What does Sup Forums think of the age of consent?

What does Sup Forums think of the age of consent?

there should be none, we are conscious to experiment, earlier the better.

So I heard you like mental retards with large breasts

somehow I'm not surprised that a monkey would say such a thing.

The FBI has arrived

why are we alive and conscious then? to work?

As long as she is not married and her father is still alive a woman should not have the legal capacity to consent.


it should be 14

western men are far too weak. these women dress like whores. the more time passes the more I think that islamisation of europe is a good thing. at least muslim men are not weak cucks and muslim women are not worthless whores

la creatura...

>If theres grass on the field

Play ball

Puberty, with parents consent.

No, see you're a sub human animal, you aren't really alive and conscious, you just think you are.

Women are worthless whores because European men are cucks
European men are cucks because all of the good blood in Europe that wasn’t at the top 1% was killed in ww2 just as the Jews planned

I would consent inside her so hard, then take responsibility for the child and raise it to hate the jews.

Probably this.

Daily reminder that if European (white) men didn’t have their genetics wiped out by the Jewish World War II they would be much more alpha and the women would be much better contained

There’s a reason Amish and Mormon isolationists still have a family unit preserved

Old enough to be 7, old enough to be ate.

This. non whites are incapable of holding logic and emotions at the same time.


>humans arent animals
>you THINK you are conscious
holy shit my dude you are hilariously retarded

t. 56%

Age of consent is good even if "unnatural." Otherwise you get 30 year old beta losers dating prime teen pussy, fucking it up for the younger dudes.
How can highschoolers compete with a guy that owns his own house and BMW?

Age of consent, counterintuitively, is to stop spoiling beta men and niave women

All the girls in my middle school were all flat chested, and this was only back in the early-mid 00s. Is it all the hormones they put in milk nowadays?

>nazis start ww2
>blame jews for ww2

>*counting candles*
>that is a 14 year old
Those milkers, holy shit. Would absolutely secure the future of the white race with her.

I find hair anywhere other then on top of ones head disgusting

I feel like the age of consent is of greater concern to a community or family than it should be to a state or nation.

It's unnecessarily high, but lowering it won't exactly fix anything. You see, degeneracy is already pushed on younger girls, so you'd essentially have to clean up the media entirely before lowering it.

Also, it's correlated with entrapment. The media pushes sexualization of young girls for the public. The public likes seeing this new instilled eye candy and acts upon urgers only to get thrown in the slammer. Hollywood helps put more people into prisons, while Jews enjoy the forbidden fruit in their ivory towers.

Secondly, it's too high because by the time a girl is legal-aged (18) she's already a used-up slut for adults to pretty much get sloppy seconds or thirds, only to get worse as she gets older. Loweing the age won't fix this, since you'd have scumbag thugs, stoners, DJs, soundcloud rappers, club owners, etc. going after younger girls if the AoC were to be lowered, and you know the media tells these girls that these are ideal males.

No age of consent, but then there should be not premarital sex.
If anyone saying anything beyond than this is a degenerate and a shill.
Move on boys.

Consent in marriage for girls, no age of consent for boys.

Consent of the parents to marry off idiot children

Did I miscount, or are there 14 candles on that cake? Jesus, what the hell is in the water?

Said the disgusting weebo fag

I like small and tight pussies. The law isn't gonna stop me from having sex with girls under the age of 15

Me too. Women should always be hairless from the neck down. I even wax my own body, except for my legs, and arms, but only because I’m a guy.

And if there isn't, then play in the mud.

age of consent is a social construct.

biology is biology.

Minds and bodies don't develop at uniform rates. Some become fully mature very young... others never.

Someone has to draw the line somewhere even if it is somewhat arbitrary.