How realistic is this? Is it just wish fullfillment?
Scawny dudes getting on with gorgeus females
At least he doesn't look like a total faggot like thw Gamers guy
>he thinks that somewhat intelligent females give a shit about how much he benches
This is why /fit/ is so laughable. All that matter to them is your face, especailly in high school. As long as you arent fat no one gives a damn. So no, this isnt unrealistic, its the exact opposite.
dunno have you been at chaturbate.
>Attractive intelligent dude gets with attractive intelligent gal
>>Attractive intelligent dude
Does he. Looks bog standard to me. Like all main anime dudes for the most part
You could say the same about Chitanda though
>Like all main anime dudes
So, attractive? Because thats what the vast majority of them is as attractive as cartoon characters can be. Usually the only difference between the "plain MC" and the "chad" is the fact that the chad has blonde hair or something along those lines. Or that people claim for him to be attractive.
Broad shoulders and a fit build are rarely seen I guess
Shinji Ikari is wish fullfillment. Why would Asuka would fall for that.
oreki is sexy though
Literal daddy (and mommy) issues, she's such a wreck that even in real life it could happen.
Pretty sure he's actually a fat kid in the original light novel illustrations. Which makes a lot more sense, actually.
>Intelligent and observant as fuck, Sherlock Holmes-tier
>Handsome green eyes, worthy of going homo for
>Chill as shit
I'd sooner self-insert as Chitanda.
My GF is a 8/10 and she is into scrawny dudes.
>and a fit build
There you go again, thinking that anybody gives a shit about this. Hardly any remotely educated girl gives a rats ass about whether youre fit or not. Some scawny guy with a 9/10 face will always be more attractive than a fit guy with a 7/10 face. Past a certain point your build doesnt matter to anyone but yourself. Why should this be different in anime?
Check em
>Handsome green eyes
I mean, eye colors are fucking irrelevant. Hell look at OPs picture. Purple and fucking smaragd green. Its not like one is more special than the other by anime standards. However, OPs pic is still retarded because Oreki clearly is supposed to be attractive in more than just a single way.
Well not all of them. You rarely see the bimbo type in anime either.
All anime girls are the "cute" type I guess.
When you go outside (in the summer you can observe pretty well), you rarely the big tits type with scrawny dudes however. In anime, the tits are always moderatly huge, whatever the girl.
Should of used Evangelion desu
>Wish fulfilment
>Implying women care about muscles
All you need is a good bone structure and brainwashing.
Evangelion isnt even that much of a better example. Asuka isnt even what I would consider attractive to be honest. Her "access to males" is also heavily limited. I dont see it as unrealistic for her to fall for someone who a) she lives with, b) is as fragile as herself and c) she founds with together in mechs fending off creatures that she doesnt understand risking their lives in the process.
cute girls don't like fat, ugly, fedora wearing, smelly, piece of shit, dicklets like you OP
>Asuka isnt even what I would consider attractive to be honest.
Most girls like guys with big elegant features and stuff like that, some think big muscles are weird looking. I can empathize with them tho, nothing more unsightly than a pumped up manlet thinking he's really attractive.
Even if she was, the rest of the points still stand. She isnt growing up in a "realistic" environment but in a really damn stressful one. Why is it unrealistic for her to fall for the only guy who fights alongside her?
How about Harem stuff I guess.
It's proven that males hold muscularity in a much higher regard than woman, many woman find the extremely /fit/ body type scary or disgusting.
A similar case can be seen in woman and weight, where most woman overestimate how thin they should be.
The most important things are your face, your height and your income.
That usually is wish fulfillment, but thats what the genre literally exists for. We all know that harems dont really exist IRL or that the girls would at least be more subtle than they are in those shows so I dont really see a point in badmouthing harems for doing this since the only reason they exist is wish fulfillment.
>Is it just wish fullfillment?
It is, but not that beta mcs are getting hot girls. The wish fulfillment is that they pretend japanese girls are attractive.
Realistic example.
I always see Kyon when i see him.
OP is a fatso who thinks he's buff
is this show comfy or boring? is it worth watching?
Oreki is pretty good looking, IMHO.
It's very realistic.
Eat a back of cocks.
Depends on what you mean by "realistic".
If it realistic in America? No. 75% of the US population is classified as Overweight or Obese or Morbidly obese. This applies to both males and females average.
Now if 3/4 are fat, 1/4 are not fat. Chances of non-fats being a couple are 1/4 * 1/4 = 6% chance. Very unrealistic.
Now in Japan, the standards are different. Its the opposite effect. In Japan, 3/4 are health weight and 1/4 are obese/overweight. So chances are 3/4 * 3/4 = 56% chance.
That assumes people are just randomly thrown together and we don't pick preferred partners on criteria like weight.
Are you a faggot op?
Oreki is a sex god. I unironically would go gay for him.
Stop being a faggot.
Does OP not know that the ideal male in japanese standards leans towards the bishies and ikemen? Only men and fujos like muscly manly men over there.
Then why is Demi-chan's MC considered so attractive?
Male beauty standards are different in Japan. Skinny pretty boys are more popular with women than muscular men (who are associated with homosexuality).
he's thin and kind and can solve mysteries like Sherlock. like how could you even improve him? (realistically)
because his personality. also he's an adult teacher preying on his female students. this isn't based in reality (which would otherwise have this man labelled a sex offender). in japan significant muscle on men is considered a homosexual trait.
Because he's 2D.
Give him ambition?
>not being gay for oreki
get a load of this gaylord
yeh its just wish fulfimment. To be honest famalam, if you don't bench at least 3pl8 and squat 4pl8, its very hard to get a gf like that.
ambition adds a level of corruption, with the risk of much more, he would not have been the same kind person.
Assuming they both have 10/10 face
fit guy > scrawny guy
Is that the manga?
Is it so? I don't know what to believe now
Pic related would only go out with the top looking guys, really.
no its napata hentai artists. he makes characters that look pretty much similar and allign with my point
What I've learned, as long as you give her security, have some common interests and you have decent body, you pretty much have a chance at anything, being tall is a big plus.
It sounds so close to reality, yet so far away
I've watched it 4 times and will keep watching it, so you tell me.
Do you want to fuck Irisu yet? If you don't, you'll need to rewatch it until you do.
Fucking disgusting. And to think some people enjoy standing in line for 5 hours to take pictures of pigs like this, what the fuck?
At least use better example OP, Oreki is far from scrawny.
Agreed, how dare they insult Oreki this much.
It's not
I'm a 7/10 and I like the scrawny dudes too. Although maybe in the case of the girls I like them more a bit chubby.
Asuka isn't the epitome is the attractiveness but next to the Shinji she's is a goddess.
All right. Oreki is supposed to be attractive as much as Chintanda is. Ops pic is retarded as fuck.
>Oreki is supposed to be attractive as much as Chintanda is
No. Oreki just looks like he ahd tired eyes (probably withdark eye circle, you just dont see em) and unkept hair. He looks like a regular nerd.
Oreki is /fa/ as fuck, he definitely looks better than you, and Chitanda is a beautiful, classy lady.
Most gym obsessed /fit/ people I know dress like 12 year olds and fuck trashy dumb sluts