Would you like to try the female perspective, Sup Forums?
Would you like to try the female perspective, Sup Forums?
Please no fetish blogposting on the anime and manga board.
Why don't they just run a brothel?
If I were a girl, I would still be virgin, having a dick inside ya must be so disgusting.
Only if they can guarantee that I never wake up.
>fetish blogposting
What the fuck is that?
How do they do that?
Sure if I can go back
Because they need human life force so they take that in return for customisable wet dreams.
I would be totally slut, it would be my revange.
This. What the fuck is wrong with women that makes them find dicks appealing?
Not only that I would, I would also create an elaborate scenario to experience the sensation of mindbreak.
Said every doujin heroine ever. Prepare for the dick.
Yes, please.
They probably read Ishikei's works.
I dunno. Sometimes I get really horny and my dick won't calm down, but then I remember that sex things in real life are wholly unsatisfying and every fetish you have actually sucks so there's no point. I barely even jerk off anymore.
The dick will cure that. The dick cures all.
the fug dude
Haven't any of you ever had a female orgasm before? It's like the semen fuels your soul to ignite really bright or something. I thought women would enjoy that more.
Strange, the male orgasm is actually the own where I go all stupid and left as a mindless lump for a while.
Only if it's a sexy futa doing it
>Haven't any of you ever had a female orgasm before?
Honest man, what do you think?
That final post is me saying "yes sign me up for the enthusiast course", and no, I don't think we have had a female orgasm yet.
There was one manga where it claimed that a female orgasm feels much better than a male's.
It was a gender bender manga.
I know from what is this from.
There's an ancient greek myth of a man that was genderbent ending up getting used to settle an argument between Zeus and Hera about who feels better, the guy answered women feel 10 times better and Hera the bitter bitch that she is cursed him to be blind because she was wrong in the argument.
Why would Hera bet against that? How stupid is she?
From my experience, the male orgasm is generally better but because it's constant. You know it would feel good this time and it will feel good next time. The female orgasm however, has more potential, sometimes it doesn't go perfectly so it just feels alright but at it's best, it feels a lot better than a male one.
She was arguing against "I fucked everything as everything" Zeus, who must have felt pretty good if he went around fucking everyone, Hera though is a dumb petty bitch.
Sure, why not. Worth giving it a shot.
>You know it would feel good this time and it will feel good next time.
How old are you ?
What would you faggots want to look like though?
Here's me.
You know who