This movie was absolutely terrible.
I'm glad I didn't bother watching this on the theaters. Who the fuck paid to watch this shit?
This movie was absolutely terrible.
I'm glad I didn't bother watching this on the theaters. Who the fuck paid to watch this shit?
Secondaries who didn't read the manga
Kyoani shillbots
people who criticize a movie being bad but they dont explain why....
Better than your name.
I did.
It was okay after I watched it a second time. It's kinda shit if you go into it as a secondary not knowing what it's about. It's definitely better on the second watch.
Still have no plans to read the manga.
Only good thing to come out of this movie was reminding me that My Generation was a great song
I did, and I liked it.
I'm no secondary, and I don't think KyoAni are infallible either.
I read the manga with Sup Forums and the movie is genuinely better, it's a tighter package.
This, the manga was good at the beginning but started becoming quite annoying later one. KyoAni cut some useless shit out and overall did really well with the movie.
I was a huge fan of the manga buy I was really disappointed with the movie, such a bad adaptation
Manga was shit, didn't bother watching.
I liked the movie. I was a fan of the manga going in but I found the film really improved on it
Me. The manga resonated with me, but the movie fails to deliver the impact.
>KyoAni cut some useless shit out
>keep the whole cast
>don't do anything with it
>or show the development
People who have never had a romantic relationship with someone and are as emotionally stable as wet toilet paper is resistant to shear force. So teenagers lol. All the characters are ridiculous stereotypes which makes everything completely unbelievable, the was the characters deal with emotions is also retarded. Its such a wasted premise, couldn't we have had a film exploring the realities of being deaf? Its something that really isn't portrayed in media much and would have been really interesting.
This. The anime really tightened up the story and made it feel more cohesive. For once it felt like the manga had more filler than the anime adaption.
I don't think it was a bad movie, although I didn't really like it.
They did, you can't cut it all because some things and characters are still important for character and "story" development.
That's not really what the manga was about though, in a way yes but only in a very limited fashion and more as a tool for character development. You simply expected the wrong thing when it was fairly obvious that it was never going to be that, your own fault.
They did fuckall with characters like Sahara, Mashiba or Kawai.
The manga was trash as well, so I don't know what you expected.
I didn't expect anything, mate told me to watch this movie so I did. What I'm saying is that it could have been interesting to explore deafness. Instead it was a retarded teen comedy where the characters are all retarded stereotypes and suicide is used randomly to make me feel sad for Mary Sue. Saying that I should have expected something to be trash doesn't stop said thing from being trash.
It was a good tear jerker. I enjoyed it more than Kimi no na wa.
They did enough with Kawai. I don't know why anyone actually pretends that Sahara got any sort of development in the mango outside of her little round after they meet again.
I agree with Mashiba, his role was quite irrelevant in the movie but KyoAni still tried to push him in a few scenes. Bit retarded really.
You also need to understand that the mango and anime are different in the sense that the anime focused almost entirely on the relationship of Shouko and Ishida, while using the characters surrounding the two as character development for both. There was never any relevant character development for most characters in the mango in the first place, at least not enough for idiots to now come out of the woodwork and complain about lack of usage/character development.
The biggest gripe I had with the film is their decision to focus on not being a hikki NEET that can't look at people in a crowd instead of concluding the story between the two main characters.
I wouldn't have cared if they died, went their separate ways like 5cm/s, started a codependent relationship, or whatever. The absence of Xs over people should've only been a background detail showing that, from these events, he's accepted himself.
Basically it was too heavy-handed which wasted precious time.
>suicide is used randomly to make me feel sad for Mary Sue.
There is no Mary Sue in this.
The only people who say this are contrarians. The manga is excellent and the film has its pro's... but its still significantly lacking compared to its source. Kimi no na wa is a well thought out fun bodyswap romp, while at the same time taps into one of Japan's greatest hardships i.e natural disasters. It implements its motifs so strongly and nothing in the film is there for fluff, it all serves purpose. Also it uses its score perfectly. Koe no kataching uses my generation which is out of place and the theme song hyping the film only in the credits.
Deaf cunt literally has no flaws as a character. Same old cutesy helpless girl that dies as some point. Clannad, kannon, angel beats, "instert any teen comedy here" all have this same character.
RomCom not pure comedy my bad
Clearly didn't watch the movie considering that it's a vital part of the character development.
This desu
What character development. She starts out as cute endearing girl. Gets bullied. Is still cute endearing girl even to her bullies. Grows up, is still cute endearing girl. Gets bullied as adult, is still cute endearing girl. Randomly tries to off herself, is still cute endearing girl afterwards. DEVELOPMENT!!! Again this film was just a massive meta stereotype showcase. Every character was a cut and paste of every other anime romcom.
No. Absolutely not
She has BIG flaws, autist.
Name one that isn't her being deaf?
Rewatch movie again, autist. Read subtitles especially in Ueno scenes. How can someone completely miss point if KnK?
Kimi no Na wa
>terrible storytelling
>excellent animation because muh freelancers
>generic characters
>cliche body swap plot
>mediocre OST
Koe no Katachi
>delicate storytelling texture
>excellent character animation
>complex, realistically portrayed characters
>beautiful minimalistic OST and experimental sound design that adds weight to the deafness theme
>will be taught to schools all over Japan, resonating wonderfully with the shared setting
You're a dumb monkey.
She never had any courage, sat there and took it up the ass during class because she didn't know what to do. Then she beats the shit out of Ishida because she snaps. The entire development of the relationship between the two is character development for both, Ishida and Shouko.
She tried to kill herself even though she was arguably in a better place than before, ignoring the fact that her hearing was about to die, and had lots of people that cared for her and made an attempt to improve her life. She got the shit beat out of her by Ueno for being selfish after which she changed a lot, gained even more courage and actively seeks out solutions to her problems.
Everything that fucking happens in the movie and mango develops her character and helps her grow and come to peace with her situation.
Again. Please tell me one flaw she has, not just tell me to watch a shit film again. She has no disputes, never argues, never fights anyone or challenges them, always forgives everyone, loves everyone unconditionally etc etc etc.
The manga is worse. Almost every cut made for the movie is an improvment.
>never argues, never fights anyone or challenges them
ADHD is strong in you.
>delicate storytelling texture
>complex, realistically portrayed characters
Picrelated is best written character in anime industry. He has complex motives and deep dialogues
Not an argument, tard.
Redditor detected, go back there.
>watching anime at the theater
do people really do this?
Jesus christ
Yes it is. Spontaneously wanting to commit suicide after a series of ridiculous, over the top scenarios and events doesn't make a character developed.
He is realistic, in the way that random acquaintences sometimes show up in life who we make no effort to learn anything about or try to be friends with.
>Japan's greatest hardships i.e natural disasters
It isn't, and your post rightfully got deleted because you're a retard with the attention span of a flea.
>Randomly tries to off herself
Nigger, she's been bullied her whole life. Her hearing is getting worse, she is completely deaf on one ear. The boy she liked didn't even recognize her as a potential partner. After that she saw him being absolutely miserable after the bridge incident, which she blames herself for because years of bullying convinced her that there is something wrong with her and that she is to blame. She lives in a completely disfunctional family, her mother is being overly harsh on her and never learned sign language, her sister dropped out of school, her father is not present. Her grandma died a few weeks prior. I would talk about development, but if you didn't catch any of this then there's really no point.
You're an autist and you can neither read properly nor understand simple god damn things.
Says the guys believing these character relations are realistic. Talk to someone outside lads.
>retard still being retarded
>Says the guys believing these character relations are realistic.
Please show me the post that said this, show me the EXACT passage. You're not even swimming anymore, you're drowning.
I actually got angry watching this don't think I could ever watch it again so many just mean characters that don't change and for some reason they're still "friends"
>and for some reason they're still "friends"
It's more ridiculous in manga. Kawai aka human trash literally got free pass
Characters have to be believable or the entire film turns to shit. None of the characters in this film have a shred of personality that isnt just typical meta anime shit. The interactions they have are completely unbelievable. No human being irl act remotely like these characters do and it ruins the films entire credibility. And then it shoves in a suicide to try and make everything sad because you don't want cute girly to die. But the cutesy girl doesnt actually die. Like every other meta romcom in existence. As I stated this film is fine for teenagers who have never had a romantic connection before. Other than that you shouldn't find any enjoyment in this shit.
Do manga readers actually unironically think it was a good manga?
>No human being irl act remotely like these characters
Welcome to all anime.
Finally SOMEONE gets it. The characters are all totally unbelievable and it ruins any shred of credibility the film could have. No one would ever act like they do to each other, and even if they did, they would just find new friends. The drama was completely fabricated and forced.
Yes. Good if you like this genre. And art is very good. Author has hand fetish for sure.
It was at the beginning but then really threw in some stupid shit like the whole movie making "arc". It was one hell of a ride though, obviously also fueled by reading it with Sup Forums and Thaifag.
>Characters have to be believable or the entire film turns to shit
Neither comedy or the romance is the main focus here, what the fuck are you talking about.
>because you don't want cute girly to die
It should make you sad that a human being is in such a place that it doesn't want to continue living you fucking autist, it should also make you sad because you spend 2 hours llearning about her life and how it got there
>teenagers who have never had a romantic connection before
you sound like you have no connection to human beings in general since you fail to see any character development throught the film and feel like the suicide scene was shoved in
More like welcome to all of fiction.
It doesn't make me sad when the situations that lead to that characters suicide are so ridiculous, forced and fake that it makes the film a joke. Anyone with a group of friends know they don't act that fucking insane with one another, its stupid.
Agreed but both of them were pretty meh.
This retard clearly is crossboarder. Probably GoT audience
>Anyone with a group of friends
>teenagers who have never had a romantic connection before
you keep trying to turn this into a /soc/ thread, fuck of already
>don't act that fucking insane with one another
motherfucker, not every group of people is identical to the ones you know, there's a reason why the closest people are usually the first suspects in crime investigations
Absolutely this
It's literally just still shots of pretty backgrounds + faux-poetic narration 3/4 of the time with overly sentimental music lapsing often into an amv aesthetic at the most out of place moments. There's no depth or artistic merit into anything Shinkai does. There's nothing you say about Taki or Mitsuha or her father or their friends. They're empty blank slates of characters used as objects for a repeated theme Shinkai does over and over again (muh loss). If anything claiming Kimi no Na wa is a meaningful film rather than just a fun bodyswap romance is contrarian because the holes start to seep in once you start looking further.
Name a good movie then.
>There's no depth or artistic merit into anything Shinkai does
I felt the same. This has plenty of character development, whereas Your Name seemed like it tried to immediately build things in a brief montage. Different movies though; Your Name was meant to be the kind of good flick you take your girlfriend out to see.
I wish ASV was more grounded, didn't have scenes like the sister recording that ferris wheel scene between Ueno and Shouko, but as a whole I was really impressed. Didn't read the manga, so my expectations were different.
quoted for emphasis
If only for the fact that body swapping stories are trash
>Your Name was meant to be the kind of good flick you take your girlfriend out to see.
Same thing you can say about Koe No Katachi. It's awful boring adaptation of manga.
>not understanding a movie about karma and self loathing
>not grasping the subtile beauty of all the "rebirth" imagery (ie, the koy fish)
>not understanding a movie about second chances and redemption
Holy shit Sup Forumsnon, how about you go back to watching Naruto and One Piece you stupid fucker. Let the adults enjoy shit they like, enjoy the shit you like, post on MAL like all the other 14yos and leave the adult board to the adults.
they fucking have time travel
no way kyoani makes something worse than that
>endless 8
that sucked but it was setup for a great movie
your name is contrived bullshit that uses voodoo magic to try and justify its plot holes
I watched this and that Keith-Ai movie this weekend.
While Shinkai's movie isnt a masterpiece, was leaps better than this piece of crap.
>The manga is excellent
pic related
The user continuously calling it a rom com is openly admitting he didn't watch it. That's emabrrsssing. And he keeps referring to it as rom com, too.
>amv aesthetic at the most out of place moments
1. Acts essentially as an OP, so are all anime OP's out of place then?
2. Zenzen comes in perfectly once they realize they have swapped bodies they start to have fun with this weird predicament and Mitsuha is more then likely excited because she gets her chance to explore Tokyo like she always wanted and the song reflects those emotions perfectly.
The montage scenes avoid the need for long winded dialogue and capture the emotions the characters are feeling. I guess you are used to being spoonfed and without it you can't pick up on subtlety since all you can boil the story down to is "muh loss". When its actually about how ever with death and tragedy people will be connected, whether it be the things we leave behind or memories. It does the same thing Guardians of the galaxy did with its music, which the majority love. You are clearly in the minority here.
>Voodoo magic
The body swap scenario was explained to be a dream like experience countless times throughout the movie. It is very common to forget everything that happened in your dream immediately after you wake up. I think its clear that when swapped, there were moments where they realized Mitsuha's town got blown up. Thats why she wakes up with tears in her eyes and has no idea why.
If it's better than your name, why doesn't it have awards?
See if you were a manga reader you'd complain how little character development he got in the movie.
Man those awards. Yamada should just kill herself and burn KyoAni in the process.
>grabs boobs, ass shots
>by the numbers drama
Wow what a masterpiece
>openly admitting to enjoying capeshit of the Galaxy
>muh minority argument
Into the trash you go
You need to go back to Sup Forums.
Can we talk about one anime without bringing up completely unrelated anime whose only connecting factor is the release date?
People who don't like Koe no Katachi genuinely don't understand and appreciate cinema.
Nice meme.
>Who the fuck paid to watch this shit?
I did and i enjoyed the movie. Cry more, faggot.
Except he got the same amount of development, the anime just didn't indulge in pointless filler to fill magazine chapters.
Can't wait for Yamada's next kino.
I haven't watched in this corner of the world, but Your Name is one of the most embarrassingly written romances ever. It has less dignity than a shameless self insert shoujo romance, because at least there there is an attempt to have a coherent plot.
Subs for KSnKn when?
>The montage scenes avoid the need for long winded dialogue and capture the emotions the characters are feeling.
Except for falling in love, which by the time the montage ends they've already done, with no representation at all.