Why isn't there more angsty romance in anime?
reminds weebs of what they never had/would have.
was good but not as good as the manga. the manga thou ugh best shit ever man, one of my top 10
Nigga you need to watch more anime.
It's not entertaining
Just an excuse to talk about my favourite anime niggar
The manga was good, but I saw the ending coming from miles away. MC is shit in both, so neither is particularly remarkable aside from bestgirl
That's not even r9k lol
I actually didn't notice that there wasn't. I remember anime being very angsty in the 2000s and not caring for that. I'm kinda surprised it died off.The manga of that really is good though
What do you mean? That's /r9k/ shit verbatim. They are worse than Sup Forums these days
Is main character any less of a fag in the manga?
How? At least r9k stays on their board for the most part. Sup Forums has seeped into /vg/, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums.
At least on Sup Forums, I absolutely see way, way more /r9k/ political identity bullshit than Sup Forums. Even comparing the two, Sup Forums makes more sense speaking very generally. /r9k/ spam is literally nothing more than >RRRRrrrrrraaaaaggghhhhhhhrrrrr I FUCKING HATE WOMEN
But you don't have to go to r9k to hate women.
You know who that sounds exactly like?
>I don't hate niggers because of jewish propaganda on Sup Forums, they're just evil!
Too bad we're never getting it.
>MC is shit in both
How so?
Anybody else?
People don't want to work for it.
They want sweet happy romantic stuff.
Angst, espescially to people who are REALLY all about apperances and fitting in is beaten into them from birth, is not awesome
You're not going to see a story about a cake and a former neet having a tentative romance where they both make major mistakes, not MISUNDERSTANDINGS mistakes, but actual fuck ups and deal with it.
There's not going to be a scene where the cake gets a promotion and is going to move and hints to the neet that he only has to ask her to stay and the neet pussies out and on some level thinks that she's too good for him and wants the best for her.
You're not going to get that moment where he walks into her work where she's crying, her things are packed and her friends are all consoling her and he tells her loudly
You know what...fuck that. I'm going to write it.
That's what fanfic is for.
Kill yourself, you fucking retard.
What are you even on about?
Not user but MC-kun was a bland wetnoodle harem trope in both. He should have been a little older
>Angst, espescially to people who are REALLY all about apperances and fitting in is beaten into them from birth, is not awesome
Can you explain how this relates to OP more specifically?
>He should have been a little older
How would that have made a difference?
>pussies out and on some level thinks that she's too good for him and wants the best for her.
Seiren did this. And was not good about it.
Lol I guess you're right. He should have not been a wetnoodle harem trope-archetype
Does Kuzu no Honkai qualify as an angsty romance anime?
Koi to Uso is LITERALLY airing this season.
As in it would be hard for japanese audiences to digest. They don't watch anime for emotional catharsis.
Main girl in this anime reminds me of pic related, except design not so goofy. It's a good archetype. I like it.
Emotions in general are a self perpetuating catharsis to begin with, so while I take your general point, I'm not sure what exactly you're referring too, there. You need to be a little more specific in your wording
Oh, just for reference, I'm a different user that generally agrees with the premise of the initial post.
The problem with the theme of alienation and romantic ennui in japanese (one could say broadly "asian", if one wants) cinema and television is that it hits very close to home. When one experiences characters that are out of place in a realistic social setting, the feeling is one of intense discomfort. Japanese audiences do not want this, because cinema and television are not viewed for some sort appreciation of the medium but as a form of recharging, of recuperating from the multitude of everyday difficulties which japanese life is so fraught with. It's why, compared to western television, japanese television seems so over-the-top, and why serious and somber literary works like that of Dazai or even Soseki rarely end up with film time.
That's not to say that western film and television don't also favour light hearted comedy and romance and such, but there's space for the tragic. Or, more specifically, a market. Tragedy in western markets is quite profitable stuff, we love it. Since the greeks tragedy has defined a great deal of our literary tradition.
>When one experiences characters that are out of place in a realistic social setting, the feeling is one of intense discomfort.
What would be an example of this? I.e. what do you mean by "out of place?" Like a realistic depiction of a loser in society?
Why are westerners more apt to tolerate realistic emotional stress in their entertainment? It certainly can't just be because of Greek culture 2500 years ago. Are the lives of East Asians really so much harder than ours?
That is one interpretation, yes. It could even be as simple as a character committing a social faux paus without some form of comic relief. It could be a character talking back to ones mother, depending where on Asia you're from.
A combination of boredom and detachment. Pulp novels prior to the shortened work week were quite like any other light hearted cinema productions and animes we enjoy today, albeit with western tropes. You didn't read cuz you were after some sort of realistic depictions of everyday life, most certainly not your own drudgery. If you did end up reading that sort of thing, it's usually because it was written by socialists like steinbeck and (for a japanese example) Kobayashi Takiji trying to rile you up. Before high lit was properly available to everyone, depictions of realistic social situations usually involved no one lower than petty gentry, because only those with leisure-time cared to read that sort of thing. Nowadays we're awash with the stuff, but because that's what writers before us did and now that life is generally good there's no reason to particularly avoid it.
>Are the lives of East Asians really so much harder than ours?
An illegally long work week across the board and severe reprecussions if you don't go along with it, as well as an extreme amount of social pageantry in their interpersonal relations.
In the west, we are bombarded with this idea of "being oneself", of authenticity (whatever that means), a general idea of a self without internal or external repression as being real neat. Consider the matter of code-switching: in western sociological writing it's a really light hearted concept, people singing in the shower or not wearing clothes in the privacy of ones home or speaking in a southern accent while at home but not in Harvard. In japanese writing
it's honne and tatamae, which is a much harsher concept. It's one of a self that can never surface, something kept in a permanently bottled state.
Neat. Where'd you learn all this stuff?
So anime sucks because Nip society is overpopulated and financially strained
well there's Vampire Knight, the most angsty shit I've ever seen in any media
youre favourite anime a shit
why not