Spoilers will be out tomorrow.

Anyone got the viz chapter for this week?

And why was Tse in Sale-Sale's room?

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope the next chapter answers all our questions, there's so many things going on at the same time in this arc. Togashi truly is a madman.
#Pray for Theta

I really doubt Theta is dead.

theta is alive that't blood from just a scar or something like that

wake me up when they reach DC

I really don't get that mindset.
You can't know in advance when the story is going to get good.
That's like saying at the start of Heaven's arena "wake me up when Gon and Killua are floor masters".

Viz user !

I'm really curious to see how things will change now that Kurapika is out cold. They were already short on manpower so I really doubt Bill alone will be able to handle the whole situation by himself.

Dead, my friend. ;_;

I like that Kura is asleep for now. He was stressing out, trying to do everything himself and overthinking too many things that really didn't amount to anything in the end.
Like when he had to take the phonecall from the other princes, he made the wrong choice and Shimano had more knowledge about what to do. The whole cockroach trick turned out to be useless because Oito couldn't stand watching Momoze get killed without doing anything.
Too many things are outside his control no matter how hard he tries.

They actually make a good team

Why are you guys defending a lying bitch? She deserve everything that's coming to her and worse.

Is she truly alive? Cuz you can say at this point: Togashi hate women so i highly doubt she is good after that last page

She's going to make it.

She didn't lie. She just didnt tell him about the method that only works because this is a manga

>the method that only works because this is a manga
You mean as opposed as the real life method of awakening your superpowers?

Because she's trying to avoid a massacre. I know you want (you)s but don't be silly.

Why is Bill so perfect?

Seriously, I don't know why I like him so much.


how much is a viz subscription

if it's something reasonable i might get it

i won't upload though

Why won't you upload?

it's a hassle

and i don't want to people's expecations thrown on me

nvm forget it

I had zero hopes going into this thread, and somehow you still disappointed me.

Viz user here.

Just got back from vacation, give me 15 mins.

Based off of what I remember off the top of my head, Tse doesn't have a particular connection with Sale-Sale. They don't share mothers, they don't have an explicit friendship like Tse and Halkenburg have, they aren't even close in birth order. And their ethos seem to be very far apart.

So, unless this chapter addresses the situation, I believe it's simply an error on Togashi's part, a la the Heaven Arena needle.

14 more more minutes

First they're going to fake DC where even more crazy shit is supposed to happen.

Real DC is years off.

New chapter up, enjoy.

Nope, vacation is just a thing bro.

Go back to /hsg/

Thanks for the chapter. Also did you go to see the eclipse or something else?

Neat, thanks vizanon.

Went down to FL for about a week and a half. Took Monday off because I had to drive through Columbia, SC to get home anyway.

So yeah, saw the full eclipse. Was pretty spectacular.

>getting the hang gyo in half a day

I just can't hold it in anymore. Togashi is hack.

>more talent and potential than the protagonists

>there are no genii in the world

He already knows nen, and is dicking around with Theta for fun, as well as to see if she's useful as an informant/combatant.

interesting theory

It's not such a far-fetched theory considering his blood brother Benjamin knows nen.

Am i retarded? Before reading the viz translation of this chapter it never hit me that all princes are her stepchildren

Benjamin is a strict authoritative type that wants the best military so him knowing nen isn't that much a stretch.

Tse just dicks around killing women and collects dead body parts.

Yeah but Ben and Tse have a relationship, even if they hate each other's guts it's possible that Ben taught or talked about Nen to Tse in the past.

He's a literal psycho, why wouldn't he be interested in developing secret power that would let him toy with and exploit others.

>He already knows nen
>dicking around with Theta for fun
why didn't i think of that

Their sections aren't apart, look at the scheme

So why is Tserreidnich such a psycho?

I have a theory that when he was much younger he had a bit of a crush on his half-sister Camilla, and Cammy, also being a psycho, tormented and bullied him mercilessly. This would explain why his nen beast looks like her and why he hates women so much, he's torturing them as proxies for his sister.

Ben would then have known that Tse would know nen, and yet he thinks that he had a monopoly on nen among the princes.
They may technically be her stepchildren, but it's not like she has ever helped to raise any of them, she likely hardly knows any of the princes.

I wanna fuck Theta

>The whole cockroach trick turned out to be useless because Oito couldn't stand watching Momoze get killed without doing anything.

she's back to using the ability again, speedreader.

By trick I meant the part where they pretended it was Bill's ability.

Makes sense.

until oito starts chimping out when the reports aren't done EXACTLY on time.

you mean the method that has maimed a bunch of characters who have go through with it? stop acting like we weren't shown how dangerous that method was.

calm, rational, with a wicked sense of humor.

you can tell nen users instinctively from their nen not leaking. he wasn't one until now.

Theta's tetas

All the killing he's done might have subconsciously conditioned his nen.
Tser is definitely a specialist so he won't even need to train int the other categories to use his powers.

Can you? I thought you had to be using gyo to make sure

I'm half expecting Togashi to make him gay.

you use gyo when trying to enhance your vision or to see when someone is using in.

once your aura nodes are open you can see regular aura like nothing.

Who has it maimed? I only remember the successes


the dudes that gon and killua fought when they were learning nen at the battle tower, speedreader.

I thought that was because their fight. Not specifically because of the method. Also they said it results in death right? not maiming

Yeah Spoilers. the manga maybe slow asf at times and word heavy at other times but for some strange reason i'm still excited.

This, and remember the selection. 99% of the people who were hit from a nen attack from one of pitou's puppets died

Rammot and Colt almost died

no, the result were being maimed or dying.

they were crippled because of the nen baptism they received when they fought nen users in heaven's arena.

Is Kite's "powe level" so to speak still the same from when he was human?

Unlikely considering that Palm got boost and a removal of a restriction on her powers.

>lying wench
Literally who says wench anymore? viz sucks. Is HxH still translated by the same woman?

Chimera ant hardened skin has probably made him a lot stronger at combat, considering conjurers are pretty far away from the enhancer category

It's not too far-fetched for a skilled nen user to be able to hide their proficiency with nen from another user. Gon and Killua couldn't tell that Shizuku was a nen user, or that Leorio had learnt nen.

Speaking of which it's a shame she's not on the ship because her ability would be really fucking useful.

Nen-baptism itself doesn't result in serious or permanent injury, since Wing was able to baptise Gon and Killua without injuring them. The insane physical power of nen attacks was the cause of their maiming.

>calling a woman a bitch in a translations geared toward western teens and young adults
You know better than this, user.

Wench is even more offensive thought

So using some archaic insult is a better, more natural option?
They should've went with broad.

Awesome photoshop skills, Togashit

>Nen-baptism itself doesn't result in serious or permanent injury, since Wing was able to baptise Gon and Killua without injuring them.
He didn't want to harm them though.

Who's anxiously awaiting the hiatus message next week? Raise your hand.

Theta getting killed in the last chapter was pretty fucking kino. Togashi was very clever with this boat set up, he introduced a bunch of characters to make us think that this was going to be the Berserk boat ride all over again and now is killing a bunch of them rather indiscriminately. This is going to be the anti Berserk boat ride, people. I'm excited for the next HxH chapter for the first time in a long time.

Fuck off.

>ignoring the supreme kinographique experience that was that one ketchup vignette following Theta's answer
Plebbity pleb.

>judenbook image

It shouldn't be, it has changed several times over the ages but wench originally meant a young woman who wasn't a noble, typically a servant of some sort. It has changed to mean anything from that straight to being slang for a prostitute, but it's more archaic than anything no matter what use someone means by it. You might as well be calling a woman a prostitute in latin, or finding a roman slang for prostitute was and calling them that.

>getting killed

How can Pika put up with Oito's attitude ? His tolerance level is almost inspiring.

He's not a social reject that can'd handle people being rude when stressed.

Bateman literally said that what he hated the most was lying women. Nen beasts are a manifestation of their hosts' inner psyche. There literally is no reason to assume she's alive.

But that she didn't lie, nothing she said was inaccurate, even Bill was worried about the speed Pika was suggesting.

How about lying men ?

I expect this to be true.

Well, technically she didn't. But she did, user. We all know that she wasn't exactly excited by the prospect of Bateman properly developing his nen skills.


>The killing look in the eyes of the number 1 psycho in this arc
>The fucking ketchup stain at the last page just after that

She is dead. Now is a corpse deal with it.

Is he /ourguy/?

That's Pariston

But now it's obvious she can monitor others using the cockroach, so they'll make sure to discuss sensitive info in an insect-free environment to stop Oito from observing them.

Hisoka you mean.

To me he is, the dude's hilarious. I'm expecting great things from him. Pariston is also a good pick but he's irrelevant right now.

Hisoka is reddit's guy