What did you guys think about the new chapter? I gotta admit this manga gets overshadowed by other mangas in ultra jump but I think it will eventually snatch the hearts of nips
What did you guys think about the new chapter...
It has ended quite a while ago.
Your bait has rotten.
Nothing to see here man, just trying to discuss our manga. Move along please
Will weiss's dad get a redemption arc or will he remain a one dimensional caricature that only exists to be toppled by Weiss/killed by the White Fang?
>will he remain a one dimensional caricature that only exists to be toppled by Weiss/killed by the White Fang
Most definitely this, only Whitley has a chance for a redemption arc at this point, maybe Willow too.
God no. Jacques is scum.
But he didn't dp anything wrong that can't be fixed. I mean compared to cinder and salem he's an angel
OP you fucking degenerate no one wanted you to make this thread. The whole point is to not draw the ire of the rest of the fucking site
True. But siccing a giant monster on your daughter is kind of hard to look past.
So will Whitley be the informant of atlas? Also is there any lewd whitley/weiss
Weiss should learn her place, she can't go breaking every rule, doing the opposite of what she needs to run a company, then still expect her father to give her the company.
While she was off fucking around with her team and training to become a huntress Whitley was actually learning how to do the actual job.
Incest is wrong user
She had a good a reason for disobeying though
Garbage series for ironic weeb normalfags.
You can marry 1 (one) rwby girl. She won't lose her looks no matter how many times you knock her up. Who do you choose and why is it glynda GOODwitch
Remember /rwby/ ignore the posters who just opened the thread to slander. They offer no discussion and are breaking the rules.
>wanting a Christmas cake.
I'll stick to my neo, thank you very much
I think that, fuck off.
The fucking RWBY general didn't even want you to make this garbage thread
>Wanting a silent robot
No siree bob
I want velvet. I believe in hitting your wife and she looks like she wouldn't call the police or some nonsense
daily reminder that rwby is nothing more than a bunch of recolors calling themselves """"original characters""""
I'd knock up Raven and tie her to the radiator so she couldn't escape again.
Go back to trash.
RWBY is the worst of Sup Forums and Sup Forums made a series
This isn't an argument because we already know you can do both. Her grandfather did it.
Isn't it great?
They are original. Unlike a certain mangakas sameface women
RWBY's 3DCG novelty will be lost when every studio in existence attempts to catch the lightning in a bottle that was Kemono Friends.
Then all it has is a solid soundtrack.
explain this faggot
What about it's good plot? I think that it'll make it memorable
What the fuck are you talking about?
>based on Jack Frost, all characters based off of Jack Frost are radical
>smacks the generic tsundere slut after she tries to murder someone
>pays his actual literal monkey men workers as much as his regular workers
It's a shame he's stuck in such a mediocre show.
They're allowed to do that. Don't act like major million dollar studios don't take shortcuts. Just look at thw berserk anime
It's just a battle high school plot. There's 1383848382 of those in actual anime. And those at least had good ecchi.
Personally I'm hoping Camp Camp gets a manga.
Pretty excited to see how the light novel turns out.
I heard that's a one time character
But no one is defending the new Berserk anime. If anything, you comparing RWBY to the Berserk anime is just an insult.
>this garbage on Sup Forums now
So much for this new sticky and making the board better.
Yeah but how many of those have actual romance, grimm and twists that keep you in the loop. Like the volume 3 finale
I wish, they shoe horn fan service bunny into everything
What's your favorite ship in the rwby manga? Mine is baked alaska (neoxyang) and nuts and bolts (pennyxruby)
stealing ideas =/= stealing 3d meshes you dip
She pops up at least four more times and has an entire fight scene dedicated to her. Fittingly enough, that fight scene is entirely stolen animation from earlier in the ""show"".
The guy who made those models is a fan of the series and would tweet about it when it aired.
Manslaughter at worst.
he stole other meshes like from the bleach wii game and soul calibur
yeah he totally bought those models from those guys
Well, it's a great shit.
The only reason cause is popular is:
>Boys like it because the girls are hot
>Girls like it because is very feminist
But is fucking trash
I'm still confused if people have a folder of this stuff in case or if they immediately search for it whenever they see one of these threads.
You do know that it's not stealing when you're actually doing it of respect and admiration. I.e a tribute
It's a thinly veiled harem
>Those BBfags that can't stop seething over the fact Ruby is in the game.
You mean Adam's hair looking like Grimmjow, I'll give you that.
Well, at the very least by Volume 4 they're using original models since they had to redesign the entire show after moving to Maya finally.
Monty didn't steal anything. He used them as inspirations. But your irrational hate blinds you
>took it for commercial use
>don't mind me just using this model for tribute
also if that were true, then monty would of said so in advance
why didn't he do that hmmm?
>actual romance
Most of them have more than RWBY
Generic monsters that pose no threats to the heroes aren't unique
>twists that keep you in the loop
Anyone who has ever been surprised by anything in RWBY ever can probably be declared brain dead
if you look closely, the mesh details of the ones stolen still persist in vol 5 trailer, and the previous trailers.
you're in denial dick choking fanboy
Why do you people hate rwby so much?
Mind pointing it out?
Personally I don't mind the characters themselves, I'm not gonna watch the series anyways. It's more about the fact that its cancerous fanbase will be polluting blazblue/undernight/persona discussion.
That's not neptune
Oh right don't let the rwby waifufags get in the way of the persona waifufags.
Persona and Uniel fans are almost nonexistent in discussions on this game because it just turns into shitposting between rwby and BB.
Why do people hate Sword Art Online? Because it's bad. RWBY takes it a step further because it's not even Sup Forums, it's Sup Forums. But even Sup Forums kicked you out.
Is ruby finally stronger than yang? I mean yang just lazed about for months
Not exactly, the rwby threads are the most active threads on the board but because of a few anons who like to report things they don't like, threads aren't allowed when it's not airing.
Probably not.
You mind telling the class who the lady talking to Ozpin at the beginning was?
Rwby is only kicked out of Sup Forums off season. The same thing happens to SU.
But why do you hate something because it's bad? Because everyone else does? Why don't you just ignore it if it's not to your liking? I feel sorry for people like you. Thinking they're taste triumphs over everything else. I bet when you were a kid you enjoyed things like star wars or marvel. But now you've become a sad little ball of hate. You're slander only proves that rwby is actually good
His ex wife
What's her name?
Have you actually watched rwby? Or just an episode and went to go berate it because you think you're a genious
Oh wow they modeled the hairstyle to look the same, it's a completely different mesh.
If you found the same words in the catcher in the rye and in fahrenheit 451 I bet you would call it stealing too.
You rwby haters realize that it got published alongside Jojo right?
when is the game coming out?
>Using Maya models for your comparison
Apples to oranges.
What's the light novel about?
Beach episode with RWBY and JNPR.
RT isn't lazy am I right?
if there's a paragraph word for word then yes
we're talking about 3D models here. The mesh WAS stolen. The toplogy is the same. you can't invent a triangle but it's also true that you can create your own geometry using those traingles (and therefor mesh).
The fact that you denialfags trying to argue that it isn't stolen just shows how little you know of 3D modeling; and how much of a shit fan you are without knowing.
I like rwby too but I hate the fact people turn a blind eye when RT did a scumbag move.
Before the fall of beacon?
It's between Volumes 1 and 2.
So since we know that qrow=tyrian who will be able to beat tuskon?
Link to these forums/threads?