2 cours is the perfect structure if it's used to its full potential...

2 cours is the perfect structure if it's used to its full potential, but so many 2 cour shows misuse it that I think there are more great 1 cour shows than 2 cour shows out there.

80-90% of everything is shit.

Blue is the best color, but so many people use red. That is sad.

I agree, that doesnt cahnge my statement in any way tho. I think that in the 10-2o% of actually good anime, there are more 1 cour shows than 2 cour shows, due to writers not utilising a 2 cour structure properly.

64 cours

Anime is some twisted stuff. Not meant for regular human consumption. Like you've decided to eat dog food instead of a balanced diet.

anime industry is failing, and the Japs don't give a shit about anime anymore. It's all about Japanese mobile gacha games now.

Expect the industry to downsize even more 5-10 years from now.

I just finished Shiki and that shit should've been condensed into at least 15 eps.

That's a nice hypothesis but it's not relevant at all.

its relevant. People are just lowering their standards now and are content with 1 cour shows nowadays.

That's exactly some of the kinda shit I'm talking about. Writers having an idea for a show that could easily fit into 1 cour, but then being given the funding to make a 2 cour show, and just deciding to role with it anyway. They should pick one or the other.

Having an average show be 1 cour, instead of having an average show be 4 cour, is infinitely better.

And what is the balanced diet supposed to be?

1 and a half would be perfect for a lot of series. Too bad it's not an existing format.

Anywhere between 15-20 episodes is good enough for most shows. Anything past that has a chance of going off the rails because anime writers are dogshit

I concur.

>what if we make it 3 cours
>and fill it with recaps and filler eps

Most anime can't even fill 1 four and are full of filler stuff like beach, onsen and other meaningless episodes.

Talking about something else. More anime would profit from a 6x40min format instead of the typical 20min format.

At least some anime at least starting with a double length episode.

There should be a middle ground 18-episode format. And possibly a 9-episode format.

Because some anime can't even do a 1 cour series without pointless fillershit.

And have every episode except the last few follow the exact same structure with the exact same reused animation

I heavily disagree. One of the main things I like about anime is its shorter episodes. When trying to create more serious longform stories, it forces writers to be more tight and creative with how they structure episodes, and eliminates the need to overly long amounts of downtime and padding scenes like you see in so many American dramas. Obviously different stories with different creators can find way tp utilise longer episodes properly, but I think that overall most 25 minutes ia better format than 50 minutes.

>reused animation
I will never be able to not see the exploding Gundam SEED ship when reading this phrase.

Interracial pornography and Game of Thrones

>full of filler stuff like beach, onsen and other meaningless episodes.

You can't really call it filler when its part of the source material though. This is the fault of manga artists more than anime producers. At least light novel authors get creative with the fanservice sometimes but with manga its always the freaking beach or onsen because it gives them an easy opportunity to draw their characters naked or in swimsuits.

Make everything 2 cours so we don't need an S2 to ruin the perfect S1 that you just finished.


No, 500+ episodes is the perfect structure if used to its full potential.

Shut up