How do we stop young men from committing suicide?

How do we stop young men from committing suicide?

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We don't.

Stop being pussies

I will suck all their dicks if they're over 18 (legal)

Hurry the fuck up OP

Start World War 3.

Is it just me or the idea that right now is the best, easiest time to be a human, simply wrong?

Mental illness has skyrocketed. We have millions of NEETS just sitting on the computer all day, cut off from social interaction. Not having families, not workers careers. Something went wrong along the way.

No good. Gas the kikes.

Is that cum dripping down? Was he jerking off?

No, he's pissed himself.

More realistic would be a death erection and him crapping himself.

He did it because he was wearing tighty whities

Make rope illegal

you're fucking retarded

>How do we stop young men from committing suicide?
Shot them BEFORE they commit the act.

There is nothing in our modern society that can stop suicide, because our modern society is cucked.

I mean, we live in a world where we are forced to tolerate evil shitters. No longer can we stone adulterous. No longer can we burn criminals. No longer can we purge the "mentally ill" and degenerates. No longer can we shoot liars. Instead we're told to "deal with it" and be "mature". There is nothing mature about tolerating evil shitters.

Like this?

>cut off from social interaction

So you want people to interact with niggers, spics, sandniggers, yellow niggers, red niggers, kikes, libtards, commies, and other degenerates?

The weak will die, leaving the strong behind
Weak men create bad times
Bad times create strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men


I don't have a problem with this. The problem is that our modern society teaches us not to fight back. Even if you're weak you should at least go down fighting, but in our modern society that is shun upon. I mean, just look at the Florida shooting. Sure the guy was weak but at least he went down fighting instead being misable bitch for the rest of his life which 99.999% of people are in our modern society. Not that I condone the shooting but it is understandable.

Spread MGTOW

>How do we stop young men from committing suicide?
Tell them to leave Russia.

Putin's government claims the suicide rate is dropping, but he's changed the way the suicides are counted to gimmick the numbers.

Why should be trough? Less competition for me.

natural selection

legalize bitch slapping cunts who deserve it

the death penalty goes to whores who are open about their sexuality and talk about men who are "X" height and have "X" cock size being superior
They should be shot in the head point blank so their evil can be squelched from this Earth

wow dicklet and manlet much

You don't even need to be anything much special in those departments.

Yeah you do.

>state sponsored fucky fucky once a week with a clean state approved hooker
the only way

State appointed gfs

It's nice to be above average in both regards, but no you don't.

>Weak men create bad times
>Bad times create strong men
>Strong men create good times
>Good times create weak men
>I have read this somewhere during good times.
must be true

I am above average.
There are still whores out there who will fuck with you., and they need to be killed.

Get over it. Nothing will ever solve the petty whore problem.

State issue gfs.

That's why they need to be killed, like in Islam.
In shallah, bruder

Actually they just need to unveiled in public, not killed.

Mass genocide.

haha, no. thats a fair point.

Great idea, I'll start a website
whaddaya think?

Force women to marry before they become sluts and washed up roasties.


Does someone has that democrat convention video?

Opposed to it. What is the point of having money if you cannot exchange it for goods and services?

Not sure I get the analogy

>Still kills self after they find out they got a bj from a tranny

What, why would user have to interact with those types of people? Wouldn't he just prioritize interacting with like minded people?

Prostitution should remain legal and those who partake in it should not be punished.

Humans need purpose and all western societies lack it.

I didn't mean literal whores

allow them to become women of color

Ban assault ropes

If the user lives in a blue state it can't be helped.

Listen to Jordan Peterson on YouTube.

Listen to Jared Taylor on Youtube

ban ropes and anything else used to kys

Call it rage quitting instead. Probem solved.

All of you niggers saying "strong" men, what is your measurement of "strength"? Physical strength wont keep you from suicide. You mean emotional fortitude? Ok, but would you select for emotional fortitude in detriment of everything else?

Stop shaming masculinity. Everyone matters.

There have been similar cases before. Look up the "superfluous men" of Russia in the 1840s.

Just ban ropes and helium.

Most guys can't afford the gun to kill themselves.



Hide all the rope

You know, those depressed kids are literally potential militias. It just requires a man with labia and done, you have a soldier.
What I said just reminded me of a case in a college where a teacher basically created a facial state in the classroom. Not sure the name

by rising real men

Just gtfo of toxic places like this. The internet promotes self-hatred to an extent that mankind has never seen before. I bet not once in history have young men hated themselves so much as in modern society. It's just too much negativity for the human spirit to carry. Young men either escape in hedonism or kill themselves.
Reject ironic meme/kek culture. Reject anime/gaming culture even if you enjoy them as hobbies. Reject internet culture as a whole. Reject ALL cynicism.
STOP participating in the poisoning of your own mind and spirit.

>unrealistic option
>make society better

>realistic option
>make hologram waifus

1) End unnatural leftardedness
2) Treat them like men
3) Let them succeed

more support for relationships with 2d waifus

Make suicide illegal

Fix family court and how women abuse fathers.
90% of male suicides are alienated fathers after divorce, child support, no visitation of their kids.
Same with vets.
Family court is what is killing these men 25 times more than women.

Is it really cowardly to end yourself? I believe it's cowardly to have every reason and the desire to but lacking the steel to make the plunge

>The problem is that our modern society teaches us not to fight back
So reject it, and don't spend another second trying to change something you can't. It's a dominance hierarchy like it always has been, and always will be. But once our so called leadership had themselves supplanted this crisis became inevitable. Jack Donovan took the time to articulate some things in his reddit tier books that I think a lot of young men can identify with, but I unironically really like this quote:
>“Barbarians say “yes” to life. They take what they want from the Empire and leave the rest to rot. They are alive without apology, bold and willing to fight for and seize what they want and what they need for them and theirs. Because anyone outside the tribe is no one to them, when they take, they take from no one. They will wear necklaces of your teeth —not to luxuriate in their own cruelty —but to celebrate their own victory over death, weakness and failure. Barbarians know that living is always taking. They have freed themselves from delusion and know who and what they are.”
That's a good mindset to have. Much better than this shit:

Are you a man? Or a woman?

I hope somebody pushes either you or your loved ones to suicide. You deserve it so much.

Dont stop them
let them die

Surviving in the current decadent society requires the average man to actively exercise undesirable and lowly traits, such as deceit, treason, submission, meekness, ignorance and hypocrisy, as well as forsaking family, personal or higher goals in favor of "work", just so one can survive.

This is what the current economic system requires and encourages, failure to abide results in misery, poverty or homelessness, and existing in such conditions denigrates a human further.

In both cases, those not lucky are reduced to inhuman qualities, and it is better to commit suicide than to continue to exist in such conditions.

The modern man is in a situation not much better than that of a serf of old. The serfs did brutal work but usually had the security of a roof over the head and the ability to raise a family, modern mas does not.

Make'em girls.. Duh.

Spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Also, ban porn and publicly execute porn stars and porn producers.


Why would you want to prevent that?

no it's just your country

Why should we. It's natural selection.

stop feeding them ssri in hs some of those pills have paradoxical effects

>Gas the kikes.

We're in the "weak men create hard times" stage of society.
There's nothing that can be done until after the war.

gas the normies

>How do we stop young men from committing suicide?
Ban rope so they can't hang themselves.

kys already

Yes. It would work even better than gun control! Kek.

its easiest in the sense that we have plenty of food, water, shelter and health services to live. everything else is just shit

use WWIII to exterminate the mongrels and give young White men 6 to 7 harem women

Because deep down happiness in life comes from working to get somewhere.
When you have goals the vast majority of your life isn't spent achieving those goals, it's spent working extremely hard to get to them, that's what a fulfilling life is.
Handing someone everything on a plate and giving them no reason to work towards something is stripping aways everything that creates human happiness.

(Knowing why NEETs are unhappy doesn't make me feel any more sympathy for them though, it just makes me hate their weak, self-destructive behaviour even more)

Get the people some fucking more money and most will probably stop killing themselves. Slaving your life away to barely survive is the most depressing shit.

U got it all wrong the question how do we make more people do it. My friend got into smoking meth and hung himself for a dn't trip

We were sold to the devil of freedom, so that we could escape the devils of authoritarianism and totalitarianism, but the devil of freedom toon our meaning, purpose, and responsibility. Young men look for those three things, if they have enough freedom to. In the other devils we lose the freedom to choose our purpose and responsibility.

It’s inevitable that Liberal ideology would lead to lack of purpose, and into a search for purpose, into totalitarianism, that steals what the traditional orders and the liberal orders have you, in return for not having to make any choice ever.

Basically we have to keep freedom, tradition, and pragmatism balanced


lucky fucks got out