Guesses: Next round will be 5 Vs
Eishi Vs Issiki
Rindou Vs Erina
Momo Vs Soma
Somei Vs Takumi
Eizan Vs Megumi
Guesses: Next round will be 5 Vs
Eishi Vs Issiki
Rindou Vs Erina
Momo Vs Soma
Somei Vs Takumi
Eizan Vs Megumi
Megumi defeating Eizen is a must.
Takumi will lose because he is a Yamsha.
Isshiki can lose only to Mr.1
Souma and Erina tag-team to the final.
I've been wondering exactly what Rindou's expression is meant to mean.
I bet Isshiki can fuck just about anyone on the central side, we'll see though. Pretty sure he can easily beat everyone other than Eishi, so I doubt they'll duke it out in the next round. The rebels need Isshiki to take out Rindou first.
I'm feeling
Rindou vs Isshiki
Megumi vs Eizan
Takumi vs Somei
That is, unless they force Soma out because he's the MC.
They might also send out Momo, since we haven't seen her yet.
Fuck no, 5vt it's anti climatic as fuck for the final round and do you even want more off screened shit?
It will not be the final round. There is no way for Issiki to win of Eishi. The only ones who can win of Eishi are Erina or Soma
5 v 5 isn't happening
It'll be a 3 vs 3 as usual and I'm guessing it'll be
Soma vs Eizan
Takumi vs Saito
Megumi vs Momo
>Takumi losing
you wish.
This or Soma replaced with Isshiki.
I feel like either Eizan or Momo will cuck us from our chuuni battle. Hopefully not.
Depending on how mad Soma is, I can see Erina telling him to not participate in the next round and calm down.
There is no way that Megumi to defeat the third most powerful, it has to be Soma or Erina. Why I think Eishi or Rindou can only be defeated with teamwork, so it would be a great opportunity for Erina to show her strength.
I can also see Erina participating in the next round and taking charge on behalf on the rebels after this clean sweep.
>There is no way for Issiki to win of Eishi. The only ones who can win of Eishi are Erina or Soma
I know this will happen most likely, but it's stupid.
Duh, I expected chinaman and tracer guy to lose but I wanted Ramen Man to win so badly, kinda disappointed that they all lost without a chance.
I thought this panel was legit foreshadowing that result
Why is Souma even mad in the first place? When all his friends was expelled, he wasn't bothered that much because "they lost fair and square, the matches weren't rigged, they were simply weaker". What changed? Central just fairly destroyed his allies, yeah, sad outcome, but it seems out of character for Souma to be mad at things like this.
Plot armor was too slim in this batch. There was no way they could have won. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Soma is the one to take down Eishi.
That shit autist said even got me mad.
>shokugeki no souma discussion
Whats there to discuss?
Only Souma is allowed to win matches so any character thats not him is clearly a waste of time
I don't think that Souma will take him down, this only will mean that he becomes number one when this food war is over nad previous regime is established. I believer that Isshiki is going to take victory over Eishi, showing something incredible and revealing him as "true boss" of academy. But hey, who knows? Maybe after this they gonna battle just other foreign academies.
It looked like they had it in the bag but then Tsukasa came in and blew them the fuck out without even trying. Tsukasa was talking mad shit after they swept.
What did he say? "You took a lot of efforts to gather these allies, too bad they've lost here! What are you gonna do now?" Is it supposed to be an insult or what? Seems like a fact ascertaining.
>Only Souma is allowed to win matches so any character thats not him is clearly a waste of time
Isshiki, Megishima, Saito, Rindo and Eishi have all won matches so what the fuck are you going on about
Erina, Megumi and Takumi will all most likely win their matches as well
To be fair, aside from Isshiki who was probably gonna help from the get go, they were the people they had to go out of the way to contact and recruit to make it an even 8v8, and only Megishima won a match. The fact that these people got btfo so easily after their debut match, again barring ramenbro, and then Tsukasa being a passive-aggressive little shit about it, makes it all seem worthless. I'd be pretty mad too if I went to the trouble of finding some allies only for them to get tossed aside like fodder, and then told "whoops, sorry we whooped their ass."
The only one they had trouble recruiting with was Megishima, and he actually won his previous match (although, to be fair, probably anyone in rebels team could defeat that fodder girl). Kuga and Mimasaka were clearly willing to help since the start.
And the fact they were treated like fodder is their problem, they were weak, how is it Eishi's fault? If anything, Souma should be mad at them for jobbing so hard.
Who do you think will handle their loss the best? Kuga, Subaru or Megishima?
It's probably more to do with Tsukak being so passive-aggressive/nonchalant about it. Like, they just swept the former 3rd and 8th seat and some guy whose gimmick is perfectly tracing his opponent like it was nothing and then he's all like "whoops, now what?"
It's like if you're facing someone in a game and you're trying real hard and they're obviously sandbagging and they still beat you, and then go "Oh man that was close/you tried your best/etc" even though you know it wasn't. It's pretty douchey and condescending. There's a reason why passive-aggressiveness pisses people off.
Megishima. Subaru will probably be a little disapointed but just in time to cheer for his husbandos in the next bout.
Kuga will be on suicide watch.
Tsukasa is a fucking dick
I hope falls into a coma when he loses
What we know is Kuga won't be able to handle his loss at all.He was an E10 member to begin with and struggled all the while to defeat Eishi but still couldn't, then how the hell are four first years gonna defeat him? I'm now excited to see what kind of "teamwork" they pull off to win against the top badasses of the academy.
All central should, except Swordbro and Rindou.
Megishima losing just like that was really stupid, now what they are going to do against Tsukasa and Rindou? Isshiki was supposed to beat Tsukasa and Megishima Rindou, now what? Megumi or Erina will beat Rindou? Please. The only reasonable plan right now is throwing fodder to Tsukasa(megumi/takumi) and make Isshiki beat Rindou while Souma beat whoever is third, repeat till only Tsukasa is left and then end the battle with a 1 vs 3 to make Tsukasa realize the power of friendship or some shit like that.
This. I expect Tsukasa and Rindou to sit out the next round, and there's no way Souma is sitting out two in a row.
If there's a rebel who can make Souma to not butt the fuck in it will become my hero.
what even happens after they beat the top seats?
The rebels take control of the E10 and boot Salami off with a majority, unless he has a change of heart, because I really don't want to deal with his bullshit after this.
Epilogue set 10 years later where 95% cast decided to all have sex around the same time and have kids
Why would they make the 2 guys that can clean the other team "easy" sit??? If i'm not wrong they can just win the match if they obliterate the other team twice in a row so my guess is that they will send the same team again expecting to win but the rebels will surprise them.
Christmas arc, Valentine's Day arc, Nikumi finally winning the bowl, after that I don't care.
Because Momo and Jew will be whiny brats about not going to any battle yet and come out to lose.
Is Rindou disappointed in her "little bro"?
of course she is, he didn't make her any.
Pretty sure Tsukasa and Rindo came in just to even the score
Tsukasa probably won't see a reason to come back in after sweeping the rebels and Rindo is Rindo so she'll find some excuse
>Kuga's whole drive is making someone remember him
Fucking stupid.
I imagine Azami or someone will get cocky and think they can take out the remaining rebels without having to rely on Tsukasa and Rindou and send out Eizan and Momo along with Sword again thinking they can handle it. Or maybe Tsukasa and Rindou won't want to fight the next match. The only problem with that is that I can see it leading to another rebel sweep which is lame, and I'm fully expecting a 2-1 some time this tournament, and neither Momo or Eizan seem to be the person who could steal a match from the rebels, and Sword is already destined to lose his next match.
They could also send out Tsukasa or Rindou again and have a rebel be a sacrificial pawn to secure a 2-1 victory for them, in which case I can see Isshiki going out again and being match with either of the two, and doing so in order to help out his other two teammates win while he takes the loss.
>Megishima's whole drive is because Souma was insistent.
>Subaru's whole drive is boipuccis.
Denying a person's existence can be seen as worse than talking straight shit to them.
Not remembering a guy that you met once =/= Denying his existence.
And no, shitting on him is a lot worse unless you're an attention whore with low self esteem.
The Kuga/Tsukasa thing is retarded in a lot of ways.
>I'm gonna kill myselft because the guys in school don't care about me! They don't treat me bad but they ignore me!
Are americans really like this?
Apparently Kuga is. And apparently it was a dick enough move for him to hold a grudge for so long.
>Are americans really like this?
You should worry less about Americans and worry more about the Muslims blowing you up every other day
Taking a break and resting is better in the long run. You're far less likely to make mistakes. Meanwhile, central's other remaining members are still really strong barring Eizan, but he's going to insist on being allowed to get his revenge.
>he's going to insist on being allowed to get his revenge
When he loses this time, do you think he's finally going to into school shooter mode?
He'll probably pull a huge bitch fit and act like a huge manchild and throw a tantrum. I can imagine him actually getting kicked off the E10 even before the tournament is finished.
first they'll bring back buff grandpa, then:
>gathering of international schools for a tournament or something
>Maybe an arc where students are assigned a mentor to learn from in their restaurant (more Shino and Souma)
>Souma and some others compete in Blue
>at some stage Souma and Erina fuck; with an entire chapter dedicated to it; Tokyo Ghoul style
>you're an attention whore with low self esteem.
Kuga literally is. He is a spoiled rich boy who is shocked the world is not centered around him. There is a lot of potential for character development, but author tries to make him sympathetic when in fact he comes up as a huge self-centered asshole.
Souma and Nikumi*
But yeah, there's still so much left, I just hope they don't drag things out too long though, since after this tournament all the danger will be gone and it will be just about the personal grow of each character.
Jokes on you, i have never seen a muslim in my life.
The only bowl Nikumi will be winning is the donburi
>but author tries to make him sympathetic when in fact he comes up as a huge self-centered asshole.
I think that it worked, Have you seen all the people that think that Tsukusa's hitler ecause he forgot about him?
I mean, Tsukusa is selfsih and blah blah but he did nothing wrong in the Kuga bullshit.
I wish we would have saw Subaru copying Isshiki and Megishima as well
>wanting to see Subaru naked
No thanks.
So, who was the last trace?
I'm guessing Erina
Why is she so perfect?
>Undeserved hype
>Fodder dog boyfriend
She's not.
>Has only lost to Souma, and has an unconfirmed record vs Ryo
>no details about her expulsion
She's easily the best girl cook outside the E10
>>Has only lost to Souma
And either Nene, Julio, Eizan or Pokefodder during the exams
>Takumi will lose because he is a Yamsha.
Isn't Takumi more of a Vegeta?
Nah that's more like Ryo or Hayama
Probably still Nene considering her panel is all about the tsundere
>from a possible end game boss to background fodder at the level of the Polar Dorm bros
I feel bad for alicefags.
Hayama and/or Ryo are more like Vegeta than Takumi.
>Hayama and/or Ryo
not sure what you're going for here; user.
Ryo the best!!!!!!
He can't be the best
He lost to fodder during the exams
I thought they were like Piccolo
>Ryo or Hayama
My sides.
Wasted quads. Fuck off Sup Forumsunatic.
Don't be butthurt you little faggot
Also >Caring about numbers on Sup Forums
Kek lurk more
his Eizan face isn't so far off from the meme faces Eizan actually makes
>Nah that's more like Ryo or Hayama
Ryo and Hayama are Piccolo tier if anything now that they got rekt
Hayama at least went down to Soma
Dog got wrecked by one of the bottom E10 fodders which makes him look 10x worst now
>Dog got wrecked by one of the bottom E10 fodders which makes him look 10x worst now
Againts who? i don't really remember.
The author is really making the characters look bad since the central arc.
Making Ryou lose againts a low tier memeber but Meat and Isami got Momo and Tsukasa? Making the top of E10 lose 3-0? He's really an idiot.
Either Julio or Pokefodder. Tsukuda could've at least used Eishi or Momo to give hime some leeway but he gets no mercy and beaten by the new fodders.
Reminder Ryo barely beated Ren "biggest jobber" tarou and the guy got more btfo by Souma and Takumi shit talking him than by the match.
Eishi vs Isami
Saito vs Hisako
Momo vs Meat
Rindo passed the Umi's
That means either Nene, Eizan, Julio or Shoko had to be the one to defeat Dog. All four of which are fodder
We have no idea how strong Julio or fodder girl really. They are at the very least Hayama tier. Pokefodder jumped straight to the Fifth Seat, which implies she demonstrated better skills than Nene (but why wasn't she in the E10 in the first place if that's the case? who knows)
How does Swordbro walk with those.
>Azami sent Tsukasa after Isami
kek why though
Isami's life is composed by suffering.
>but why wasn't she in the E10 in the first place if that's the case? who knows
That's the problem, really. Ryou, someone who was built up to be near Souma's level, lost to previous no names who didn't have any build up and were just introduced in the same arc they got rekt.
>google "elite ten"
>find this
Nene actually looks the most passable.