Will there ever be a better loli anime?
Will there ever be a better loli anime?
I have high hopes.
>Mitsuboshi colors is actually going to go big
How many years has it been.
I never knew he listened to Aphex Twin. Neat.
I had high hopes once.
Doujins when?
What happened?
What happened to Barasui?
Anime Original Ending happened.
Still alive, drawing at glacier pace.
The manga is still ongoing. Recent chapters had Chika almost get a boyfriend.
You mean Chika gets stalked?
Also for some reason I can't seem to find that chapter again, batoto says the latest chapter was 2012 but that doesn't seem right.
>trying to trigger Chikafags
Get on my level, Miyu is going to win the Chikabowl.
Someone posted on Sup Forums months ago.
Okada happened.
Check /azu/, they have them.
Chika gets my dick so hard.
So does Miu.
Chika for wife, Miu for mistress.
>Cheating on your wife
Colors are shit. Especially the blonde one.
Fight me
fuck lolis
I want to FUCK the Mashimaros in their supple loli pussies.
Lolis have gone too far.
Not even a nigger deserves this fate. Lolis are becoming a larger menace to society each day. How would any of you feel if a loli raped you? Frankly, I'd be disgusted.
Someone should really put them in a .rar or somewhere for easy access.
I could never be raped by a loli. Because you can't rape the willing.
How did Chika agree to do this?
Who would you rather be in this picture?
Me in the bag
coffee mug
Her Pajamas.
Not him but he literally cropped out a big black cock.
The little girl. She is loved and has a bright future ahead of her.
Well thankfully at least it wasn't hard to find in ex. I thought I had to skim through every lolicon+"dark skin" there is.
It came out recently so it shouldn't have been too hard
I'll say, fucking racist lolis.
I want to coppulate with Ana's ana.
I'd fuck a racist loli.
there have already been several, but I will not tell you what they are and instead suggest that you lurk.
Me on top.
Matsuri a best
People don't understand you can make an amazimg show without fanservice anymore. Or mabe its the other way around. As much as I love luding lolis you don't need it in a show for it to be good imo.
Matsuri is cute but daughteru material only. She's too helpless to be a waifu.
Chi-chan is the only mashimaro who is waifu material.
Good taste.
>I never noticed until today that this was chi-chan on this pic
Fucking kill me.
What about coppola and oneechan?
Oneechan is an old hag, why would you want to marry an old hag?
Is that the actual translation?
Based translator-kun