This normal high school boy can beat Servants.
Normal high school boys don't exist. Niang Niang said so, don't ask her about it.
Is Aogami a magic god?
Which servant would work the best with Touma? Let's ignore the fact that he can't be a master.
She just said normal high school boys in the touma/kamisato sense aren't normal
Heracles. He's versatile enough to protect Touma against multiple enemies and have enough power for offense. Touma can BTFO any mage and Casters.
I can see him going full GUTS and lobbing Touma at whatever's giving them problems.
This series gets posted here a lot. Should I read the manga or watch the anime?
Read the light novels
Read the LN.
Power through the anime then read the LN
Then you'll be ELITE.
>Misaka thread DED
Cu Chulainn?
Hold up boys, lets talk about this ass
Why? He doesn't seem to be good at protecting someone.
They will get along well.
hehe xd
hehe xd
This thread looks fun.
what do you think she smells like whens she is sweaty?
Just over a month until she comes for Shiage's ass.
>he believes Index III will get announced
Frenda's Electric Training vol 2: Mugino Edition
Do you think Misaka will fook in season 3
Are there Servants in Raildex already?
I honestly wouldn't be surprised at this point. I heard you had a zombie apocalypse recently.
It was more like a Kaiju apocalypse.
Which crossover with series outside of Kamachi verse do you want to see?
Not really. Estelle is a necromancer and has her summon do her bidding, that's about as close as it gets.
Have the White Queen as a servant in Fate.
So, how do you think nt19 will be?
I can't wait for my glorious Mugino-sama to get more screentime and lose because of O MY HIDDEN GUN
Which Level 5s can cause the end of the world?
Accelerator, Dark Matter, Misaki.
Only if she managed to mind control someone with access to nuclear weapons and manipulate different countries into going to war with one another.
Even after losing access to the exterior?
I can know how Accel and Misaki will do, but how can Dark Matter can cause the end of the world?
he surrounded an island with Dark matter in seconds and can create an immortal army as strong s him and can create anything
He can lend his power to more competent people and they will end the world for him.
His power is OP so the author had to find a way and nerf him ya know? By making him an arrogant idiot
They can just shoot him.
Beetle is a nice guy and he still got his shit pushed in one volume after his introduction.
Pretty much.
Do you think we will see more clones in s3?
What do you think Mikoto would do if a Misaka was fucking tomo?
Only if SS2 gets adapted. It's a shame the clones are more like plot devices and we never get to see even a single one get some solid development.
Best character?
Do objects need development?
Can Accelerator shoot a feather at the speed of light, giving it infinite energy? Thereby eventually destroying the universe?
Accelerator. Yes, it seems like the usual "edgy guy gets softened by a younger girl" deal, but it's the most coherent and enjoyable plotline in this series. He also has the most solid supporting cast. Last Order is nowhere near as annoying and irrelevant as Index, Yomikawa is a truly underrated parental figure, Worst is a mix of a playful onee-san and dependable partner, Estelle is like an innocent kouhai, etc. His craziness and fight scenes also play a big part. All in all the best guy around, in my opinion of course.
Side story 2. The misaka imoutos are sent on global raids where they rescue gemstones from research facilities. They basically go full /k/ operator and come home with zero casualties with their enemies totally dumbfounded and blown the fuck out.
I kind of like the index characters, esp styil.
But accelerator is definitely one of the best.
Misaka is too good to be likable, she lives in one of the best schools with the best friends with a great future and one of the most powerful powers in the city.
Accelerator and Touma both are pretty strong, but they both don't have such a great future set in stone or great schools. That's what makes them more enjoyable, and definitely makes accelerator a lot more enjoyable.
That being said Misaka is a good secondary character I would say. Esp with the clones added into the mix.
Speaking of shit with infinite energy, I am surprised there's no fanart of Touma punching Othinus' lance.
The Saints are pretty much Servants.
What would happen if touma became a level 1?
He'd get more allowance.
How would Touma fare against each of the fifths wars servants 1 on 1 if we assume that one touch of Imagine Breaker kills the servant. He fucking obliterates Archer and Gilgamesh and easily deals with Caster at the very least.
But seriously, will the author ever let him get level 1
Not to mention Realty Marbles get destroyed instantly. IB > UBW
I'm hoping for some self-aware retorts that Aleister turned into a girl just to seek Touma's help.
Is there a reason to? If for example, he loses IB at the end of the series and becsme an actual normal high schooler there wouldn't be much difference.
Well if Aleister really does erase magic from the world, he'd be a huge step closer to being a normal high school boy
Could spice stuff up.
Remember what JoJo did where they abandoned harmon for stands?
Well, they don't need to abandon his imagine breaker, but it would make the story more complex (and interesting) and every situation more complex (and interesting), which is needed after a while of the same thing.
Wouldn't it be interesting if he used two abilities and basically be a dual wielder? It wouldn't have to be an amazing ability either, just something to add more complexity to fights and spice stuff up.
5th HGW Gil is a human and Caster will just fly away and run or let her husband get a gun and shoot Touma
The fact that he's nurturing a demon zoo inside of him makes it hard to believe that Aleister intends to let Touma just be normal after this. Do these things even fall under the category of "magic?"
He's already plenty special. Having two abilities would just downgrade him as a character since his shtick is using his head along with IB. He could lose his IB and just replace that with whatever Level 0 power he was supposed to have. Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that all Level 0 powers are passive like Tsuchi or just nonexistent?
Probably classified as Miracle or something.
Gil would get absolutely ass blasted by Imagine Breaker countering literally every single weapon he summons. Including Ea or Enkidu. Gilgamesh probably decides to try and cut off Touma's arm and we all know how that will go for him.
I want to see both Touma and Kamisato somehow in the 5th war. Would Kamisato and Gilgamesh get along? They both really fucking hate Gods.
Yeah I might be wrong, but frankly I think it would spice stuff up if it was something small. Like stopping time for a second, having satellite imagery or something, not an ability good at using against others but as a means to an end. Also doesn't have to be an ability. Not something that changes him as much as adds to him.
I just like those kind of things added in as it gives characters more complex interactions.
Touma shooting people when?
I've only visited Sup Forums two times as far as I know.
I just have a lot in my folder
How many times do you think she has came on Misaka's bed?
Kuroko WISHES her body looked anything like this. She's just an anorexic plank with no curves. No wonder Mikoto prefers to fondle and grope Misaki instead.
So are the 2 billion crowleys going to be hit by the conservation of ninjutsu effect? They can't all be as competent as the original.
Don't remind me of that swimsuit episode...
>original Aleister
That aside, it's true they won't all be quite powerful. The fact that the places they're invading are maintaining a resistance is proof enough.
But they are.
movie cliche thing
The more ninjas there are in a movie the less skilled they are individually but comparatively when only ninja shows up he tends to be really good.
They definitely won't be as strong as Aleister since he forced all the possibilities together to become the greatest magician. The other possibilities will probably encompass literally everything though. There may even be a saint and some other crazy shit in there.
Everything except a magic god. He did some unspecified thing to make that impossible for himself. Given what we know now maybe it was to make sure one of the possibilities didn't do it on their own.
That might have been the immortality. Every magic god so far seems to have needed to die before ascending. It would be unfortunate if after every possibility dies they congregate into one like Nephtits.
>combining shit luck with shit luck to cancel it out
Underrated post.
I hope Mikoto doesnt appear in NT19.
This would probably mean NT20 would be mostly about her. AKA "various things get teased but nothing actually happens"