>he calls the Genki Dama "Spirit Bomb"
He calls the Genki Dama "Spirit Bomb"
It's called the Destructo Disc
>Genki Dama
sounds cute
>he calls the げんきだま"Genki Dama"
>He calls 元気玉 "げんきだま"
>threy refer to the Kienzan as Destructo Disc
fucking murrikans are the funniest shit I swear
>He doesn't stay on his side of the wall
>He calles Kullillin "Krillin"
>He calls Bijita "Vegeta"
>He calls Birusu "Beerus"
>He calls Wisu "Whis"
>He calls Finaru Furashu "Final Flash"
>He calls Furiza "Freeze" (or even worse: "Frieza")
>He calls Duragon Boru Supa "Dragon Ball Super"
>He calls Shinzoningen "Androids"
>He calls Kai-O "King Kai"
>he doesn't scatter random Japanese words and phrases throughout his daily speech
>ex. kawaii, desu, chibi, i'm a faggot
I use a weird mix of japanese and english names because the translation in my country used japanese names while the Budokai and Budokai Tenkaichi games used the english names
>He thinks Genki Dama is a pun of electric rice cooker
So he's not a weeb?
>he calls Kinto-un "Jindujun"
>he calls Yamcha "Yamchu"
>he calls Puar "Pool"
>he calls Karin "Master Tweetie"
>he calls Jeice "Zuusu"
>he calls Bardock "Badaku"
>he calls Freeza "Freezer"
>he calls #18 "C18"
>he likes the dub
>he likes bruce falconer
You mixed a couple of them up brosef
>he calls Green "Blue"
The ones on the right are the Swedish translation. They also called Turles "Raditz".
>Special Beam Cannon
It's the only worthy translation and we all know it.
>he calls Change "Vegetaaaa! Olha beeem!"
>he calls 瞬間移動 an "instant transmission"
Laughing saiya-jin warriors.jpg
>he calls GODhan "Gohan"
>Hellzone Grenade