Has anyone here been the victim of female sexual harassment or rape?
>My dad remarried and the stepmom' family looked after us every now and then. >I was 11. There wasn't a lot of bed space so my stepaunt slept in my bed. She was in her 40s. >The first time, she wanted to show me how "adults kiss". Then later, how "adults can kiss other parts of the body". It continued on for 3 years in the guise of her "teaching" me how to be a man and what adults do. > It was 3 years of sexual molestation and abuse.
no gender can be raped because rape implies that it is unwanted
Evan Wood
is there a link to the entire series in order? the one I found is only 16 pages and its out of order
Cameron Jackson
FINALLY I CAN SAY SOMTHING! i got harrased...
Joshua Clark
Post yfw you were never sexually harassed by an older woman at any point in your life.
Jackson Reyes
Got my ass grabbed at nuggetfest 2017. Not sure who it was though. Don't blame em, I get compliments at work and am known for my booty.
Ryder Reed
Jason Morales
I lost a job because I made it clear I wouldn't fuck my lady boss. Don't work for women.
Grayson Fisher
I actually do have a story. it's not particularly hot, but whatever:
>be like 5 >already a little deviant >mom always washes me with her clothes on >spend a few days over at my grandma's >she's less of a prude and we take a bath together >get aroused because it's my first time seeing the female body in 5 years >she notices it and starts washing me fully clothed from then on
this is where it gets fucked:
>grandma has lots of female friends about her age >they're always over, like all the fucking time >she's about done giving me a bath when someone knocks on the door >it's one of her friends >I'm running around naked >she sees my little dick and remarks on 'how cute it is' >starts fooling around with it, jokingly >I get a raging boner and she laughs at how cute it is >grandma is visibly upset >never see this particular friend again, she was fucking banished from the house or something
I'm surprised I'm not into grandma porn. but try going dry for 5 years and you'll fuck virtually anything.
Luis Garcia
OP you are in the wrong place with your painful molestation memories. Sup Forums is filled with sexless virgin faggots who imagine every female sexual interaction must be exactly like the hentai they fap too, ie hot buxom mothers that still have an 18 year old's body, and the boy is totally willing and into it. In reality it is never the hot girl who molests you, it's the disgusting old cow, and the experience is not exciting, it is awkward and leaves a nasty fucking memory you never forget.
Joseph Collins
Pics of her plz?
Hunter Roberts
Cooper Morgan
>sexual harassment >commited by women Pick one queer.
Unless they shove something into your ass or mouth, become the bitch in other words, you cannot be raped. I dunno why do you fucking idiots ree when women are punished less than you think they should be.
Bentley Bennett
i just want yall to know i really do feelz for you..
but i'm still fapping to this thread
Jack Baker
>5 >get a woody because you saw your grandmother nekkid absolute kek
David Diaz
whats going on aunt diane?
Luis Roberts
> It was 3 years of sexual molestation and abuse.
well shit user, i feel bad 4 u.
i was sorta sexually harassed, at work me and a female peer was pushing and hip checking playfully and shit got out of hand.
she garbed my nipples and twisted them hard. >inb4 op is faggot, nips arent sexual 4 men. well 4 me they are and they should be treated as such. she didnt even realized she did something to me, and it bugged me, so i talked to her and she almost started crying and i told her >no no no, its ok u didnt mean too in the moment, your sorry and ur intentions are pure so its ok, i forgive you.
its the past to me but it proved to me that i was wrong about men being sexually harassed
Angel Price
Ryan Carter
Male victims are real. Female rapists are real.
Easton Johnson
I regularly get groped at concerts by nasty goblins. Went to a local psychrock not too long ago and this bitch tried grinding on me. I tried getting away but she tried following me. Women do this shit just as much as men desu, men just don't really give a shit.
dude UK laws are so fucked up against boys, it's so fucked up
Charles Nguyen
Michael Johnson
female on male rape simply doesn't exist i would love to get molested
Carson King
I found it on sadpanda, look up swain and the comic is named "the Secret".
Cameron Myers
>It was 3 years of hot sweaty sex with a 40 year old cougar tending to my every needs.
Caleb Perez
Fucking hell
Cameron Garcia
>had a female friend in high school >asked her on a date, while dinner and movie and all >tried to kiss her at the movie >she recoiled >"what are you doing? Did you think I'd date a high school guy like you?" >it wasn't a date to her, I was just a guy buying her stuff >laughed in my face saying shed never kids a guy like me >told me to get on the floor and kiss and lick her feet >felt so good to touch her so intimately She ended up telling her friends what happened and they all sexually humiliated and tormented me until she dropped out the next school year.
Adrian Clark
This didn't happen and yet i'm still jealous.
Alexander Thompson
And user's penis shrunk three times its size.
Easton Brooks
>be 8 in a school for rich kids >at breaks I go to the store for the +15 yr because they sell better shit for less price >ask some girls there all the time for some something to eat and some candy and give them my money >they think I am cute and probably scammed my money but whatever >one day I ask for my lollipop and they say "here, this one is for you", and one kissed me with the tounge, it felt good >I go there regularly and she and some of her friends kiss me from time to time >one day one administrator guys watches us, calls us in, tell me to explain >"she gave me free lollipops"
The school spelled them and it was a big scandal, I ended up transferring next year.
Levi Young
Your grandma was based and protecting you. Hope you cherished her
Easton Allen
>Argentina Of course fem pedos are more loose in non-white countries.
Ian Moore
both of the parties involved were white bro
Bentley Ortiz
You lucky cunt.
Asher Moore
Any news article?
Kevin Williams
James Parker
what is rape then, retard?
Oliver Perry
It did happen and it was really bad, it hurt my ability to form relationships with women. I can tell some stories of things she did >she put a pair her dirty panties in my locker and laughed at me when I found it
>one time during lunch break she gave me a bottle and told me to drink it >it was piss >asked if it was her piss >she says "mostly"
Christian Gomez
Bentley Foster
high school transferred to a new school one of the hotties likes me we go on a date wind up at night at some school function in parking lot in car she's fuckin in heat and grabs me laying on my face starts god damned sucking like a fucking carp LOL - I'm like what the fuck get a grip bitch no shit I remember it to this day her jaw opening and closing sucking away like ya pulled a fucking carp out of the water and tossed it on the bank got rid of that freak right away
Lincoln Lopez
she's still alive. I love my granny. but the episode didn't fuck me up or anything. if anything, I wanted her friend to come back and touch me some more.
some people are just faggots for a lack of a better term. yes, even men. just look at some of the posts in this very thread. I'm not saying men can't be raped, though.
Ayden Clark
sounds like your grandma should've used the shoe more often
Jaxson Thomas
For an expulsion at a school in Argentina over extremely mild 15 and 8 year old contact?
Tyler Stewart
Grayson Gutierrez
got a good friend he's got a new honey one day they bring up her gf so I meet her at his house we do some kind of whatever all 4 of us there I'm in the kitchen later she comes in and pins me against the counter and starts laying it on me ... whatever I was like what the fuck bitch I don't even know you >chad gets attacked again couple days later my buds gf asks me if I'm gay LOL - fuckin hoes better be playin their cards right or forget it
Lucas Collins
>Be me. Soldier living in the barracks fresh out of AIT. >Hot new toy item in the eyes of barracks rat females. >One of them is kind of cute, but thick as fuck. Almost too thick. >trytofuckwithoutfriendsfindingout.jpg >always go around her when I'm a little boosy and we fuck around. >Friends inevitably find out and deem her a fatty while giving me shit. The internal shame consumes me, but I'm a horny soldier. >Finally cut her off and regain some dignity to reraise standards back to future roasties. >I'm drunk, this chick is drunk and shows up at my door at what-the-fuck-o-clock >shoves me on bed and attacks me like some kind of wild Amazon/Viking beauty. >Dryhumping and grinding on me and moaning in the process. >Amigettingraped?.gif >Kind of turned on at audacity of my fellow service member to rub her twat all over my unwilling camo dick >We bang, with her on top the whole time, and she sucks the life essence out of me at the end. >Confused at end about what the word consent means >Realize I'm a man, and get over it, and keep banging on the side.
10/10 would be raped again by fellow female soldier.
Jordan Taylor
penetration by any foreign object is assault, what's so hard to understand faggots
girl on your dick isnt rape its you gettin some pussy pussy
Mason Ross
post pictures of her my dude
Benjamin Jones
>mild They were molesting argentina-user and probably would have fucked him had it persisted.
Luis James
Ian Moore
>in highschool >16 at the time >still played rugby, hooker >notice a bonga girl is always following me >see her outside my house talking to my mum in the weekends >i tell her to fuck off and leave me alone a few times >a couple of weeks of me ignoring her passes >me and my mates have a party planned >she must have heard about it >she shows up, fat bitch is dressed like a slut >i decide not to drink at this party, im actually scared now >spend the entire time trying to avoid her with my mates >shes had a few drinks and starts trying to grind on me >she reachs into my pants with one had while thumbling my belt with the other >i push her over >quickly attach myself to my best mates sister so that fat bitch will leave me alone >end up dating his sister for years, untill i left to try get a job out of town I guess a benefited from the sexual harassment, but female on male harassment is definitely real.
Ryder Hernandez
Carson Barnes
>college rentin with friends >they're a couple, she's hot >one day her hottie gf comes over >somehow winds up coming right into my room >next thing I know she on top of me on the bed wantin the big wazoo she's drooling in heat were changing spit >uhh like once again what the fuck, get off me
Tyler Ortiz
Isn't the uk supposed to be all progressive and shit? That's pretty archaic if true What happens if a female does cross a line? Are there other laws that cover it or are women untouchable What happens with child abuse?
Kevin Smith
i dont want to sound like some gynocentric boomer fag but seriously if you get dominated by a girl in any situation other than she has authoritative power over you or you are a child you deserve the shame and humiliation you got.
Leo Carter
>>inb4 op is faggot, nips arent sexual 4 men.
>replies with faggot so this is the power of amerimutt education, poor bastard cant even read
Lucas Edwards
Jayden Bailey
Most female rape is when the girl is much older and stronger than you, like say a 16 year old holding down a ten year old and forcing her pussy on his dick.
Nathaniel Campbell
>uninvited guest enters party just to be clear you guys do know how a door works, right?
Jonathan Rodriguez
post pic of aunt
Chase Mitchell
I dont have any, its been years since that stuff happened. If I could find her Facebook I could get some pictures of her. It was horrible. We had gym last period together so a lot of days she'd have me go with her to the bleachers outside and she's put her dirty socks in my mouth and sit with her feet on my face. Her and her bitch would sit around hen cackling while my face was full of feet. And she'd spit on me. Even in the halls at school she'd spit in my face. In classes we had together she's learn forward to spit on me (she sat right behind me).
Brayden Mitchell
wow what the fuck dude was she so hot you just kept takin it or what ? i'm like there is no that hot but i ain't you
Ryan Mitchell
I'm so sorry bro. If it helps, you aren't weak for not fighting back. There's a huge stigma against guys in guy v. girl arguments in school, you would have been double fucked if you beat her up, or even started a normal argument.
Women are psychos, let no one doubt that.
Adam Cox
Yes. >t. stalked by a fatso my first semester of college
Blake Rivera
Asher Stewart
pics or it didn't happen
Evan Butler
could be part of a movie - write a script part of it and make bank
Parker Phillips
>Everything I read on Sup Forums is serious! First day here?
Lucas Cook
Matthew Cox
Was she hot?
Josiah Hernandez
Sounds like femdom fantasy, which it probably is. Faggot.
Leo Gomez
Had some smoking hot teachers in high school...
Alexander Perry
yeah but she turned up when everyone had drunk a fair bit
Ian Martinez
or foot fetish fable for toesies
Jordan Price
It wasnt hot, it was humiliating. And she'd hurt me. She'd kick me in the balls, make me lay down in the lowest subbasement where nobody went while she stepped on my dick, usually gagged with her dirty socks or panties. Eventually she started stealing from me. I stopped bringing lunch money so she couldn't steal it but then she found me outside during lunch and made me be her chair while she ate.
Jason Cooper
was she hot?
Colton Foster
the three I kicked off me were hot high school blue eyes black hair beautiful face luscious lips a bit overweight but very big knockers later she's married with 3 kids
friends house dark hair almost brunette cute features good body nice tits don't remember eye color maybe blue ...
college shorter chic smoking hot figure long brown dark hair medium lips hottie face lght blue eyes ... that ass was hot as hell years later kept the figure still hot
thing is - what the fuck 1st date and they can't control themselves I ain't that much of a chad...LOL well kinda I'm a brain too always fit just not ripped it's just what the fuck get off me
Now one time I was on some business and wound up in a sizzling hot single mom's home (*she FBI I find out) anyway she has 3 sizzling daughters and one was particularly fine so I'm in there all 4 for some time and man I'm sweatin it shit if that one daughter had cornered me in that house I would have been ramming that shit senseless it was just sooo much estrogen around and... yeah
Jayden Roberts
>Everything I read on Sup Forums is serious!
i mean i thought this was a pretty serious thread considering we are talking about the well being of men, the thing that builds and maintains society you know....THE FUTURE
not my first day, been here since the beginning of the election. but 4 real dont shitpost on Sup Forums, we already have enough cancer like pedos so we dont need anymore pls and thank (YOU)
Blake Davis
Ignore newfriend here Leaf, he doesn't understand banter yet, unless... I hope to God you aren't being serious you dumb fucking nigger. >pls and thank (YOU) Get the fuck out OR LURK MOAR FAGGOT
Camden Green
Yes, before she was so mean I wanted to date her. She was a sophomore but could've passed for a 6th grader, hardly any tits, really pale. She was so perfect. >been here since the beginning of the electio Oh, hells, you're one of them.
Brody Hernandez
>It was 3 years of sexual molestation and abuse. Detected the faggot.
Chase Long
Been groped by girls whilst walking up the stairwells, in the halls etc. Don't know if that amounts to anything but it felt uncomfortable. Told a teacher and he just laughed in my face.
Easton Ward
>Ignore newfriend here Leaf He just said, he is the newfag.
Alexander Johnson
>you dumb fucking nigger.
probably more white then your amerimutt inbred ass. Have another (YOU) you've earned it! >Oh, hells, you're one of them. yes problem? trump at this point is jewish puppet!