
That photo says so many things. White boi is in love while strong black womyn locked down a white boi partner.

>wypipo are doing X
>here's how that is racist
they stick to the formula i'll give them that. verdict: everything is white supremacy


He's just tired

She's barely even black.

date says 4/21/15

Racist? Gross is what it is.

YEA i can throw off the shackles of this pol it feels so freeing!

yeah, she's only like 56%


There’s something about the way articles are titled and written these days that I find unbearable.


Reminder that it is the Anglo male's destiny to colonise black pussy.

For me, it's the "[insert bollocks statement]. Here's why" that does it.

You'll find more literary skill in Sup Forums shitposts than in the moron zombie army that churns out crap for shekels in the media.

>Reminder that it is the Anglo male's destiny to colonise black pussy.
No it isn't you racemixing phagutte! Anglo's have 14 words.

Fucking kek. It's almost impressive the places where leftists can find racism. It's one big contest of idiots trying to out virtue signal each other.

DAMN! That girl is sexy af.


>white boys
Kek every time

That savage pussy isn't going to colonise itself, lad.

Most hipsters fuck up the mustache
But he does it well


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Either go musketeer or don't go at all.

The milk truck has arrived

nigger bitches have a 50% chance of carrying a STD there is no cure for.

>99% of white men say no to nigger women

saged for faggotry

>It's a colonization thread
Hell yes

>my fucking face when your race is so horrendously inferior that at your absolute PEAK you were only barely at the level we already surpassed centuries beforehand
>the absolute state of my sides when people are unironically using a made up nation in a fucking comic book to represent their pride in their race
>having a proper fucking giggle when I realise that all blacks who live in the developed world are only there because we allow them to be

>My chortling fucking chops when we can now use the movie in which this fictional beacon of apparent nigger power to get our dicks wet before moving on with our lives and all the niggers can do is write blog after blog asking us to stop

god I fucking adore being white

Blame Gawker and Buzzfuck and the rest of the OG listicle, clickbait cadre. Journalism has been dead for years.

it makes me angry, no matter what white males do it is bad and evil

the only silver lining in all of this bs is that most people in meat space are totally ignorant of sjw talking points like this and when they hear about them they often recoil and consider them repulsive

the average black girl who goes to college longs to be WHITED

>his look
>her look
Honestly, it's a bit like history repeating itself.

Whatchu talkin' bout?

Would fuck.

one drop

funny how your most attractive women can also be considered our women

she's got big titties and odds are ass too. SCOREEEEEE

to be fair, America isn't a white country, it never was

Weren't you like 90% white at one point?

>to be fair, America isn't a white country, it never was

I don't know the percentages, but it used to be pretty high. Just like Australia had its White Australia policy initially after gaining independence.

First eating watermelons, now going to the movies. How do you guys find time to do anything when you spend all day being a racist?

OP is fake and gay.

would just suck on those huge chocolate milk jugs, but that's about it

The founders were pretty clear that it is

>70% non-white
>funny how your most attractive women can also be considered our women
Delusion: The Post

30 percent is nothing to shake a stick at

that's almost half

my point still stands

all of their most attractive women are part white

>that girl

He's right, you 100% retarded, 56% goblin.

A bit jelly desu.

>if you don't racemix you're a racist
>if you racemix you're a racist
I have to give it to these kikes, they're crafty when it comes to sowing division and confusion among the people.


I implied that she's part white

Where would anyone consider that girl white?

No te recomiendo mezclarte.
Soy ascendiente de 1 una bisabuela negra, y el resto de europeos; tengo un IQ de 103 (cuando mi padre tiene 121)

>3 minutes of Winter Soldier being shipped with Black Panther's sister
>entire propaganda backfires

That's because you're a retard. Racemixing is hawt.

where is my black gf?

In a DNA lab


>White people are not eating exotic food due to closed minded racism.
>White people are eating exotic food due to cultural appropriation.

Have you ever been on a dating site? The prettiest black girls with the best jobs aggressively hit me up all day long

Even as a top shelf guy you’re lucky to get a wink from a quality white woman once without you initiating it.

Black women are literally absolute bottom of the barrel in sexual market value. They have a net worth of $5 and a bunch of STDs on average.

This article’s premise is an absolute clown world fantast where white men have to scheme to get black women’s attention.

It’s literally just a question of dropping your standards low enough to entertain their pleading for your white dick.

>In a DNA lab
Dumb logic here. Pic related is probably 100% white. Most black americans have around 30% white dna and they're ugly as shit compared to fully black africans. You only think that that's the standard of white women because of the media.

The girl is too pretty for an ugly rat faced a*glo scum

White bois are taking black shits in white toilets. Here is why that is racist.

that's the best kind of black

Every “hot” “black” girl posted is a mulatto and usually an octoroon. It’s like anti racists want to prove white superiority this bad.


The guy's cute. Looks like a suave pirate.
She clearly thinks so, since she lets him fill her up with his Anglo seed every night.

So you're saying racemixing improves people?

Ironic. My hypothesis is that the African sub species has such a hard time assimilating, wherever it goes, because their females are so reproductively undesirable.

>no link
>1 post by this ID


Nigger lover

It’s bad enough niggers torture boers and white women they kidnap to rape... but now you’re doing that to poor innocent Spanx?

>Muh founders

They dabbled in miscegenation and didn't think any non-Anglos were white anyway.

YES and for white should do their civic duty and breed as many black people as possible. Dont hog those good genes

>I literally found one very unattractive white woman
>actually probably white, cause actually she doesn’t look all that white and I really don’t know for sure
>this cancels out the evidence of your lying eyes that show you obese, loud, manly and all around hideous black women 90%+ of the time in actual life

>The prettiest black girls with the best jobs aggressively hit me up all day long
what site u use

The thing that makes BLACKED so appealing is that it's a hot dude with a huge cock and a feminine cute white girl.

WMBF relationships are just gross, the reverse is hot though

I agree wholeheartedly!

speak english you fucking gook

>cause actually she doesn’t look all that white and I really don’t know for sure
U proved me right. You have this mindset from the media. Do you live outside a city? Compare to most white women and you'll see they don't match up

>t.white woman

>marrying a savage

No honor at all, you conquer their lands, leave their women with full wombs then you return home to make more Anglo babies with your wife.

>chortling chops

Fuckin kek lad.

>the reverse is hot though.

Could you handle it, Sup Forums?


>let me tell you what to think

We call that BLEACHED

improves the uglier one

over-exposed myspace photos are still in

Never met a whote guy whos into black women, i see them online though.

Funny you say that, because OP's article isn't real. Likely made up by user.

>being over 20
>still using "girls" and "boys" instead of women and men

Try telling that to the Spaniards or any other historical colonial for that matter

>My chortling fucking chops
Fuck you.

This is why I don't date white females anymore, god damn they are dumb.
She's qt desu

>Thread still continues somehow
So pol is just bots shilling bots now?

Welcome, enjoy your stay!

always remember friends, colonise, thrive, survive.

why the fuck do i love tits that shape? those tube ones just make me rock hard at the thought of sucking on so much of the tit