Is there a worst character than Shinji?
Is there a worst character than Shinji?
Although Shinji is a faggot he is still better than Rei because of the fact that he actually has a personality unlike that ugly ass bland bitch
You're waifu.
most of them
Many. Shinji is a great character. Not sure why you're asking this.
That loser from rezero
Your favorite
Its worth it to seem him suffer in Ep. 15.
It makes up for all his faggotry
Shinji is bad on purpose not because of being written badly. He's supposed to be a whiny crybaby faggot because he's a 14 year old thrust into a psychological warzone
Why would you deal with his bullshit for that long? The MC being awful kills the entire series.
Ritsuko is the worst eva character by far.
Try to proove me wrong. You can't
Don't have one
I love pathetic male characters in anime. I love all the boys that fucked up, cried a lot and/or didn't get the girl. I will rather watch 200 series with pathetic mcs than one dumb haremshit alpha mc drowning in pussy series.
And you don't seem to understand
A shame you seemed an honest man
Delete this NOW
Most characters are worse than Shinji.
of all the mindfuckery in eva, I think this has to be the most jarring
Madoka is a shittier Shinji
You're everything wrong with anime. Fucking waste of oxygen. Shinji was great because he was realistic and his choices had adequate causes and consequences.
ReZero, Mirai Nikki, etc just have pathetic self-insert cucks who still somehow succeed without any qualities. Fuck you.
>there really is someone posting on Sup Forums that didn't get it