Too many ‘happy white people’? Hungarian city outraged at exclusion from EU culture contest.
A Hungarian city’s bid to become the European Union’s next “Capital of Culture” was allegedly rejected by EU officials
because its video entry showed too many smiling, dancing, white Christians, the city’s mayor says.

Székesfehérvár, Hungary’s ninth-largest city, submitted a short video as part of its entry for the 2023 European Capitals of Culture contest,
a competition designed to “celebrate the cultural features Europeans share.”
Featuring folk dancers, young couples, mothers, babies and even two elderly gentlemen playing chess in a park, the video was rejected.
The EU panel of “independent experts in the field of culture” felt it had too many happy white people and not enough migrants, the city’s mayor Dr András Cser-Palkovics has claimed.

According to Cser-Palkovics, one member of the jury of “experts,” whom he identified as a Belgian politician, strongly disapproved of the promotional video,
calling it a “propaganda film for white Christian Europe” in which “everyone is white, happy and dancing in the streets.”
He said that the panel criticized the film for leaving out “the poor and migrants” while having too many “crosses and churches.”


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Hopefully soon they will go full V4 and remove the EU from power!

Fuck em. Carry on being happy and dancing in the streets white man. Worry about yourselves and laugh as the rest of the EU burns down around you

Just realized that this incident will bring so much attention to this town now.
Be ready for massive avalanche of tourists, Hungary.
There is always bright side. lmao

These are the very last smart people in Europe. I'm sure (((they))) would love to have a war so they can kill them. Then there are no more smart people in europe

>declaring war on anyone
when will you losers learn that every European country, especially eastern European is irrelevant and belongs to trashcan


Austro-Hungary when?

That music is gay

Tourists will realize how shitty western EU has become and instead visit eastern countries just to live out the dream of a true european city!

Like any of us care about this meme conest.

The video is really cringe imo.


If Iran attacked Turkey in the rear, would Greece help??

Greece would fight Iran for the right to attack Turkey in the rear.

Interesting question.
I'm sure Greeks would love to help to destroy Turkey and have Constantinople back.

Gorgeous Images Of Constantinople Reconstruct The Monuments Of The Great City From 4th To 13th Century AD.

My girlfriend is from Székesfehérvár. Her ex is one of the guys doing parkour in this video.

I love the whole video.
But the sugar cube throw and dancing on the edge of the coffee cup is one of the coolest moment.

Agreed the music is great. Love it.
Good job Hungry.
I'm buying some Hungarian wine tomorrow to celebrate and support Hungarian economy.


It's actually good that stuff like this keeps happening. It wakes up more normies.

>We've got all the diversity we need,thank you!
Lol,this is great meme,

horseback paprika niggers

rude desu

Nice bait u fucking dipshit

>Read it like Hercules

The EU is way too cucked, get out while you still can

Man, this obsession with stuffing countries with migrants and islam is ridiculous.
What's wrong with Belgium?

>What's wrong with Belgium


>What's wrong with Belgium?
Looks like Hitler didn't finished his job.


Why is there a dark skin sitting at the table at the cafe?

>Why is there a dark skin sitting at the table at the cafe?
Why? Because Hungary is friendly country.
But pigs in Belgium don't realize that.
I hope that there are many unexploded bombs felt from WWII under their building in Brussels and that they will explode soon. All of them at once.

Bozgorok mindenhol!
Reggel 8 és még mindig nem dolgoztok.

Hungarian anons,
who is that guy in the video playing guitar and making that sugar cube shot.
Is he some famous hungarian musician ?

Btw, please post some cool Hungarian music similar to the music in the video.

Nesze vazzeg.

no color please

The video has has 10,000 views since this morning and the comments are redpilled as fuck.
There is still hope.

Any word of who the politician was? Got a feeling it's verhofstadt who's a filthy leftist marcist to begin with.

>The video has has 10,000 views since this morning and the comments are redpilled as fuck.
>There is still hope.

>Got a feeling it's verhofstadt who's a filthy leftist marcist to begin with.
And homo.

he's a hungarian citizen lol

Im curious what do Romanians Slovaks, Czechs, Germans, and Poles and Croats think of Hungarians, and Hungary. Idk why but i always ranked Hungary high on my list of favorite nations, what are some stereotypes they have besides paprika.

I Think you misunderstand.
The video is a week old, but 10,000 of those views were in the last 10 hours, since it started getting news covereage that it was rejected.

wtf where are the niggers


that's OK,
I just personally don't like this race mixing thingy.

at uni towns as exchange students
average magyanon in Budapest rents the families extra flat to foreign students

They are OK, only language is wierd.
It would bw good if Hungarias would dail dawn their jokes against Slovaks. I mean we should forget old feuds.

poles talk funny

he's a fucking chef now
nobody cared of him really was just media celeb because of being "exotic" almost clown tier desu

lol drótostóth

Damn I cant wait to spread this on twitter everyone should post this at least to @Italy because they have elections in a couple of days and are the fourth largest economy in the EU.

The fact that the eu doesn't even hide their intentions of replacing European citicens with Africans really is a blessing in disguise.
The EU being openly full of hatred and racism against people that happened to have white skin color will ensure millions of people will never vote for a pro EU party again for the next decades.
Spread this faaar and wide especially in Italy social media and see the EU racists panic.

Europe has been anti-Europe for the past few hundred years. Thank Prussia and Germany.

>I Think you misunderstand.
>The video is a week old, but 10,000 of those views were in the last 10 hours, since it started getting news covereage
O yes, you right
I wasn't aware of it.

I hope Soros get's a massive heart attack and a stroke learning that this city and Hungary are liked and loved all over the World.

REEEEEEEEEEE HUNGARY needs more rape and public defecation

girls are slutty
everyone's 2nd job is mlm



What kind of banter do they say about Slovaks? I thought Hungarians biggest beef was with Romania ? Besides the EU of course. Also Czech bro what do you thin of Poles and Slovaks and Germans?

So Poles talk funnier than Hungarians? What do you think of the races/nations that border your own.


t.el goblino

Another question for the Czechs, how Euro-skeptic are you guys? Any thing going on there the rest of the world doesnt know about. Also if what country in Europe do you guys feel is your biggest threat, or perhaps a nation that may have a beef with you guys or do you guys have bad blood with any neighbors really.

>The EU is good they said

Hungary what do you guys think of Croatia and Romania Poland and Czechs?

Romania what do you guys think of Greece Moldova and Hungary and Serbia? Any stereotypes or any bad blood or anything?

>Basically tourism title
>city highlights actual people and historical spots
>gets rejected for being too white
Guess whichever city wins is the one to avoid at all costs

>t. Bogan chink shitstain

what isn't?

>The EU is a powerhouse of good they said

So its basically a tourism guide on where not to go. Amazing :P


Paris? London? Brussels? Frankfurt? Marseilles? Amsterdam? Malmo?

>there are too many multicult shitholes to guess which one will (((win)))

>According to Cser-Palkovics, one member of the jury of “experts,” whom he identified as a Belgian politician

Belgium is a meme, a fake country. A front for the Jews and Communists of the EU.

Malmo takes the cake though.

They should've sent this video instead, it would've won them the contest.

b-but liberals are no Marxists

Moldovians are brainwashed romanians. Fucking russians put them against us

t. cigány
>implikálja, hogy nem munkából szarposztolok

Stay strong mongol brothers


He was the only nigger in town, so he was included to show Brussels how diverse we are, kek.

baszhatod azt a céget ahol nincs filter meg tűzfal és hagyják, hogy ezt a fost nézzed

Really explain a bit more, i know about transnistria, that is like some-kind of Russia proxy or something, i think Russians have bases there. Is there alot of divisiveness, how do Moldovan s act compared to Romania.


Vannak előnyei, ha te üzemelteted az informatikát, kek.

Don't you have a school to shoot up or something mutt?

I don't know if this counts as cool music, but a guy named Arany Zoltan uploads amazing old folkish songs from all over Europe. Check his channel, hungarian and transilvanian songs are the best imo

Dont mind that faggot, Magyars are white desu. Also im curious what do Hungarians think of Hungarians that live in Romania?

ha egyszer felnövök én is olyan akarok lenni mint te

Normal, polite people. When i was in Budapest, always felt like I was at home, except for weird as fuck language

they are all faggots
all of them
come and see for yourself

Te se dolgozol baszod:DDD

this tb.h

Why don't Poland and Hungary just team up and form their own version of the EU? One that puts European people first and doesn't allow unelected leaders.

na ja

>what is V4


God I want our politicians to focus on joining V4 so much (if you want us). Instead of nonstop sucking of EU cock

Thanks user,
I just got this beauty,
Hungarian music from the 17th century by Arany Zoltán

it will fit very nicely with my other Medieval music collection.

i want to puke

it is inevitable
just wait and try to not get in fight with Serbia and others

Enough of Orban and Fidez-cucks! Jobbik FTW!

>nonstop sucking of EU cock

Thank you for your sacrifice, sunshine!