Try to explain why KF become popular despite the initial odds were poor.

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That's it.
It's another Im@s.

Cute girls and a concept so weird it brings you in.

that face

Are you blind?

The power of rotation.

>Initial odds were poor
And there you have it. The secret is always having zero or negative expectations. That way, something eh and mediocre becomes amazing

I would say but we aren't allowed to talk about THAT so I cant.

Meme magic

The initial odds weren't poor.

Being good without anyone having any expectations for it.

>popular in japan
cute variety of mascots
>popular in the US
fat tumblr girls

>The initial odds weren't poor.

actually just about every news article and review site that saw screenings before it aired shat on it and gave it a bad rating.

>Original app closed.
>Manga end without solid conclusion or anything.
How could you consider it good start.

Sup Forums would offer you all sorts of wild explanations for its success. Ranging from the most common to the cringiest, they would post it all.

All except for the fact that it was just that good

True dark horse since it's animal show.

How come this face become archaic smile.

They're nothing alike

Kemono Friends is going to hold an art exhibit soon.

The only other anime I know that made it to the museum are Gundam, Doreamon, Toei, and Ghibli.

And it took KF just 6 months to achieve that. S2 hasn't even arrived yet



I'd fuck to-love-ru serval

It's not held at a museum it's held at a fucking mall you tard.

A mall is a type of museum

Fucking kill yourself

It wasn't huge project hence ironically it turned out writer can polish the detail and do whatever he want freely and it works.

I seriously don't know how KF snuck up from behind and then singlehandedly beat Konosuba S2, Maid Dragon and Youjo Senki COMBINED by the end of the season

It's in the name

Just because Parco builds malls doesn't mean they can't build museums.

One thing I can clearly point out from the comparison with those other anime is KF has irreplaceable uniqueness for sure.

Others are just following the template of Moe, violence, romance etc.

Planet of the Apes with cute girls. It was very well executed and plot was interesting.

That's not very sugoi nor tanoshii of you

>anime museum
I can't tell who moved the goal posts, you or I.

Adventure and edutainment.

They made a strong meme of "Japari~".

It's almost like yuri + waifus + story that's not garbage is a golden formula or something.

>haha there are more than one girl so they must be gay haha

It's 4x more popular than im@s ever was. Love Live is a better comparison.

It's fun and kinda weird, just like Japan.

The very fact that no one thought it could possibly be popular made it that level of popular. People love a dark horse.

bullshit, I am not a furfag

>>anime museum
Actually, it's a pop-culture museum. And not just pop but only the trendiest and most influencial artists can hold exhibits

Everyone was a girl. They have no choice but to be gay.

They literally kiss in the show you retard.

What the fuck is wrong with this influx of autistic yurihaters?

Social media manipulation through fan art and memes. Yes, by social media I'm including Sup Forums and 2chan. Yes, by fan art I also mean created by people who made the show and not just fans. After that, those two things spiralled out of control into a massive circle jerk. Probably the mlp crowd as well.

That's called "Greeting", did you watch the show or not.

B-but Kaban-kun is boy.

It's not gay if x

>it's not me who like something
>it's others
guess what, your whole life is a manipulation, from parents to your last girlfriend

Can you guys tell me how this is not a general and you're not just perpetuating a chatroom?

Did you not notice a big KF thread just bite the dust? What do you think that means? What kind of message do you think it sends?

Do you know how much cost does it take to manipulate social media?
Also, believing the Sup Forums's influence is just bullshit.

at least im not posting moku you fucking nerd.

Mods are hunting down a lot of threads lately. BnHA and Love Live Sunshine was hunted down as well but meh.

Threads would keep rising so long as there is something to talk about. Right now, KF is hot as morning coffee

Android version of the app is out now.

The message is why does KF so poplular

They let the phone game die but decided they'd make the anime popular. Makes perfect sense right?

Kemono Friends Alarm
Photo mode trial.

What is that?

Kemono Friend Alarm app you get a virtual pet Serval and it does voices and alarms and shit.

Where those budget comes from if App died...
It only made loss.


What are you even trying to say? Is this supposed to offend me? I take it English is not your first language.

It doesn't cost anything to make tweets and posts on websites you fucking idiot.

People don't spend hours promoting things and drawing fan art for free.


I try to say what constructivism is saying, I mean we are determined by external factors and none of our decisions are "ours"

It's amazing how you can sound so full of yourself while, at the same time, clearly having no fucking idea what you're talking about

If it was so easy for them to manipulate social media to make a popular franchise why did they let the game and manga both fail and only have 20-30 people show up to the anime release event?

If it's for their own anime they do. All it takes is a very small amount of people spamming something for a bit and if it catches on then masses of autists will join in and continue doing it for you. It's not a hard concept to understand. The hard part is getting lucky enough for it to catch on big. They got lucky.

Two things I notice from the outside
>Very infantilized females whose personalities or acts are not contentious in any sense
>Interesting character designs
It's basically a socially acceptable mix of furfaggotry and waifufaggotry. Somewhat similar to 2hu. Not that I am complaining though, I guess I'll read the doujins with the rest. But in my opinion it will wane in the next year or the few years, or the more ambitious projects will not live up to the expectations or the "magic" of when it started. But surely a large circle will keep it going for the foreseeable future and influence others, and I'm not sure if the creators should be wishing for more than that.

>It doesn't cost anything to make tweets and posts on websites you fucking idiot.

Whoa, it's so easy to make shit into hits then! You are a genius man!

Jesus fuck go kill yourself.

>It's all just a conspiracy

See Memes don't catch on really big very often. In this case they did.

Because some tweets and posts on Sup Forums will turn a random series into the biggest hit in years right?

Are you really that stupid or just pretending?

You ARE your circumstances as well as your genes
There is no "you" outside that

Retards tend to like conspiracy theories I wonder why.
Can any phycheologist explain that for me?

Really haven't been here very long have you.

You are completely retarded.

KF succeeded because it has real substance. Girls were cute but plot was interesting. There was a mystery. People tried to guess what is going on. This created discussion.

If you think it was a conspiracy you are completely retarded. Every series gets tweets trying to make it more popular. This kind of marketing is the basics everybody does now.

Hahaha, I you're embarrassed you got blown the fuck out but dude calm down.

So basically "I'll just pull shit out of my ass". The show has 10 fucking staff mate. They aren't on 2chan or Sup Forums spamming memes.

Obviously longer than you. You probably think moon landing was fake too.

>waaaah my show has real substance it's not just memes and fan arts nooo waaah
Cry more faggot.

>I have no argument

You've clearly not seen the show.

You are they one crying that something you hate became a crazy hit. You are embarrassing yourself.

Everybody does stealth marketing these days. KF had less funds and manpower than average harem anime.

Stop deluding yourself. It's an entirely plausible theory.

If you'd been here longer than two seconds then you would understand how quickly one small random thing can potentially spiral into a fucking huge thing.

And the fact that the game publisher didn't even wait for the anime before pulling the plug shows how much faith they had in it.

>It doesn't cost anything to make tweets and posts on websites you fucking idiot.

Holy shit, really! Whoa man, you changed the anime industry forever! Obviously KF was the only one that ever did it, what a bunch of scammers! You opened my eyes dude! If only other studios knew they could do this too!

>a studio who can barely feed themselves secretly controls the one-world government using this tactic
This thread is golden. I can't stop laughing!

It's just one butthurt retard. Give him a break, he probably has ADD.

The quality of graphics are pretty sorry but it emit indiscribable charm, I don't know why.

>everything is just muh manipulation and nothing has any value and people are just puppets
it's time to lay off the social constructionist koolaid

>It's an entirely plausible theory.
If you are a delusional tin foil hat wearing moron with no understanding of what they're talking about. They let the manga flop, the game flop but decided to stealth market the anime to popularity. Makes sense.

Someone screencap this thread holy shit

This is an American poster, isn't it? It can't be anyone else
The same people who spouts nonsense about 9-11 being an inside job and lizard people

I have already made my argument and backed it up. Your mindless crying and wrong opinions are meaningless to me.

I have watched the entire show thank you very much. I fiund it to be a very mediocre 5/10 type show with terrible animation and sub par voice acting. The story was decent and some of the characters were cute I give it that much. I had about two genuine laughs and one feel the entire show.

Cute girls but it was the atmosphere of some kinda world where humanity has disappeared that drew me in.

I don't watch much anime.
I've dropped popular shit and even things that I think were decent and Sup Forums said was good but I was too lazy to finish.
I finished KF. It's that good.

>muh melted steel
>muh reptilians

Man you faggots get so defensive about your shit looking kids show.

>I have already made my argument

Yeah, and average chimpanzee could see how retarded it is.