Y'know what really grinds my gears?
Romance Manga and Anime that ends right after the confession. WHY do they ALL do this?
The FUCK, guys!? I want to see them date, move in, marry, and breed tiny monsters!
Y'know what really grinds my gears?
Romance Manga and Anime that ends right after the confession. WHY do they ALL do this?
The FUCK, guys!? I want to see them date, move in, marry, and breed tiny monsters!
Naruto did it right out of everyone.
There's no tension anymore after the confession. If it goes on they have to shoehorn contrived drama, often in the form of misunderstandings. Romance manga should always end right here before it sours.
Jitsu wa watashi wa best romance manga
You wanna after story? Read Evergreen. Some things better left unsaid.
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou is still going after the confession.
There's a lot of stuff after this confession.
Fucks wrong with Evergreen?
Is that that deaf shit? I thought that ended?
does something come out of it though?
didn't he misunderstand what she was trying to say?
>does something come out of it though?
She jumps off a balcony afterwards. Does that count?
THAT'S how it ends?
Fuck no, the emotional anguish is what makes things good. Now that they are all honky dory a big part of the fun is gone, it could only be maintained by constant relationship drama and that would sour pretty fast.
>Romance Manga and Anime that ends right after the confession. WHY do they ALL do this?
Because that's how these stories are fucking constructed, user. The confession is generally the clear endgame from the beginning.
Nigga, you got shoujo taste if you wanna watch a bunch of avoidable relationship drama after the confession.
all of that can be done in a single chapter and not every reader cares about that, tough luck m8
You can do the whole confession thing in one chapter too, just skip all of the pointless drama.
>when closure is given after 10 years
at least it's something
You could do just about anything in a single chapter if you really wanted to. This is a dumb thing to even bring up.
Makes the people watching to jealous.
They want to see what they can relate to, the attempt to get a relationship and the want for a relationship.
Isn't that the general population who watch these shows? People who wish their love would love them back seriously? I'm pretty sure that's why they are made in the first place, so they can pretend its the same for them.
Nigga all I fucking want is to see them happy together. Also what drama most of the drama is resolved getting to the confession. Make it like clannand where its just happy with love until unrelationship shit started to happen. Or timeskips where they call each other by their first name with kids
>timeskips where they call each other by their first name with kids
Wait, what. Now I'm confused, do you actually want to see the romance develop over time, or are you just upset because there aren't epilogues with them married?
Oh I'm not op. I just want to see them happy after watching all the shit they had to go through to get there
or maybe he only wants more comfy relationships
That's the whole point of the series ending. You know that they will be happy together, or the author would put an epilogue of them divorce or some shit.
>Henceforth. Kurosawa Maiko
My heart
Realisticly speaking a good portion of manga couples would break up eventually. Like how often do high school relationships actually last? So it's not to bad showing that they actually remained a couple.
Don't they end up together in the manga? I know the anime half-assed the ending
> Realisticly speaking a good portion of manga couples would break up eventually.
>Realisticly speaking
Not that guy, but this doesn't really belong in the conversation. If a fictional couple gets married, and the story ends there, there's not a 50% chance they'll get divorced or whatever, they're just married and that's that. Same here.
>Don't they end up together in the manga?
Nope, not that we see.
We talking about idealized relationships, so they will undoubtedly still be together. Unless the author wants to create drama, that is.
This is the reason right here.
There's no tension even before the confession, we all know it's gonna happen, we all know who's gonna win, all that's inbetween is pointless drama for the sake of dragging shit out.
that's a lot of projection, m8
I wish they would start to bring up epilogues wherein the protagonist wakes up and realizes it was all a dream, just to properly crush every kind of hope for those people.
>everything after two people get together is literal paradise
Holy shit please die.
>not that we see
? ? ?
>The retards in this thread think that pre-relationship drama is interesting, yet somehow, relationship drama isn't
How is freaking out over spending the beach trip with the girl/boy you like any more valid than freaking out over the birth of your child, or having strict parents who disagree with your choice of spouse?
There's plenty of good stuff that could be mined for relationship drama post-confession.
The best part is usually the journey to the relationship. If you want the epilogue then check exhentai.
I honestly think so many of them build up the confession so much that after it they have no idea what to do for the relationship
And it seems like the ones that do throw in so much drama that it gets unbearable
Why can't it just be comfy with some hardships, not 24/7 hardship with nothing else
Neither are interesting anymore, I can't even read 10 chapters of the shit, it's so boring. Unless the series starts off with them in a rocky relationship, and trying to work it out or ending up breaking it off, then it's just the same shit as when they weren't together.
>Rando rival
>moving away/schools
>sudden arrange marriage
>sudden accident
Same shit, man
It's amazing how shippers never stop whining.
I feel your pain, OP. I kind of understand why they do it: after the confession the story and character dynamics would radically change, so author would be basically telling another story and would need to come up with another excuse to keep the story going (or go full slice of life).
That said, I feel blueballed whenever they do it. They take so long teasing us, especially in ecchi, but when things finally get good it's over. Sometimes we don't even get a epilogue chapter, it's just kiss/holding hands and the end.
Spice and Wolf kept going and it was great.
I agree that it should last a little longer after confession, but romance manga where two people get together from the start and the rest of the manga is just fucking around is way worse.
Ore Monogatari is gold tho
>muh apples
>muh beer
>muh tail
OP, read Suzuka.
This old anime, Gatekeepers, has a really crushing version of this. The leads hook up, but then they drift apart. The protagonist marries another woman, has a daughter, then dies fighting what is basically Cthulu.
Be careful what you wish for. I recall a Quest on /tg/ where the romance was resolved midway through the main plot. It ended with EVERYONE DYING because the MC didn't tell his waifu he'd slept with another woman before dating her.
You forgot >muh economics.
There are plenty of topics to make stories about if the authors just take advantage of the material.
If the romance is a subplot, then just show the couple working/fighting together. If the plot is of a fighting shounen manga, use their new relationship status to raise the stake. When protagonist's girl is in danger post-confession, it creates more suspense.
If it's a comedy, a confession shouldn't stop the jokes from coming in. Hell, it opens the door to new jokes, if nothing else. Fuck load of romance VNs have done this. They kept the comedy going after the romance is resolved.
If it's a drama, create tension around the couple - parents' disapproval, jealous ex taking revenge, etc... More commonly seen in seinen romance though. Most of the problems we deal with post-confession are really mature topics. Orange Yane no Chiisana Ie is a good example.
Start watching kdramas. Confessions start at ep 10
Yumeko best girl
Dramatic effect maybe? Endgame reached?
How can anyone be this wrong?
Do you have any idea how turbulent the average relationship can be, and how many compromises both parties have to make so it can work?
And breakups at ep 11
And affairs at ep 12
And star hospitalized while their actor renegotiates contract terms at ep 13
And love tetrahedrons at ep 14
And long lost aunt's cousin's estranged surprise witnesses at ep 15
And then the plotlines from the previous episodes start getting recycled, with an ever-increasing cast of near-identical characters going through the same dime-operated drama as the last.
Civilization went through this terrible fad of no-standards television 30 years ago and grew out of it.
>implying that's a bad thing
Actual Japanese relationships are usually hollow and soulless. It's easier to write what happens before everything goes to shit.
OP's right though. Some of the best romance manga are the few ones that take place during the relationship and not before it.
Authors like skipping past that shit because there's not really any drama in it they can honestly consider adding. After everything the two of them are supposed to be perfect for each other and going down the dramatic path is gonna wreck the series. It's a build up to the perfect drama free relationship,not a build up to their time together and although it SOUNDS fun to keep seeing constant struggles,it's a pain to write and a pain to read.
I mean,imagine if in your picture Boku No Girl continued normally after that confession. Either it'd have to go full Gullotine Gorilla Or in other words have a ridiculous direction shift or the integrity of Mizuki&Takeru would have to be challenged constantly which'd get stale till one of them breaks,tossing out everything that made the series enjoyable.
I wanna see one that starts off with them together and they fall apart by the end.
no cucking, or fuckery. they just slowly fall out of love
because most romance just want to have sweet endings / best girl winning.
Pic related did this the best
While she was a dick to the MC, she was better than the psycho chick in every way. I also liked her more than miss perfect that Broccoli snatched.
i checked you POS
I watched that a couple years back and I honestly can't remember a single thing about it.
I can't even remember if I finished it or dropped it midway through, it was that forgettable.
except the memes
Well duh, he nutted over her clothes and psycho chick shouldn't even be considered an option.
>he nutted over her clothes
That is not very romantic.
broke the ice at least
It worked, so it's good.
Sauce user? Yandex and google gave me nothing
You know what grinds my gears even more? Manga and Anime that ends before the main characters even get together, Rumiko Takahashi ruined my childhood.
But Spice and Wolf is dragged on by Holo being wishy-washy for more than 8 volumes. It's a bad romance in the sense that their relationship stays THE FUCKING SAME even after Holo rejects Lawrence. While I think it was an interesting plot point to Holo's character it ends up feeling like a device to draw the story out as long as possible. Lovely Complex did it better.
No, the ghost Banri drama utterly ruined this anime.
I really like how it was handled in Genshiken (before the reboot). After they got together there was about 8 chapter about them.
It is very simple: for a romance to be interesting, it needs well written characters. And writing characters is difficult.
When it comes to romance i think that Seinen and Josei have some real gems.
The main problem with Shoujo or Shounen is the pace that the story keeps up at with a Garry stu or Pure Jane as the interest. The midway through the story the rival is introduced.
There are exceptions, and even series that make fun of it all like Ouran, but even that feelt the need to introduce stupid rivals out of nowhere.
Musashi-kun to Murayama-san wa Tsukiatte Mita.
What's worse is romance manga that DON'T even have a confession or anything. Just end before any romantic cute shit happens.
You know what's even worse? Hentai that ends right after pregnancy.
He is right though
damn m8
Why is romance shit plagued with retarded drama? Why can't there be more cute romances?
This just makes me want to read it more. Could you give me more details?
Don't know what he's saying
They do
>lets fuck
>oh shit you're my sister
>let's break up
>crap landslide I'll save you
It's about the journey, not the destination. You want them to fuck already and it's the same reason housewives watch romance movies and tv shows.
I want her(him) to grind on my gear
Manga is just as shit as the movie. I wouldn't recommend that shit to anyone.
real men read shoujo
what was the name of this? completely forgot about it one day while waiting for more translation threads, fuck that faggot and his "brb have to go to the store"
It's lazy right?
Is this thebest romance manga ending ever?