Guess what Sup Forums

Guess what Sup Forums...


won what? the primary? that was fake.

Op is a faggot?

he sure did

Hillary is just like Sara Goldfarb and her red dress.

What's with all the faggots today?

That right Hillary you won, heres yor prize

Sorry sweetie, there's no denying that Hillary is the rightful President and will be in the White House as soon as Drumpf is removed from office

Faggot shills every day, user.
Every fucking day, the filters get bigger and I spend more time hiding slider threads.
I don't believe mods exist anymore. just a random AI agent taking out threads to give the illusion that there are mods.

Winning !

Hillary will be dead before she ever gets her chance.

>She Lost Against An Orange Inarticulate Fucktard With Daddy Issues
moar liek

Seriously, losing against fucking drumpf? lmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Dont stop, beleiving, hold on to that feeling



Send Tumblr my regards.


at harvard, they're developing biological weapons to be deployed by a fly. they're stuck on the wings right now. Daniel Jafferis' brother is the one working on it. all of this is under NDA. both of them are jews. Sparc, before they were acquired by Booz Allen, developed a weapons AI for the DoD. withholding the names of the coders who did it.h

Yep, Hillary won after scamming Bernie!

at harvard, they're developing biological weapons to be deployed by a fly. they're stuck on the wings right now. Daniel Jafferis' brother is the one working on it. all of this is under NDA. both of them are jews. Sparc, before they were acquired by Booz Allen, developed a weapons AI for the DoD. withholding the names of the coders who did it. j

this bot just started appearing in a bunch of diff threads too


bot? im trying to get the damn word out

>Guess what Sup Forums...
No, she didn't win. She was rejected in favor of President Donald J. Trump.


What's she doing at Costco singing books then?

you people should really avoid politics and leave it to the adults/mentally fit if you feel anything but loathing for this woman, if you don't believe be why don't you listen to what Donna Brazile said about her?





? ok ? we already know this

What if she really did rig the election and actually lost to Trump by 6 million votes?

Killton killstreak:
Shawn Lucas
Victor Thorn
Joe Montano
Seth Rich
John Ashe
Gareth Williams
Charles Ruff
Carlos Ghigliotti
Charles Wilbourne Miller
Daniel Dutko
Lt. Gen. David J. McCloud
Johnny Lawhorn Jr.
James McDougal
Eric Butera
Ron Miller
Mary Caitrin Mahoney
John Hillyer
Barbara Wise
Ron Brown
Charles Meissner
Stanley Huggins
Bill Shelton
Kathy Ferguson
James Bunch
Gandy Baugh
Ed Willey
Jerry Luther Parks
Dr. Stanley Heard
Jon Parnell Walker
Vince Foster
Jim Wilhite
C. Victor Raiser
Montgomery Raiser
Susan Coleman

Is there any justice?

Friendly reminder that Hillary will be running for, and WINNING her second term in 2020.


Tick tock drumpftards...

check the games rules before complaining


Hey shill