Save us Croissant.
Mousou Telepathy 425
Is this going the yuri route?
>not having read the speed scans already
this arc was alright, as it turns out a lot of people's guesses on how her telepathy actually works were correct
>guesses on how her telepathy works
What's there to guess? She can read minds and she makes up her own images of what people could be envisioning in their minds.
heck no she stopped the train too many times already, it's time to let it crash.
Does this series get any better or does it keep repeating the same shit time and time again?
I thought as much.
What the hell is she doing?
>the bra matches
knew it
Wait, you're telling me this garbage will drag on for 38 more chapters? Holy shit, son.
She knows they are envisioning something but the exact image is lost so her mind fills in the details.
>Two answers, took the one you personally most believed was true as correct.
Millionals continue to be worst generation
Why can't this just be /u/?
Mana deserves better.
way better.
Truly we live in the worst timeline.
Why does this look like a confession/peak show?
Also; her bra was cut off in the color mind an not colorless. It didn't show the support on the sides of bridge of the cups. Seems like she can only hear voices but can't see thoughts or read memories.
Watch; in the end, she can see people's imaginations and see's Toda's and it's beautiful and she got it all wrong and fell harder and loves him to the point she confesses and it ends. No kissing, nothing.
Because croissant is too good for any of the characters.
>Should I confess to him by grapping his arm or directly show off my girls
>no kissing
What about hand holding?
I hope not
So all the lewd scenes from the dude were from her mind filling in the blanks?
How the fuck did she forget what her bra looks like.
So why wouldn't she focus on how good looking Toda is if they're her thoughts? Does she just like herself that much?
It kind of seems that she has a bit of an elitist sense of self being clairvoyant.
She's probably also assuming the worst.