Sup Forums and Sup Forums are disgusted because Game of Thrones promotes incest. Meanwhile on Sup Forums
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are disgusted because Game of Thrones promotes incest. Meanwhile on Sup Forums
>Game of Thrones promotes incest
Sup Forums and Sup Forums should be banned from Sup Forums. Not a single good thing comes from them.
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Why should anybody give a shit about cancerous containment boards?
Lannister siblings and Danny/Jon, also Targaryan House for ages
inb4 Euron-manga Cersei
>he says as he posts on Sup Forums
hello newfag
the first episode
Showing incest isn't the same thing as promoting it, are Sup Forums and Sup Forums retarded? Don't answer this question.
Why do you know what Sup Forums and Sup Forums think?
>Sup Forums
>containment board
GoT sucks now. Time to move on lads, its been a hard break up.
Again, why do we care what two adults do together? Because it raises the rate of rare genetic defects to show from like 0.5% to 1%?
fuck linking
The incest taboo was fabricated by the Jews in order to promote miscegenation.
Who give a shit about the other board, fuck off.
Sup Forums only care about Jaime at this point
Yes, it is. Possibly the most successful instance, I rarely see people in other boards sperging out about spoon feeding, and I can't think of a single time I've encountered the unjustified sense of superiority that is so rampant on this board.
Why are you on Sup Forums and Sup Forums?
>what is adoption
>what is condoms
I visit Sup Forums often
I go to Sup Forums to see how retarded they got recently
Pot calling the kettle black
Not anime.
Don't do that.
>crossboarding drama leaking
>about fucking Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Why don't get fucking /mlp/ in the board while we're at it? No, where is the lolispam dude when we need him?
what anime is the most similar to Game of Thrones?
Boku no Piko
>Sup Forums isn't full of smarmy autistic faggots
If you believe Sup Forums is a containment board then you are a newfag and should be perma-banned
Incest is a retarded fetish, and I am thoroughly convinced the only people who actively enjoy it are only-children.
I am not falling into that meme
incest has been thoroughly tested and proven by multiple lines of nobility to end fertility
If you believe the mods aren't nearly as afraid of Sup Forums pitching a fit and spewing their garbage over every board as they are Sup Forums I'll remind you of how quickly they caved when people here got pissy about getting banned for posting tits.
>people who post on the main site of their board will be angry when the very reason they are on this site is taken away to make room for people who have no interest in anime/japanese culture
Wow, what an astonishing revelation. Why don't you kill yourself.
>one guy made exactly the same thread on both boards
>that means both boards in its entirety hate it
Really good point.
Kill yourself
board of their site*
When I wake up tomorrow you better fucking be dead user.
So what if it ends fertility?