild girl sent priestess to look after him on his New Year's Eve scouting patrol
Looking really slim for her at the moment.
I'll get my copy in a week since I don't have Prime and I cheapened out on the shipping.
Anyway, Elf is best girl.
There needs to be more dwarves vs goblins rivalry
But in that picture he just saved her from rape.
Wow he really has nothing fucking better to do than spend New Years Eve patrolling for goblins.
Elf has been the closest to get GOBBED,
Priestess is on her path to become SLAYERED
When the author said his inspiration for GS was Batman, he meant it.
Surprised it took so long for them to stock up. I got my English Vol.3 in the mail about a week ago.
Batman he said, but he ended more like a medieval doomguy
It's more how GS is always focused on goblins, the same way Batman is solely focused on the mission. Like how every one is partying on New Years, GS is out scouting for attacks. When he's in contact with goblins is when he goes full doomguy.
Wait, they basically melia themselves? Well, i guess is good because is another harem's shienengan avoided but still...
That meme never should've applied since that minor change the manga did never happened in the LN.
That not longer matters now tgat the otger two girls melia themselves. Now the only way Priestess can still be a "melia" is if GS dies on her just after she manages to make him open out fully.
Check the goddess.
I want to give her the D.
Someone knows what theyvdid in that chapter they hangout together?
Talked about everyday things and tried on some armor. Slice of life chapter.
>“That's twenty-two”
Fuckine kek
Goblin bump
What's it about?
Killing goblins.
Killing goblins
It's a slice of life series about a group of high level adventures who do nothing but hunt trash mobs like goblins, it's a lot of fun and I really enjoy reading it.